Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee have a lot of new features. Lures are just one of the new items that have been made available, and they act in a way that is opposite to the ‘Repel’ item. There are several Lures present in the game.
In this guide, we’ll explore all the different lure types in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, including how you can get them, their effects, and more. Without wasting any more time let’s get into it
Where to get Lures in Pokemon Let’s Go?

Lures is a new item that can be activated to draw wild Pokémon to your location. These lures can be found in the world or they can be bought from any PokéMart that you may find in the game. Lures may also be found at the Celadon Department Store. They work opposite to Repel, which was used to drive away wild Pokémon.
Wild Pokémon will come to your location in waves when using a Lure. There are 3 different types of Lures: Lure, Super Lure, and Max Lure, and the only difference between them is the duration that they last. The Max Lure lasts for a total of 250 steps and is the highest-tiered lure in the game; the Super Lure lasts for 200 steps, and the basic Lure lasts for just 100 steps.
Lure Effects

When using a lure, there are certain hidden effects you may not be aware of. The first one is that there is now a double chance for Shiny Pokémon to spawn instead of their normal variants. Without any lure, you will have a 0.024% chance of finding a Shiny Pokémon. However, if you have activated Lure, you will have a 0.049% chance of finding a Shiny Pokémon, so using Lures increases the chance of catching.
That is not all, as there is an increased chance of certain rare Pokémon spawning. Specifically, those rare Pokémon that usually have a 1% chance of spawning can now spawn at a higher rate. These Pokémon are found in their specific areas, and you can use the lure around random areas of the map to see if you find a rare Pokémon.
Where to find Rare Pokemon?
The following are the locations where you can find rare Pokemon. We have also given you which rare Pokemon you can find. Use a lure at these places to increase the chances of catching them.
- Rock Tunnel – Kangaskhan
- Mt.Moon – Clefable, Onix
- Viridian Forest – Butterfree
- Water – Cloyster
- Route 7 – Kadabra, Arcanine
- Route 14 – Scyther
- Route 23 – Nidoking, Nidoqueen
Lures also increase the level of the Pokemon that you find by 1. For example, if you are usually going to find a Level 5 Pidgeot in an area, you might find a Level 6 one if you have activated the lure.