In Overwatch 2, you can improve your aim by slightly tweaking the Crosshair settings besides practicing. You need a Crosshair that fits your playstyle perfectly to get the best out of your Hero in this game. So we have prepared this guide to make sure you get the best out of the Hero you love in OW 2.
Now the best Crosshair settings for each player are different. So to make sure you get the best out of the Hero you love, we have prepared this best Crosshair Settings guide for each Hero in OW 2.
Jump To:
- Ashe
- Ana
- Brigitte
- Cassidy
- Doomfist
- D.Va
- Echo
- Genji
- Hanzo
- Junker Queen
- Kiriko
- Lúcio
- Mercy
- Mei
- Orisa
- Pharah
- Reinhardt
- Reaper
- Roadhog
- Ramattra
- Soldier: 76
- Symmetra
- Sojourn
- Sigma
- Sombra
- Torbjörn
- Tracer
- Winston
- Widowmaker
- Wrecking Ball
- Zenyatta
- Zarya
How to change crosshair settings for each character
You can change the Crosshair settings for each player in Overwatch 2. Let’s talk about how to change the settings.
First of all, click the Menu and select the Options button. Inside the Options, you will see the Controls tab. Once you enter it, you must choose the Hero whose Crosshairs settings you want to change.
You can do so by clicking the Change Hero on the right side of the screen. After selecting the Hero, find the Reticle menu in the General tab of Controls.
There you will see a Plus Sign “+” next to Advanced to customize the Crosshair settings of that Hero. You can customize the settings as you want.
Overwatch 2 best crosshair settings for each hero
The following are the best Crosshair settings for each Hero in Overwatch 2.

Being one of the few characters in OW2 that require precise aiming, you need to make sure you get the crosshair and reticle just right for Ashe. While a lot of it is personal preference, below are our recommended reticle settings for Ashe
- Type: Crosshair
- Show Accuracy: On (off for experts)
- Color: Light Green
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 8
- Center Gap: 5
- Opacity: 100
- Outline Opacity: 30
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 100

When it comes to Ana, players are advised to use green crosshairs because green always stands out. It provides accuracy when laying down naps and striking long-range. Additionally, it is large and obvious when things become busy.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Green
- Thickness: 2
- Crosshair Length: 15
- Center Gap: 30
- Opacity: 100
- Outline Opacity: 100
- Dot Size: 7
- Dot Opacity: 100
Baptiste attacks have no spread. Hence, the default settings can work without any issues.
If the default crosshair is a little bit distracting for you, the size and color can easily be changed by going into the settings. The green dot of the Baptiste crosshair has the slightest visual distraction. Try using the following crosshair if you don’t fancy the default crosshair.
- Type: Circle
- Show Accuracy: Yes
- Color: Green
- Dot Size: 4
- Dot Opacity: 100
- Scale with Resolution: Yes
- Thickness: 1
- Opacity: 80
- Outline Opacity: 50

Since Brigitte is a melee character, you don’t really need to worry about crosshair or reticle settings for her in OW2. However, if you are having trouble hitting your Whip Shots, we recommend the following reticle settings in Overwatch 2.
- Type: Circle
- Show Accuracy: Yes
- Color: (Your Choice)
- Dot Size: 4
- Dot Opacity: 100
- Scale with Resolution: Yes
- Thickness: 1
- Opacity: 80
- Outline Opacity: 50
The reticle type that fits Bastion the best is Circle and Crosshairs and below given are the general settings applicable to all the heroes in Overwatch 2.
- Show Accuracy: On
- Color: Green or any color that will stick out from the background for you. Don’t use white, black, or blue
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 15
- Center Gap: 30
- Opacity: Between 80% and 100%
- Outline Opacity: Same as Opacity
- Dot Size: 6
- Dot Opacity: 100%
- Scale with Resolution: On

While playing with Cassidy, precision is the key and that is why we recommend you use a dot crosshair. You can choose green or red color for the crosshair based on the background.
Whichever color is sticking out more, you can go with that. The other general recommended settings for the crosshair are below.
- Type: Dot
- Show Accuracy: On
- Color: Green or Red
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 15
- Center Gap: 30
- Opacity: 80%
- Outline Opacity: 80%
- Dot Size: 6
- Dot Opacity: 100%
- Scale with Resolution: On

