How To Wait And Skip Time In Starfield 

By using the wait mechanic in Starfield, you can skip time in the game to access content that requires you to be patient. You can also reset inventories for various traders using this way.

Starfield allows you to wait and skip time since the quest and missions start at a particular time; if you have nothing else to do, you can skip time rather than roaming around. The game allows you to skip time while sitting or sleeping, whichever you prefer.  

Skipping time is also good because vendors will have time to restock their shelves, so you have better items to buy. It also allows vendors to set up prices for items; you can clear out your inventory by selling useless and random items for some credits. Follow the guide to learn how to skip time while sitting and sleeping.  

How to wait while sitting in Starfield 

Starfield allows you to waste time by sitting. It is the easiest and simplest way to do so; you just have to find a place to sit. While playing, you find many places to sit, such as chairs, benches, couches, etc. Whenever you see a chair or a stool, interact with it, and it will show the menu for the waiting option. Use the slider to set your timer for your wait time.  

Follow these easy steps to waste and skip time while sitting. 

  • The foremost thing is that you want to find a place to sit.  
  • When you find something, press A (For Xbox) and left-click (For PC) to sit. 
  • Now, a new window will open on your screen. 
  • The pop-up will ask you to set a time for how long you want to be seated.  
  • Set the time and confirm.  
  • To get up, move your player. 

It is worth mentioning that you do not regain health or points while sitting. It is simply to pass the time.  

How to skip time while sleeping in Starfield 

Another way to skip time is to sleep in a bed. It is a better option as it heals your limbs and bruises and boosts your XP. It is a far better option than sitting for hours on a chair because this way, you gain something.  

However, sleeping does not heal if you have serious injuries. So, do not rely on sleeping if you are badly injured. Finding a bed can also be a hassle, as you will not find one lying around, unlike chairs, which are easier to locate. If you are facing trouble finding a bed, get back to your ship and find a bed inside to spend time. 

The steps are the same for spending time while sitting and sleeping are as follows 

  • Approach a bed, press A (Xbox), and left-click (PC). 
  • A new window will pop up, asking you to set a duration.  
  • Set a time and confirm to waste several hours in just a minute. 
  • Move gains and gain XP boost.  
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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...