Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom is filled with content up to the brim and when it comes to adventures, it doesn’t lack. Aside from the main storyline and the side quests, there are side adventures that you can also take part in. Hestu’s Concerns is one such side adventure in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.
For this one, you will have to locate and help a character named Hestu. In return, you can access his services indefinitely to increase your weapons inventory slots.
Follow along with the guide as we dive deeper into how you can unlock and complete Hestu’s Concerns side adventure in Zelda: TotK.
Talk to Hestu
You will come across Hestu several times during your playthrough. But for that to happen, you need to find him in Lindor’s Brow in Hyrule Ridge. He will be standing Southeast of Lindor’s Brow Skyview Tower.

You can follow these coordinates (-1706, 1053, 0195) for a more precise location. Once you reach the location, you will find Hestu out there in the open on his knees, shaking with fear.
Talk to him and he will tell you that he is scared of the trees in the distance. Once this conversation comes to a halt, the side quest will be triggered automatically.
Defeat the Evermores
Although there is no prior requirement for Hestu’s Concern side adventure, you will need Korok Seeds during it. So, it is best to have a couple of them handy.
As absurd as it sounds, it is a real objective in this side adventure. After talking to Hestu, you will have to approach the tree nearby which will come to life. It will start following you and attacking you.
These trees are called Evermores. They are shapeshifters who have taken the shape of trees to harass innocent passersby.

The best way to take the tree down is by using fire. You can use any fire weapon such as a bow and arrow with a Fire Fruit attached to your arrows. A few shots should suffice since the fire has a lasting effect. Defeat the tree and proceed to the next objective.
Hestu will no longer be scared once you deal with the threat. He will share his story with you about where he lost his Korok Seed that gave his Maracas the sound they make.

He will tell you that only if you have a Korok Seed for him, he can give your inventory an upgrade. If you have one on you, give it to him.
Quest Reward
He will do his iconic Hestu Dance and at the end, you will receive your inventory upgrade of your choice (weapons/bows/shields). This will conclude Hestu’s Concern side quest in Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.