New Pokemon Sun and Moon Video Shows Rockruff and Komala Battle

A new Pokemon Sun and Moon video has shown two of the game's Pokemon, Rockruff and Komala, making appearances in two different Pokemon battles.

A new Pokemon Sun and Moon video shows us a few short clips of two of the games’ Pokemon, Rockruff and Komala, in battle against other trainers (or the protagonist). Komala and Rockruff aren’t part of the games’ starters, but they were still revealed a few weeks ago as two of the Pokemon that are available in the Alola region.

In the video in question, Rockruff and Komala battle against an Arcanine in the wild, and with Komala battling against the protagonist and his Electabuzz. However, the Pokemon Sun and Moon video doesn’t really show us anything other than the initial introductions of Pokemon. We don’t see their moves or anything, but we do see one thing that’s new: the game’s Professor introducing himself.

Here we get to see Rockruff doing what Rockruffs do best: be adorable. A Rockruff walks around in front of the (now fully animated) video that the professor sends you. We, unfortunately, don’t see Komala do anything else other than sleep, but at least we don’t have much longer to wait before the games come out in November.

Rockruff and Komala are two of the relatively small amount of Pokemon that we’ve seen in the games so far, but as Sun and Moon get closer to coming out we’ll likely see more and more Pokemon.

After all, on Nintendo’s Treehouse stream at E3 we got three others: Yungoose, Pikipek, and Grubbin. Who’s to say that before November Nintendo won’t reveal more?

Granted, with 150 new Pokemon coming with every new region, what we’ve seen so far is still a relatively small number.

We’ll likely see another Pokemon Sun and Moon video or two before the game comes out that would introduce us to the Alola region, or at least give us one trailer that tells us more about the game than what we’ve seen. We’ll just have to see how the game looks when it finally comes out.

Hunter is senior news writer at He is a long time fan of strategy, RPG, and tabletop games. When he is not playing games, he likes to write about them.