It has been a while since Resident Evil 6 was released by Capcom, more than three years actually. However, back then, the game was released on PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and Microsoft Windows.
The year after that got us PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, and they have been stealing all the limelight ever since. In such a situation, wouldn’t it be nice to get some of those infections on the current generation of consoles as well?
Apparently, the developers are working to do just that.
While Capcom has not officially confirmed or denied anything like this, the Korean Game Rating Board suggests that resident Evil 6 is soon going to be released to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. They just rated the game for the said platforms.
We don’t have any expected release dates, or any interesting details to share about the port right now, but since the word is out, we are sure the developers will come up with some more (official) information very soon.
The reason why the Korean Game Rating Board is a worthy source here is because they are after all, the official body that every game passes through and also because it was them who leaked the existence of Resident Evil: Revelations high definition version.
Stay connected with us for more on Resident Evil 6 though.