The Spiked Boko Bow is a mid-tier bow in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom which belongs to the series of Boko bows that fall right above the baseline tier, Boko Bow, and below the Top tier Dragonbone Boko Bow.
Featuring extra durability and firepower, the Spiked Boko Bow is very light and easy to use. New players in particular will find this to be a pretty efficient weapon to dispatch enemies with.
The Bow comes with a 12-baseline damage however, fusing it with other items such as the Shard of Dinraal’s Fang, Naydra’s Fang, and Shock-like Stone will definitely increase its output in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
How to get the Spiked Boko Bow in Tears of the Kingdom
There are multiple ways to get your hands on the Spike Boko Bow in Tears of the Kingdom. The image below points out three such spots, followed by what you need to do over there.

Location 1
The first spot where you can get the Spiked Boko Bow is an enemy Basecamp filled with Bokoblins. The enemy base camp can be located a bit West of the Sahirow Shrine. After clearing the enemy base camp, you can find the Spiked Boko Bow inside a chest near the camp.
Location 2
The second spot involves the same procedure as done in location 1 where you’ll have to clear out an enemy base camp filled with 5 Red Bokoblins and 1 Red Boss Bokoblin.
Going here unprepared may cause Link’s demise. The base camp can be located between Mount Gustaf and West Hyrule Plains south of the Carok Bridge in the region of Hyrule on the Surface.
After clearing out the camp, look for a chest in the base camp where you’ll find the Spiked Boko Bow in Zelda: TotK.
Location 3
The third location is also an enemy base camp where Link will face 1 Red Moblin and 4 Red Bokoblins. The Spiked Boko Bow will be found inside the chest in the base camp. The basecamp is located in the area of Mount Daphnes, North of the Ancient Tree Stump Landmark in the Hyrule Fields region.
Does the Spiked Boko Bow respawn after it breaks in Zelda: TotK?
Being one of the most durable Bow in Zelda: TotK, the Spiked Boko Bow will at some point deteriorate in its stats and eventually break.
To get your hands on a new one, just hunt for Blue Bokoblins as they are carrying the bow with them, or head to any of the locations mentioned above to find it in a chest.