Are you in search of all Stone Eagles locations? Then you are at the right place. These are one of the many types of collectibles you will be looking to bag in Sniper Elite 5. You can collect them by shooting at them, and another good thing is that they are pretty visible and not hidden. Stone Eagles are located on the upper side of buildings’ roofs and other higher locations and as soon as you spot them there, you have to shoot a bullet at them to attain.
There are a total of 24 Stone Eagles that players get to collect in Sniper Elite 5. If you also want to lay hands on all of them and know about the exact locations, then gear yourself up to dive in this guide.
Mission 1: The Atlantic Wall Stone Eagles Locations
Stone Eagle #1

You will see a building of a house on the opposite side of the point where you find Personal Letter #1. You will find the first stone eagle placed on the top of a chimney, so just shoot it with your sniper to get the collectible.

Stone Eagle #2

Reach the hotel towards the western side. You will find a Stone Eagle on the roof of this hotel. As soon as you find this stone eagle, shoot it with your pistol.

Stone Eagle #3

The third stone eagle is on the top of a building which is located next to the beach.

Mission 2: Occupied Residence Stone Eagles Locations
Stone Eagle #1

Stone Eagle #1 can be found on the roof of an L-shaped farmhouse which is situated just before the chateau. One can find it by going to the west side of the map.

Stone Eagle #2

When you reach the bridge, look at the ledge which is situated just before the main gates on the west side. You will find the stone eagle at the tip of the ledge which can be bagged using a sniper rifle.

Stone Eagle #3

It is found on the east side of an outhouse. The outhouse can be accessed by going north from the chateau and reaching the garden. Then moving east from the garden will lead you to the outhouse.

Mission 3: Spy Academy Stone Eagles Locations
Stone Eagle #1

Reach the beach situated towards the west. Now, you will find a stone eagle reaching out from the building southwest to the island. Shoot it down with your sniper.

Stone Eagle #2

You will find this stone eagle under a roof of a turret which is to the right of the building on the western side. This is the same sniper nest where you find Personal Letter #4.

Stone Eagle #3

It is on the top of a tower that seems to have sunk with its top visible, which can be found by going to the extreme north of the map.

Mission 4: War Factory Stone Eagles Locations
Stone Eagle #1

Get into the factory and then reach the extreme eastern side of the map by going through the ziplines. You will find the stone eagle on the top of a wall on the southeastern side.

Stone Eagle #2

This Stone Eagle can be found in the southeastern corner of the map. It will be on the upper side of blast furnace.

Stone Eagle #3

It can be found by going to the southern corner of the map. Once here, move east from the train station depot. Stone Eagle can be found on the roof, so just shoot it using the rifle.

Mission 5: Festung Guernsey Stone Eagles Locations
Stone Eagle #1

Going to the tower on the northwestern part of the island, you will find this stone eagle if you are coming from the southern side of the map. You can see it around the corner of the building of the observation tower while looking from above the sea.

Stone Eagle #2

Approach the large church which is situated right in the middle of the map. One can find this stone eagle on the top of the spire which is situated on the extreme eastern side.

Stone Eagle #3

You can find this by accessing Mirus Munitions Bunker which is situated on the extreme eastern side of the map. Prefer to use a silenced pistol at this point.

Mission 6: Liberation Stone Eagles Locations
Stone Eagle #1

While moving to the village at the starting of the level, you will find a windmill on your east. Stone eagle can be found at the top of this windmill.

Stone Eagle #2

This is located on the northwestern side of the map right at the back of the church. Find the Stone Eagle using binoculars and grab it using a rifle.

Stone Eagle #3

Destroy the tank on the northern side of the map through mortars and destroy the barriers that are on the way to the bridge. Find Stone Eagle #3 by going to the window frame at upstairs.

Mission 7: Secret Weapons Stone Eagles Locations
Stone Eagle #1

Move towards the road to the south of a house building and look for this in the rocks.

Stone Eagle #2

Head towards the north of the map and look for it at the lower part of the bridge that is situated to the west. You will find it at one of the dam spillers.

Stone Eagle #3

Reach the tower on the eastern side of the castle area which is situated on the southwestern side of the map. Move up the stairs and then back towards the tower. You will find Stone Eagle #3 on a wall.

Mission 8: Rubble and Ruin Stone Eagles Locations
Stone Eagle #1

Look towards the far west by going to the front of the Sea View Offices to find this Stone Eagle.

Stone Eagle #2

Reach the boundary of this mission by following the road which is to the east of the sewer entrance. By observing the far east side from here, you can see it towards the left side of giant silos.

Stone Eagle #3

Going to the northwest side of the map, you can find this on the top of a large building. Here, you are required to kill Yoshikawa as well.

Mission 9: Loose Ends
There are no Stone Eagle collectibles in this mission.
Mission 10: Wolf Mountain (DLC)
Stone Eagle #1

On the Bergh’s top, you can find this stone eagle sitting there.

Stone Eagle #2

At this location, the Stone Eagle can be clearly seen sitting on the tunnel’s top.

Stone Eagle #3

This is Hitler’s favorite place: the picturesque lakeside. Open your sniper’s scope, and just across the lake, you will be able to see the last Stone Eagle right on the top of the shed.