NieR Replicant Fishing Guide

You might want to try out a few activities on the side while playing NieR: Replicant. In this NieR Replicant...

You might want to try out a few activities on the side while playing NieR: Replicant. In this NieR Replicant Fishing Guide, we’ll be showing you how you can make this profession a profitable source of income.

NieR Replicant Fishing

Fishing can be helpful when it comes to Quests concerning the Fishermen. You can also get valuable and distinct items that can help you upgrade your weapons. As far as the game’s main story is concerned, the fishing helps here when Nier attempts to get Shaman Fish. In addition to this, one can sell the fish and earn gold as well.

How to Catch a Fish

To catch the fish when it appears press B on Xbox and square button on PlayStation. Press A to pull the fish towards you. Then press L to reduce HP and move to the side opposite the direction of the fish. This will allow you to drag its HP to zero so that you can finally catch the fish.

To acquire a fishing rod, you need to speak to the Fisherman.


Here are some useful tips that can help you while fishing in Nier Replicant.

  • Never press the action button and instead move in the opposite direction to decrease the HP.
  • While you are trying to lure the fish, make sure that the rod is completely bent.
  • Nier usually leans in the direction you are pulling, so let it happen to observe his movements.
  • Keep moving the thumbstick in the opposite direction until the HP bar gets depleted.
  • Go to Tackle Shopkeeper to buy the bait that suits you the best, or you can also get them yourself.
  • Make sure that you are precisely in the accurate location where the fish lies
  • Make sure you can distinguish the tug patterns accurately.

Important Items That Can Be Caught While Fishing
You can also collect some of the most valuable junk items helping you to upgrade the Weapons going to Two Brothers Weaponry. The items are listed below

  • Rusty Bucket (Seafront) – Helps you to upgrade Iron Pipe at Level 3. Price is 60 gold, and the bait used is Carp.
  • Rusted Clump (Northern Plains) – Helps you upgrade Blade of Treachery at levels 3 &4. Price is 1040 gold, and Lugworms’ bait is used.
  • Iron Will at Level 3.
  • Iron Pipe at Level 4.
  • Aquatic Plants (Seafront Beach) – The price is 10 gold, and the bait used is Carp.
  • Deadwood (Village) – The price is 20 gold, and the bait used is Sardines.
  • Empty Cans (Desert) – The price is 50 gold, and the bait used is Carp.

Names of Fish, Location And Price

Name Bait Location Sell Price
Shaman Fish Lure Seafront either at the entrance of lighthouse or otherwise follow red X 60 gold
Sardine Lugworm Seafront Beach 125 gold
Blowfish Lugworm Seafront Pier 125 gold
Rainbow Trout Lure Northern Plains (at the dock after crossing the bridge) 600 gold
Bream Lure Seafront Pier 750 gold
Black Bass Lure Village waterwheel 1500 gold
Sandfish Lure Desert (near the fast travel boat) 2500 gold
Dunkleleosteus Lure Seafront Pier 12500 gold
Giant Catfish Carp Eastern Road 2250 gold
Carp Earthworm Village waterwheel 100 gold
Royal Fish Earthworm Eastern Road Pond 4000 gold
Blue Marlin Lure and Sardine Seafront Pier 1950 gold
Rhizodont Sardine Desert near fast travel boat 15000 gold
Shark Sardine Seafront Pier 1250 gold
Hyenia Sardine Desert near fast travel boat 6000 gold

Best Fish To Catch And Sell

Fishing is one of the best ways to earn money. There are many fish that can earn you huge amount of money, like selling price of Dunkleousteus is 12500 gold as mentioned in above table, which is a huge amount.

In order to earn the maximum amount of money make sure you complete all of the Old Fishermen’s quests. Now go on and buy maximum amount of earthworms.

Now move to the Eastern Highway. Now because of quests the fishing skills have been mounted and in addition to this bait help you to catch Royal Fish and Giant Catfish. These fish can be sell for a large amount of money.

Fishing Items Merchants
Tackle Shopkeeper- Located at Seafront. Fish bait and fishing items are included in the stock. To get more from shop complete the Fisherman’s Quest. Tackle shop also assist you when you are performing Fishermen’s Gambit Quest.

Fishmonger- Located at Seafront and the stock mainly includes fish only. Again complete Fisherman’s Quest or catch more fish to get more from this shop.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...