Outriders Worldslayer Journal Locations

This guide will help you find all the Journal locations in Outriders Worldslayer expansion to expand your lore collection.

There are a total of 17 Journals in Outriders Worldslayer spread across different zones of Map. This guide will help you find all the Journal locations in Outriders Worldslayer expansion.

Outriders Worldslayer Journal Locations

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Destroyed Rift Town Journal Locations

Journal Location #1

You can find a blue truck in the northwest corner of town. Go through the tunnel next to it. The Journal will be with the barrel next to the two people on your right.

Journal Location #2

From the Perimeter Wall, follow the ramp to the left. The journal is next to a dead soldier.

Journal Location #3

The cement building can be accessed from the last area. In the building, descend the stairs to the square table and you’ll find the journal there.

Black Gulch Journal Locations

Journal Location #1

You can find this Journal during the Incursion Quest when you enter the sewers.  You’ll find this Journal when you’re asked about the weather.

Journal Location #2

You can find this Journal in Death Row right next to a burning barrel.

Journal Location #3

You can find this Journal easily after lifting the cargo during ‘Activate the crane’ objective.

Journal Location #4

This Journal can be found easily. All you have to do is enter the wooden platform in Black Gulch Quarry. After that turn right and you will find this Journal right next to the oil drums.

Driftwater Journal Locations

Journal Location #1

Finding this Journal is very straightforward.  This Journal is in the camp, on a table right next to Dr Zahedi.

Journal Location #2

You’ll see a ramp in Driftwater outskirts that will help reach the water. This Journal is placed in a building there.

Journal Location #3

You can easily find this Journal in a building right side of the hill in Stilted Cabins.

Journal Location #4

This Journal is on the ground floor of a building in Harbor which has an entry made of metal.

Journal Location #5

You will get this journal on your way back to the convoy.

Null Point Journal Locations

Journal Location #1

This Journal can be found in the camp on the right side of the trees after the snowy hill.

Journal Location #2

This Journal can be found in the Forgotten Road near a set of pots.

Journal Location #3

You can easily find this Journal in the abandoned camp on the right side of your checkpoint banner.

Journal Location #4

This Journal is on a bench right after you climb the hill.

Exiles Capital Journal Locations

Journal Location #1

You can find this Journal in the Plaza of exiles right before the entrance gate.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...