Since Doomfist is mainly a melee character, there isn’t much to think about when deciding the reticle settings for him in OW2.
- Show Accuracy: On
- Colour: light blue
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: 9
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 90%
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 100%

The best D.Va crosshair for OW2 that we will recommend to you is a circular white circle. It contrasts very well with the enemy team’s red outline. In this way, you can track enemies more easily.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: White
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 0
- Center Gap: 35
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 100%
- Dot Size: 4
- Dot Opacity: 100%
- Scale with Resolution: On

The best crosshair for Echo would be a Green Circle, preferably with accuracy off and with a center gap of 27.
This is because echo fires bluish-purple-type shots, and light colors can often blend in with the beams as well, making it hard to see the crosshair. The green color contrasts with Echo’s shots, and the circle with a center gap of 27 units will easily allow you to view your weapon’s spread.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Green
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 27
- Center Gap: 27
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 100%
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 0%

We recommend using a green crosshair for a better contrast with the enemy team’s red outline for Genji. Center gap, opacity, and dot opacity can be set to maximum so the landing of shurikens can be understood.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Green
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 2
- Center Gap: 7
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 100%
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 0%

For Hanzo, we recommend you use a Small Reticle crosshair. Smaller Reticles make it easier to be precise and accurate which is important for DPS heroes.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Blue
- Thickness: 2
- Crosshair Length: 15
- Center Gap: 30
- Opacity: 100
- Outline Opacity: 100
- Dot Size: 7
- Dot Opacity: 100
Junker Queen

The default Junker Queen Crosshair works fine, but we recommend you lower its size slightly to pinpoint your aim. In this way, you can target enemies more precisely.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: White
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 0
- Center Gap: 35
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 4
- Dot Size: 100%
- Dot Opacity: On

As a supporting character, your main job as Kiriko in OW2 is to heal your allies. For healing purposes, Kiriko doesn’t really need any crosshair as the Healing Ofuda will automatically track and fly towards any ally you have targeted.
However, for survivability reasons, you do need to rely on your Kunai sometimes and that is where the reticle settings we have mentioned come in
- Type: Circle
- Show Accuracy: Yes
- Color: (Your Choice)
- Thickness: 1
- Opacity: 80
- Outline Opacity: 50
- Dot Size: 4
- Dot Opacity: 100

If you find the default crosshair too distracting and notice your aim’s a little bit off the target, then you might need a change of crosshairs/reticle. The best crosshair to play Lúcio with would be a Purple Circle one.
Since Lúcio mainly shoots green-colored stuff, other colored crosshairs might be hard to see during a full-blown shootout, but the purple color goes well in contrast with the green and allows you to see better.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Purple
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 15
- Center Gap: 15
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 100%
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 0%
Moira doesn’t require you to aim much since her main weapon does area damage. For this reason, we recommend using the dot crosshair since it frees up the screen for better vision.
A higher field of view compared to your opponent can make a world of a difference and the dot crosshair does just that.
It’s completely subjective though other crosshairs can also clear up your screen and help with the aim, so pick one that suits you and not the hero.
It is recommended to run the following setting for maximum effectiveness and accuracy.
- Show Accuracy: On
- Colour: White
- Thickness: 2
- Crosshair Length: 7
- Center Gap: 0%
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 0%
- Dot Size: 10
- Dot Opacity: 0%

She is one of the heroes that doesn’t need any type of crosshair so it’s up to players what type of crosshair they want to use. Mercy will work well with any type of cross-hair as it has almost nothing to do with it.
However, it is advised for players to opt for a cross-hair with a reticle of thickness 1 and a crosshair length of 5. It’s much better if it has a center gap of 5 and almost 100 opacity.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: White
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 5
- Center Gap: 5
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 100%
- Dot Size: 4
- Dot Opacity: 100%

Mei is a character that requires precise and accurate aim. For Mei, we recommend you have smaller green reticles (Green Small Cross) to place your shot on the target.
The color choice of green will be better as the game is full of colors, so you want yours to differentiate, and green will contrast with the enemy’s red outline.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Green
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 5
- Center Gap: 5
- Opacity: 100 %
- Outline Opacity: 100 %
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 0%

