Her Majesty’s Prison isn’t too difficult to escape from if you know what you’re doing, lucky for you guide will tell you just that! Our Escapists 2 HMP Offshore Prison Guide will detail the escape methods.
First Escape – Swimming with Dolphins
The first method of escape is a solo player mode. The items you need for this escape are:
- A piece of string
- A timber
- A paperclip
- A juicy warm
- Talcum powder
- A toothpaste
- A lighter
- A comb or toothbrush
- Intellect of 70

Everything besides pieces of string can be found on desks. For the string, craft an infirmary outfit using an inmate outfit and bleach.
Once you are all stocked up on items. Head to the building located northwest of the cell’s lower floor. It will have a generator at the top.
Go all the way down to the basement. 20% of your red card would have been used until this point. Here, you must catch a fish and give it to Snooty as a gift. This unlocks a favor.
Once you are done with Snooty, head up and collect the book ‘How to Speak Dolphin’. It will be marked on your map.
Read the book and make the cake after collecting all the required ingredients. Once you have the cake, head down and give the cake to Snooty. It will take the cake and help you escape the prison.
Second Escape – Trash Talk
Another single-player way to escape the prison. The items you need for this escape are:
- Talcum powder
- A toothpaste
- A lighter
- A comb or toothbrush
- Intellect of 60

You need to craft items which are CYAN and RED Keys, and a breathable trash bag.
For the fake key cards, you will first need to build a mold. For the mold, you will need putty and molten plastic. Putty can be made with toothpaste and talcum powder.
For the breathable garbage bag, first make a breathing mask with a handkerchief, tubing, and 2 tape. Once you make the breathing mask, make the breathable garbage bag with it.
You also need to increase your Intel to 60 for this escape. You need to take the woodwork job and earn some money so you can build a good pickaxe.
Once you have all the items, make the fake key cards by beating up some guards and using the mold. Return the key cards after so they do not cause any trouble.
With the items loaded, head over to the furniture workplace and destroy the wall just below the contraband detector. It is located at the bottom right of the room.
Once the wall is destroyed, enter the room and keep on going using the CYAN and RED key cards where required.
You will eventually reach a dead end. Here you must use the trash bag to escape the prison.
Third Escape – Perimeter Breakout
Escape solo or with friends in a boat or helicopter in the perimeter breakout. The items you need for this escape are:
- A lighter
- A comb or toothbrush
- Talcum powder
- Toothpaste
- Intellect of 60

The first thing you need to do is craft a wad of putty and melted plastic. To do so, beat up a guard for a red key, and use it to craft a red plastic key. For the red key, target the guard talking at roll call.
Boat Perimeter Escape
You need bolt cutters and two plastic RED keys. At the bottom floor of the map, just right to the Dolphins, you can find an electric fence.

To get over it and escape, all you need to do is turn off the generator, which is located on the east side of the compound.
Once the generator is powered off, you can easily get over it and get on the boat to escape.
Helicopter Perimeter Escape
All you need is a RED key. Once you get the key the rest is pretty easy.

All you need to do is get to the bottom floor and walk across the platform. Keep following it until you reach another building, on top of which you can find your escape helicopter.
Get on top of it and escape. This is very easy to do in multiplayer.
Fourth Escape – Bad Intentions
Get your team because this breakout is only for multiplayer mode. To perform this, you need a lot of items.
- Toothpaste x2
- Talcum Powder x2
- Lighters x2
- Files x2
- A roll of duct tape
- Combs or toothbrushes x2
- Intellect of 60 (or 62 just to be safe)

You need to craft two fake red key molds, two plastic red keys, and flimsy cutters to escape from the submarine. Then, as you did in the Boat Perimeter Escape, disable the generator in the west wing of the compound.
Head to the bottom of the compound and head north [opposite to the direction of the boat] until you reach a double door.
The door will lead you to a submarine, which is your ticket out of here. Just get in the submarine and you are done.