In the Great Laredo Caper side mission, you have to help two girls catch a thief who is apparently robbing Laredo Arms precisely at midnight in Starfield.
No one believes them, so it is all up to you to listen to their story and catch the thief. Here is what you need to do.
How to unlock the Great Laredo Caper mission
You need to speak with two girls named Annie and Emily to unlock the Great Laredo Caper mission in Starfield. They are located in the Akila City of the Cheyenne System.
When you enter the city’s main gates, head right and go straight ahead. Eventually, you’ll come across stairs located behind the Trade Authority.
Travel down the stairs to confront Annie Wilcox and her friend. Converse with them, and the little girls will tell you about their mission of catching a thief.
Something important to note here is that you will only be able to find the girls during the daytime. You will not find them if you reach their location at night.
How to complete The Great Laredo Caper in Starfield
After confronting the little girls, you’ll be told about robberies at the Laredo Arms. Annie will tell you nobody believes them and will request your help in serving justice.
After agreeing to help, Annie will give you details about the thief. She will tell you about how she spotted him the first time. Moreover, you’ll get to know that the thief breaks in most nights and usually makes an appearance at midnight.
Advance the time
The Great Laredo Caper can only be completed at night, or specifically at midnight Hence, after your conversation ends with the girls, you need to either wait out the day or advance the time.
There are a couple of ways for you to pass the time in Starfield. You can either return to your ship and sleep to fast-forward the time to 00:00 or head to the nearby firing range. There is a chair here that allows you to pass the time.
Head to Laredo Arms and catch the thief
Once it is midnight, follow your quest marker to Laredo Arms in Starfield. It is quite close to where you first spoke with Annie.
You will find the thief sulking around while coming out of Laredo Arms. Confront him and you will be interrupted by the Akila City Security forces.
They will apprehend the thief and you will have a final dialogue with the officer in charge.

Return to Annie
Annie can be found by following the blue marker, which will lead you to The Rock. Update her and her mom about the thief and they will thank you heavily.
This segment will end The Great Laredo Caper side mission in Starfield.
Starfield – The Great Laredo Caper mission rewards
For accomplishing The Great Laredo Caper mission in Starfield, you’ll receive the following rewards:
- 2500 Credits
- 55 EXP