Red Dead Redemption 2 treasure hunting takes a lot of time given you have to find treasure maps first and then follow the directions on the map to find treasures in the game. In our RDR2 treasure map locations guide, we walk you through treasure map locations that will lead you to the locations of the treasures!
Red Dead Redemption 2 Treasure Maps Locations
Looking for treasure in Red Dead Redemption? Well, your goal will take you across the map to some of the most unforgiving, treacherous grounds. Each treasure requires you to gather various maps from various locations. Once you have all maps you can put them together to pinpoint the location of the treasure.
Finding RDR2 treasures is the hard part but the locations where the treasures located aren’t easily accessible so your job won’t be over just by finding maps.
High Stakes Treasure
In order to find Red Dead Redemption 2 high stakes treasure, you will have to find 3 treasure maps scattered through the game which will lead you to the final treasure which has 3 gold bars for you to take.
High Stakes Treasure Map #1
To access this treasure map in Red Dead Redemption 2 you first need to complete “The New South” Chapter 3. On top of this, you need to complete the Treasure Hunter chance encounter which pops up at a certain location on the map.

High Stakes Treasure Map #2
The second map will also become available once you complete “The New South.” The first you will take you to Cumberland Falls, each of Wallace Station. Go behind the waterfall and climb to the ledge above to locate a small nook. The map is behind the rock.

Complete the first two steps to get the maps before traveling up the snowy mountains to Barrow Lagoon, a frozen lake deep in the West Grizzlies, northwest of Valentine. Head up to the log bridge connecting the mainland to the small island in the center.

High Stakes Treasure Location
When you get all three maps, third high stakes map will take you to a path along a cliff located to the southwest of the Bacchus Station. Make your way down the ledges to reach a small stone overhang to find three gold bars inside a small crevice to the cliff face.
Le Tresor Des Morts Treasure
In order to find Le Tresor Des Morts treasure in Red Dead Redemption 2, you will have to find two treasure maps that will guide you to the treasure location to recover five gold bars.
Le Tresor Des Morts Map #1
This isn’t available to all of you as it is exclusive to those who pre-ordered the digital version or got the Special/Ultimate Edition of RDR 2.
Head to the burned settlement to the southwest of Horseshoe Overlook. There is only a single building is a stone jailhouse. Enter the building pick up the map sitting next to two dead bodies inside.
Le Tresor Des Morts Map #2
Get the first map to trigger the second location. Head to the Saint-Denis docks. It is hidden in an underground passage connecting Cornwall Freight Station’s yard and the harbor. Examine the wall next to the wooden crate inside the passage to get the map.
Le Tresor Des Morts Treasure Location
Get both maps and decipher the second one that will take you to Saint-Denis cemetery. Locate the mausoleum with a stained glass window to the west of the central dome, north of the walkway. Examine the wall to your left to locate a hole with five gold bars inside.
Jack Hall Gang Treasure
Finding Jack Hall Gang treasure requires you to find 3 maps before you get the location of the treasure to recover 2 gold bars.
Jack Hall Gang Map #1
Jack Hall Gang treasure map is available once you enter Chapter 2. Speak with Maximo, a stranger using his binoculars to the west of Flateneck Station. He will offer to sell you the treasure map which you can buy from him for $5. If you don’t feel like spending $5 you can always rob him at the cost of some honor.

Look at the first map and you will notice Caliban’s Seat, north of Horseshoe Overlook. You can traverse narrow ledges from the top of the cliff to reach a crack in the wall. Here you will find the second map.

Head to Cottora Springs directly west of the Bacchus Bridge. Examine the pile of rocks close to the geysers.

Go to O’Creagh’s Run north of the Emerald Station, east of Grizzlies East. Swim to the small island in the middle of the lake and examine the bushes. The treasure is hidden under a rock, two gold bars.

Poisonous Trail Treasure
This treasure is unique as no one sells the map for it nor will players encounter any NPC that talks about it. Instead, they will just have to get lucky and stumble upon this. Thankfully, we have already uncovered the location of the maps and treasure to help you.
Poisonous Trail Map #1
Head to the West Grizzlies, and then head southeast from the town of Colter towards the Cairn Lake. Enter the lodge at the Cairn Lake and look under the bed to find the map in a lockbox.
Poisonous Trail Map #2
The map points towards Lemoyne, north of Rhodes and north of Hill Haven Ranch. Look for the face rock shown in the map as you head northwest from Hill Haven Ranch. Go to the right of the rock face and down the slope till you come across a withered tree trunk and fallen log. The second map is inside the withered tree trunk.
Poisonous Trail Map #3
Go to lower Roanoke Ridge in New Hanover, just west of Van Horn Trading Post. Follow the road along the river and then halfway through, climb the abandoned tower on the hill to the south. From the top you should be able to see small rocks arranged in the formation of the circular end of a snake. Go to the rocks and you will find the map in a hole.
Poisonous Trail Treasure Location
Move north from the rocks to Elysian Pool of Roanoke Ridge. At the north end of the pool you will see a waterfall. Go to the secret passageway behind the waterfall into the cave system. While exploring the caves once you reach a fork, take the path on the right, keep going forward and then go down the ledge into a pit with rocks piled up at the end. The treasure is behind the rocks, 4 gold bars, which you can sell for a decent price.
Torn Treasure
This is a unique treasure that you can only find after the epilogue of Red Dead Redemption 2. The torn treasure will lead players to Otis Miller’s Revolver but they will have to kill two hermits to get both pieces of the map.
Torn Treasure Map #1
The male hermit is to the east of the game map, north of the town of Annesburg. Manito Glade near Annesburg is where the hermit lives in a house with fences and keep out signs outside it. Approach the house, kill the hermit and go inside the house to collect the Rare Shotgun (your only chance to do so) and the map from inside a drawer.
Torn Treasure Map #2
The female hermit is to the west of Western Elizabeth, far nothwest of Wallace Station. Follow Little Creek River into the mountains and her home is in the woods off to the right. She will send her dogs after you so kill them and then the hermit herself. Enter the house and collect the map from inside a drawer.
Torn Treasure Location
Once you have the complete map, head down to the town of Armadillo. Northwest of the town along the state line near Rattlesnake Hollow, you will find a small cave entrance. Inside the cave, you will find Otis Miller’s revolver.
This is the complete Red Dead Redemption 2 Treasure Hunting Guide that details all of the locations.