Riot Games Co-Founder Puts Forward Suggestion Of League Of Legends MMO

Riot Games co-founder Marc Merrill has apparently put forward the possibility of a League of Legends MMO earlier today, after a map was released.

Riot Games co-founder Marc Merrill has put forward a suggestion on Twitter of a League of Legends MMO game, just after the studio released a map of the game’s setting, the world of Runeterra. All the backup lore for the game has made it a developed setting, so who knows.

Runeterra is a world of a large number of heroes, villains, monsters, grand kingdoms, and strange magic. While the titular League of Legends keeps the peace through a number of these nations, it’s still a wide open world filled with a variety of hazards. Whether it’s the battlegrounds of the endless wars between Noxus and Demacia, the hazardous and seedy underbelly of Zaun, the deserts of Shurima, or the high peaks of Ionia, there’s plenty of places to go for adventure.

Considering how popular League of Legends is around the world, a League of Legends MMO taking place in the same setting might be pretty popular, as long as Riot decides to make it a good one. There’s bound to be a ton of content you can come up with to keep players interested with all of the goings-on in the game. Not to mention the possibility of actually meeting your favorite League characters, or even fighting them yourself in the terms of some villains like any of the void creatures or Fiddlesticks.

There’s even lots of potential for raids; for instance, imagine finally defeating Xerath alongside Azir and Nasus, and possibly restoring Renekton’s sanity, or hunting Warwick through the bowels of Zaun’s back alleys.

Whether or not a League of Legends MMO will ever come to fruition remains to be seen, but it’s still a neat idea that Riot may act on at some point in the future if it gets enough interest, especially given how popular the game already is.

Hunter is senior news writer at He is a long time fan of strategy, RPG, and tabletop games. When he is not playing games, he likes to write about them.