We will recommend you go with a small see-through square crosshair. It is useful, especially when the target is moving perpendicular to you.
The other details about the crosshair, like its thickness, opacity, etc., are also given below.
- Show Accuracy: On
- Colour: light blue
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: 9
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 90%
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 100%

For Pharah, the default crosshair or crosshair with a small reticle is the best. Smaller Reticles make it easier to be precise and accurate, which is essential for DPS heroes.
- Show Accuracy: off
- Color: Green
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 7
- Center Gap: 9
- Opacity: 100 %
- Outline Opacity: 100 %
- Dot Size: 0
- Dot Opacity: 0 %
The shape of the crosshair is excellent due to the thickness, length, and center gap figures. The lines and the circles are slightly overlapping and opacity and outlines are maxed so the crosshair is more visible. Visibility is essential during intense fights, and you can keep track of the enemies.

Reinhardt is an initiator of the fights and provides the team with the ability to push through, and we recommend going with a mid-sized green cross hair with a medium size opening.
The crosshair length allows you to aim accurately at the head height, and the mid-sized crosshair is excellent for tank characters. The green contrasts nicely with the enemy red, so we went ahead with the green color.
- Show Accuracy: On
- Color: Green
- Thickness:1
- Crosshair Length:25
- Center Gap:30
- Opacity:80%
- Outline Opacity: 50%
- Dot Size: 6
- Dot Opacity: 100%

The Reaper is Heroes that specialize in spread damage, so the following are the best crosshair settings.
Set the crosshair Type to Circle and disable Show Accuracy. The desired color is Blue.
Next set the Thickness to 1, Crosshair Length to 11, and Center Gap to 50.
Opacity, Outline Opacity and Dot Opacity should all be at 100% while the Dot Size should be set to 6.
- Show Accuracy: Disable
- Color: Blue
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 11
- Center Gap: 50
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 100%
- Dot Size: 6
- Dot Opacity: 100%

Our recommended crosshair setting for Roadhog is based on the spread damage nature of the character.
Our choice of crosshair is using blue circle + dot crosshair. The damage spread can be located more efficiently utilizing the circle crosshair. Moreover, you can adjust the circle size depending on the gun’s spread.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Blue
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: 15
- Opacity: 50%
- Outline Opacity: 100%
- Dot Size: 5
- Dot Opacity: 100%

The type of crosshair that a player should use depends upon their preference. However, it is preferred to use the smallest crosshair available.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Green
- Dot Size: 0
- Dot Opacity: 0%
- Scale with Resolution: Yes
- Thickness: 1
- Opacity: 75%
- Outline Opacity: 100%
Using a green-colored crosshair works best since black or white crosshairs tend to disappear within the darker and lighter areas of the map. If you opt for a red crosshair, it can hinder visibility in case your opponent has a red outline.
So, make sure you either use a green or cyan-colored crosshair since it’ll always keep you in the safe zone.
Soldier: 76

Soldier: 76 character uses primary fire and secondary spread shot. For Soldier: 76, we are recommending the Circle Dot Crosshair.
The crosshair’s color can be set according to your needs, but going for better contrasting colors is essential, as, in Overwatch 2, maps are pretty colorful.
The settings mentioned below will help you operate optimally under all circumstances, so we highly recommend sticking to them.
- Show Accuracy: On
- Colour: White
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: 25%
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 90%
- Dot Size: 4
- Dot Opacity: 100%

Symmetra’s primary fire requires precise aiming. Hence, we recommend using the “Dot” crosshair for clarity and smooth target acquisition.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Green
- Thickness: 2
- Crosshair Length: 7
- Center Gap: 0
- Opacity: 100
- Dot Size: 10
- Dot Opacity: 0

Sojourn default Crosshair is working pretty well, but you can lower its size to target enemies with greater precision.
- Show Accuracy: off
- Color: Green
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 8
- Center Gap: 8
- Opacity: 50 %
- Outline Opacity: 100 %
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 0 %
If you are a beginner, then showing accuracy must be set to off; this will make it easy to keep track of the aim during difficult situations in the game. Furthermore, we kept the outline opacity at 100% to keep our visibility high and complemented it by going with green color.
Moreover, the same crosshair could be used for other heroes, so you don’t have to change it whenever you want to try new things.

