The Sims 4 Actor Career Guide

This guide will cover all the details you need about the Actor career in The Sims 4, like its skills, traits, career levels, and cheats.

You can now choose the Actor Career in The Sims 4 if you have the Get Famous Expansion Pack, and it’s a bit of a challenge. It’s an active one, which means you may accompany your Sim to the workplace and influence how effectively they do their job. Your Sims may show off their dramatic side by appearing in advertisements, Television programs, and movies.

This guide will cover all the details you need about the Actor’s career, like its skills, traits, career levels, and cheats.

How to Become an Actor in The Sims 4?

Go to Find a Job on your phone to begin working as an Actor. Or you can choose the Find a Job option from the Career Panel in the bottom right corner. You will see a set of careers from which you must pick an Actor.

After that, choose the agency you want to pursue. There are the following agencies from which you can choose:

  • I. Staffing Agency
  • Everyday Extras Talent Agency
  • R.A.N. Talent Agency
  • Well Suited Talent Agency

At the start, you will only have the first two agencies to choose from. You’ll unlock the last two agencies as you progress through your career.

Find Gigs

When you’ve chosen Acting as your career, click J to pull up the jobs page, then look to the right for a little button that reads ‘Check Open Auditions.’ Only one gig may be signed up for at a time.

There are two stages once you join up: the audition and the real shooting. The audition is conducted in the same manner as any other job interview. To check what time it is, look at the jobs panel.

Your Sim will be gone for a few hours after they vanish. Their acting performance level and whether or not they performed the ‘daily duties,’ in this case, audition preparation, influence whether or not they did well in the audition.

Prepare for Acting Roles

You should be perfect for the role to receive an audition. They could require a dancer, a vocalist, a musician, or a charming individual. It’s a bad idea to audition when your talents are too much out of range.

You’ll have a few days to prepare, but assignments like “Reach Level 2 Fitness” or “Reach Level 3 Guitar” will most likely be ahead of you.

You have enough time on your hands to achieve the level of skill you require early in your profession. Later, getting two levels inside the 18-24 hours you possess gets considerably more difficult.

You see, you may specialize your Actor and hunt for employment that matches their strengths daily while also honing skills to develop into various sorts of roles.

Get to the Shooting Location

Once you’ve landed a role as part of a successful audition, go back to the jobs panel to discover when the filming will take place. This is also available when you initially register for the gig.

You’ll be able to choose if you want to travel alongside the Sim and take charge or if you want to send them alone. Before the shoot, you’ll usually have two daily chores to accomplish, which will help you prepare and enhance your performance, especially if you’re sending the Sim alone.

When the moment comes, use the studio mirrors to Psych Yourself Up and feel confident. Even though confidence has little bearing on work performance, it does help you improve your acting skills. Because you have time on set, you may use mirrors or other psychological tactics to maintain your confidence.

Get Gold by Acting

In most cases, earning a Gold Reward signifies a rise in a single day, but you’ll also receive additional fame. As with any active career, you’ll also have a to-do list in the upper left corner. Make a list of stylists and outfit fittings.

“Practice acting,” “gossip with staff,” “receive notes from the director,” and other tasks appear, all of which are simple. Once you’ve established yourself as a pro, you can bypass a lot of stuff and stroll in to get your paycheck without caring about gold.

If there’s been a huge event, such as a fire, it is fairly simple for an experienced player to earn gold every time with strong energy, hunger, and so on.

Shoot the Scenes

There are usually certain tasks for each shoot. Inform the director you’re ready, then change into your costume and cosmetics. The set lights up, and you may pick whatever scenes to shoot when you’ve notified the director you’re ready.

On the stage, X markings will emerge. After clicking these, you may begin filming. It’s possible to relax or improve your mood between the takes if you pay attention to the clock.

You can conduct risky scenes if you want to. If you flop, you will receive 0 points, but if you pass, you will receive nearly twice the points of ‘safe,’ which may also be failed when you’re in a bad mood or have a low skill level.

You’ll be able to interact with people and things on stage and see both a dangerous and a safe variation of each interaction. Taking the safe route will always succeed, resulting in worse work performance.

The dangerous contact has the potential to fail, which might negatively impact your work performance. A successful risky encounter, on the other hand, will help to increase productivity more than that a safe one.

Higher acting talent, a pleasant mood, and finishing the preparatory duties, both before the concert and throughout the initial phase, minimize the chances of failing a dangerous engagement.

Each acting job has its own set of chores, and each sort of acting job has its own set of jobs to choose from, so most, but not all, would be the same every time.

Finish all of the scenes, and you’re done. After the filming is over, you will receive notification of your award. Even if you received gold, it does not imply receiving the maximum return.

The salary is the same as always, yet a single session might result in three renowned stars. It’s possible to obtain Gold + 3 fame stars with high-level Acting and filming with multiple scenes. More sequences to film, done dangerously, leads to more fame, but only if the breakpoints are hit.

Best Skills and Traits For Actors

Acting is a distinct skill that determines several career success rates. Raising your acting ability will allow you to work with more reputable talent agencies. The best skills and traits for the Actor are given below.


A confident sim will receive unexpected confidence moodlets over the day, and confidence is crucial for an acting audition. Your Sim will do better in dangerous situations and are more likely to succeed.


Interacting with your colleagues and trying to get to know them is an important part of an active performing profession. You’ll also have to spend time around your fellow actors regularly, so being outgoing is a great characteristic choice to ensure your Sim enjoys these interactions.

Actor Career Levels and Job Ranks

This position, like virtually all others, has 10 ranks. Every time you level up, you get a money boost and may unlock new outfits. The Median Salary is just a comparison of the pay for jobs at that level. If you want things easy, you may take lower-level jobs.

Although numerous levels have the same median wage, this does not rule out the possibility of greater opportunities. It’s only a comparative metric. I believe you must be capable of making this in a week. However, you could probably make much more than that if you keep your calendar busy.

Higher-ranking jobs will earn you more popularity since, as previously said, they feature more scenes. This will boost your famous status and let you acquire perks like skipping auditions.

The details about the ten levels, job types and salaries of Actor Career are given below.

Level Actor Type Median Salary per Gig
1 Uncredited Extra $640/Gig
2 Background Actor $640/Gig
3 Commercial Spokesperson $1755/Gig
4 Guest Star $1755/Gig
5 Supporting Actor/Actress $4010/Gig
6 Sitcom Star $4010/Gig
7 Rising Star $4010/Gig
8 Seasoned Thespian $9800/Gig
9 Superstar $9800/Gig
10 Silver Screen Icon $9800/Gig

Actor Cheats

You may also use certain hacks to advance your Actor career. By hitting Ctrl + Shift + C, you may get to the Cheat Console and access these hacks.

You may play this game with Command + Shift + C on a Mac and use R1 + R2 + L1 + L2 on the console. You must press all four shoulder buttons to access the Cheat Console on Xbox One.

To activate the cheats, put Testingcheats True or Testingcheats on into the Cheat Console and hit Enter. For quick promotion, you can type careers.promote Actor.

A Software Engineer who thinks the real world is too boring and found solace in the gaming universe to fulfil his cravings for unlimited possibilities. I am a gaming enthusiast since Vice City, IGI, Cricket ...