Pokémon Sword and Shield offers players three basic starting Pokémon, a fire type, a grass type, or a water type. However, since you can easily find many Pokémon just roaming around before the first gym leader, it can be difficult to figure out which ones to add to your party.
These early Pokémon will be low-level as you will encounter them in the wild before you challenge the first gym leader. Still, with a little bit of love and training, they have the potential to become your best companions as you travel through Galar in Pokémon Sword and Shield.
Below, we’ve listed the 10 best early Pokemon in Pokemon Sword and Shield in no particular order. We’ve also discussed where they can be found and their evolutions and strengths/weaknesses as well.
10. Blipbug

Blipbug is a cute little bug Pokémon that can be obtained on route one with a 30-percent encounter chance and also on route 2 with a forty-percent encounter chance. Blipbug evolves at level 10 into the Dottler and then at level 30 into Orbeetle, making it psychic as a secondary type. It is resistant to ground, fighting, and grass Pokémon, which can be very helpful.
9. Rookidee

Rookidee is likely the first flying type of early Pokemon you will encounter in Sword and Shield. It evolves into Corvisquire and Corviknight and will give you an advantage when taking on the first gym challenge. Rookidee can be commonly found on Route 2.
8. Nickit

Nickit is a dark-type Pokémon that is also encountered on Route 2. Nickit evolves into Thievul and has good speed to outpace opponents. It will be especially useful against Bede, a recurring rival who mostly uses psychic-type Pokémon.
7. Zigzagoon

Zigzagoon can be found on route 2 with only a 2% encounter chance in the overworld. There are greater opportunities to catch this awesome new Gallarian form. There are other chances to get this Pokémon later in the game, but if you want it before you start adventuring, you should get it as soon as possible. It is a normal type of Pokémon, but it would be very beneficial to keep it around.
6. Wooloo

Wooloo is everybody’s favorite sheep, and he is on this list because why not? He can be found on route 1 with a 15% chance at an overworld encounter and level up to level 24 to get an awesome Doubwool.
5. Chewtle

You have a 10% chance of finding one of these awesome Pokémon in the overworld which you can then evolve into dreadnought at level 22. Its post-evolution state is legendary which is why it is such a great Pokémon to get.
4. Yamper

Yamper is an electric-type early Pokemon that evolves into Boltund in Sword and Shield. Catching it early in the story is mainly for dealing with Hop’s Rookidee in your second battle. Yamper will also be a good choice for when you take on the second gym challenge since the gym trainers and leaders there use water-type Pokémon. Yamper can be found on route 2.
3. Vulpix

A solid fire type on your team never hurts. Vulpix and its evolved form Ninetails can be found on route 3. It will prove very helpful unless you pick Scorbunny as the starting Pokémon.
2. Wooper

A water-earth type Pokémon, Wooper can be found West Lake Axewell Wild area in rainy weather. Its evolved form, Quagsire, is very useful against Nessa, water gym leader, and Kabu, fire gym leader. Quagsire’s Water Absorb ability can be very useful in fights against water-type Pokémon.
1. Magikarp

A water-type Pokémon, Magikarp, can be found in almost any water body worldwide. It can be caught in the lake near Prof. Mangolia’s house on Route 2. Just use your fishing rod when you see bubbles. It mainly evolves into Gyarados. It boasts a strong physical attack and an ability called Intimidate.