A wider crosshair is best for heroes such as Sigma who utilizes weapons that deal spread damage over an area.
Crosshair of type circle and color Blue is best for Sigma. The dot size must be 6. These settings are ideal for targeting an area or a group of enemies, rather than a single one.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Blue
- Thickness: 2
- Crosshair Length: 15
- Center Gap: 30
- Opacity: 100
- Outline Opacity: 100
- Dot Size: 7
- Dot Opacity: 100

You won’t be doing a lot of precise aiming while playing Sombra. Hence, you can get away with bigger crosshairs, and the one we recommend is the circle or “+” crosshair.
- Show Accuracy: off
- Color: Green
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 15
- Center Gap: 0
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 0%
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 0%
The green color is suitable for visibility on the map, and the thickness of 1 makes the crosshair skinny which would help align the targets more precisely.
The center of the crosshair provides excellent control over the primary attacks, and we do not require a dot for our crosshair; for that reason, we set the dot opacity to 0.

It is recommended to use a green Circle Dot crosshair. The dot will help you fire your primary fire; the secondary fire can be managed using the larger circle.
Moreover, color contrast is crucial, so we decided to go with Green for better visibility on the map.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Green
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 13
- Center Gap: 15
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 60%
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 0%

Being a Damage hero, Tracer uses Spread Damage abilities such as Pulse Pistol to deal damage. Therefore, to ensure the attack damages as many targets as possible, use the crosshair settings given below.
- Type – Circle
- Show Accuracy – Off
- Color – Blue
- Thickness – 1
- Crosshair Length – 11
- Center Gap – 50
- Opacity – 100%
- Outline Opacity – 100%
- Dot Size – 6
- Dot Opacity – 100%
- Scale With Resolution – On

Winston is a hero who relies more on track, so the crosshair you are using doesn’t matter. We recommend you continue with the default one or the one you are most comfortable with, as that will matter the most.
Since his tesla cannon is going to target any nearby enemies, you don’t need to aim so even a simple dot crosshair is more than enough as it clears out your screen of clutter.

The small size of the crosshair allows you to aim precisely, the 1.0 thickness makes it easier to see the background while the green color allows you to still see the crosshair anywhere despite the lower thickness.
Here are the best possible crosshair settings for Widowmaker in Overwatch 2.
- Show Accuracy: off
- Color: Green
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 10
- Center Gap: 6
- Opacity: 100 %
- Outline Opacity: 100 %
- Dot Size: 5
- Dot Opacity: 0%
Wrecking Ball

If you are playing as a Wrecking Ball, your main task is to disrupt the enemies. You are not using any weapon that shoots and will need precision to hit targets. The only weapon that you are aiming to hit the enemies is Quad Cannons.
The Quad Cannon will not miss any target as its point of impact is very big. Therefore, it is best to not change the crosshair settings and use the default settings. Just change the color of the crosshair to yellow if you want to change any settings.
- Dot Size: 4
- Dot Opacity: 100
- Scale with Resolution: Yes
- Thickness:1
- Opacity:80
- Outline Opacity: 50

Zenyatta is one of the Support Heroes, and perhaps the best crosshair to go with this one would be a simple Yellow colored dot.
This crosshair allows you to aim very precisely with the vibrant Magenta color, which is clearly visible. The original crosshair, on the other hand, might be too distracting to play with as a Support Hero.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Yellow
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 7
- Center Gap: 6
- Opacity: 100%
- Outline Opacity: 0%
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 0%

You can use any crosshair you like, but it would be recommended to use either a small crosshair or a dot one.
- Show Accuracy: Off
- Color: Green
- Thickness: 1
- Crosshair Length: 7
- Center Gap: 10
- Opacity: 80%
- Outline Opacity: 50 %
- Dot Size: 2
- Dot Opacity: 0 %
The green color gives the crosshair excellent visibility, so we added the touch of the outlines making the crosshair clear. We do not have to use a center dot, due to which our dot opacity is 0 %.
The color is entirely up to preference but using a small crosshair that doesn’t take up a lot of space and helps you aim better when using your primary beam attacks.