The Cycle: Frontier Zero Systems CPU Locations

The Zero Systems CPU is a rare electronic device in The Cycle: Frontier that you’ll need to craft some very...

The Zero Systems CPU is a rare electronic device in The Cycle: Frontier that you’ll need to craft some very powerful pieces of equipment, such as the Rare Shield, Rare Restoration Shield and Rare Tactical Shield.

If you’re looking to find out where you can find Zero Systems CPU, then look no further than this guide, where we’ll be showing you the best locations to find Zero Systems CPUs in The Cycle: Frontier.

The Cycle: Frontier Zero Systems CPU Locations

The Zero Systems CPU has an item weight of 5 and is worth 506 K-Marks or 5 Faction Points. Since it is used to craft high-level equipment, it is one of more difficult items to find in The Cycle Frontier.

But if you know exactly where to look when trying to farm Zero Systems CPUs, then you’ll be able to quickly find plentiful amounts of this item.

The Zero Systems CPU spawns in Cabinets, Luggage and Briefcases. It seems like this item has a tendency to mostly spawn in areas that are high above the ground, so you should target those areas first when you go out farming.

To give you an idea of how hard it is to find Zero System CPUs in The Cycle Frontier, below we have listed down the drop chances for this item from the different tiers of Cabinets, Luggage and Briefcases.


  • Tier 02: 10.15% Drop Chance
  • Tier 03: 9.33% Drop Chance
  • Tier 04: 9.40% Drop Chance
  • Tier 05: 10.13% Drop Chance


  • Tier 01: 0.73% Drop Chance
  • Tier 02: 5.68% Drop Chance
  • Tier 03: 4.96% Drop Chance
  • Tier 04: 4.70% Drop Chance
  • Tier 05: 4.96% Drop Chance


  • Tier 01: 0.73% Drop Chance
  • Tier 02: 1.07% Drop Chance
  • Tier 03: 1.34% Drop Chance
  • Tier 04: 1.77% Drop Chance
  • Tier 05: 2.07% Drop Chance

From the above stats, it seems that Cabinets are the way to go when trying to farm Zero Systems CPUs in The Cycle Frontier. That said, you’ll find Luggage and Briefcases in every part of Bright Sands and Crescent Falls, so make sure to always loot them as well.

Now to help you out with finding Cabinets, Luggage and Briefcases in The Cycle Frontier, below we have attached map images of Bright Sands and Crescent Falls, which show the location of all of these crates present within them.

Crescent Falls Zero System CPU Locations

Crescent Falls Zero System CPU Locations

As you can see from this map image, the center of Crescent Falls (Greens Prospect) is the best place to farm Zero Systems CPUs as it has the highest density of Cabinets, Briefcases and Luggage.

Bright Sands Zero Systems CPU Locations

As compared to Crescent Falls, Bright Sands contains fewer Cabinets, Briefcases and Luggage for you to find.

Bright Sands Zero Systems CPU Locations

However, the two areas marked on the map, Jungle Camp and Crashed Ship, seem to be a hotspot for finding Zero Systems CPUs. This is because these areas are high up from the ground, and this item seems to spawn more in these types of locations.

So if you’re trying to farm Zero Systems CPUs from Bright Sands, make sure to loot Jungle Camp and Crashed Ships before you move onto the other locations