There are three maps for the High Stakes Treasures in RDR2, and your journey to these maps begins when you find one of the Strangers. You will go through several locations, receiving numerous rewards along the way, and in this duration, you will also progress in your main challenge.
In this guide, we will discuss how to find High-Stakes Treasure Maps in Red Dead Redemption 2. So, without wasting any more time, let’s get into it.
High Stakes Treasure Map #1 Location

It is a prerequisite to complete Chapter 3 before you start with this because the Stranger from which you get this mission will not appear before that. The path between Wallace Station and Cumber Falls is where you are most expected to find this stranger. There’s also a chance of finding him all through the Heartlands.
After you’ve met with the Stranger and gotten the map from him, you need to go to Cumberland Falls to find this Treasure Map. There is a small path on the eastern side of the Waterfall using which you could go behind the waterfall. The map is above the ledge there, in the top right of the nook.
High Stakes Treasure Map #2 Location

For this one, you will have to go to Barrow Lagoon, which is northwest of Valentine in the Western Grizzlies. But before you go, be sure to gear up in your winter warmers. There will be a Log Bridge there that you have to cross, and just across it is this treasure map.
High Stakes Treasure Map #3 Location

This one is a little hard to track because of the winding path shown by the previous map. For this one, you will have to go to Bacchus Station and then go west of the “S” in the word “station” towards the big hill. When you get up there, a path will be heading towards a ledge; you need to follow this path.
Remember that you have to sprint, or else you will slide off. When you get around the corner of the rocks while sprinting, jump, and a ledge will be visible below. Make the jump for this ledge, and once you get there, you will another ledge, jump to it, and go around the corner by crouching. The map is present there, and there will also be three Gold Bars in the nook nearby, worth $500 each.