Red Dead Online Update 1.10 Brings Wild Animals Challenge, A New Showdown Mode and More
New Red Dead Online update 1.10 has now arrived on Xbox One and PS4. The latest update brings a new challenge to the game, a new showdown mode and more.
New Red Dead Online update 1.10 is now available for download on Sony’s PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One. This is Red Dead Online’s first update since coming out of beta. The latest Red Dead update 1.10 brings a new challenge to the game along with a new showdown mode, care package and more.
First, there’s a new challenge now available called Wild Animal Kills Challenge. As the name suggests, players will have to hunt down animals in this challenge against other hunters. To win, players will have to hunt down the biggest animals in the Wild West.
Points will be rewarded depending on the size of the animal. This way, small animals will reward you with one point, medium with 2 points and large animals with 3 points. When the challenge starts, players will encounter dangerous animals like wolves, cougars, and bears. Just take down the biggest animal to take away the lead. Furthermore, players are not allowed to shoot or kill each other during this challenge.
Apart from that, a new showdown mode called Head for the Hills is now live in the game which is described as follows by Rockstar.
Players take turns making a last-ditch run across no-man’s-land to their safe house, while opponents have only one objective: to hunt you down. Stake out the high ground, hide in the shadows or stalk your enemies out in the open, but don’t let them get to safety.
Head for The Hills
This sounds like a lot of fun to me so give it a try today after installing Red Dead Online update 1.10. Apart from Head for the Hills, two more Showdown modes called Public Enemy and Sport of Kings will come our way in the near future.
Those interested in some extra cash and gold can earn $50 RDO by completing the first mission named Honor Among Horse Thieves from “A Land of Opportunities”. Furthermore, players can earn RDO$75 for completing Kill Them, Each and Every One, and 10 Gold Bars for completing Destroyed by Grief mission.
Additionally, installing Red Dead Redemption 2 update 1.10 will allow you to grab a free care package Camp Lockbox or Post Office. The free care package contains the following items.
5x Potent Miracle Tonic
5x Potent Snake Oil
5x Potent Health Cure
5x Potent Bitters
120x Express Revolver Ammo
Rockstar Games has also added a variety of new clothing items to Red Dead Online this week. New outfits include Flora Corseted Chemise, Paddon Shirt tops along with limited quantities of Plaid Cap, Racoon Hat, and Shaffer Chaps. A new “How Dare You” emote is now also available.
Special Racoon Hat
As an extra, anyone who enables 2-Step Verification will receive a special Racoon hat along with 10 Gold bars and $500,000 for use in GTA Online.
Interested folks can read the full details of Red Dead Redemption 2 patch via Rockstar Newswire.