NBA 2K24 Shooting Badges have seen a massive change. Unlike previous installments, you can’t use Shooting Badges to impact your total percentages. In NBA 2K24, Shooting Badges will modify your Shooting Attributes or Show Windows Size. You can also use them to modify the Attributes and Shot Window Size.
Although NBA 2K24 Shooting Badges don’t directly help you boost a green percentage. However, you can use them to indirectly assist you in receiving a green percentage. The Green Window is considered guaranteed to be a successful hit. Keeping this new mechanism in mind, we have ranked the best NBA 2K24 Shooting Badges below for current-gen and old-gen versions of the game.
10. Guard Up

Regardless of being last on this list, Guard Up still packs a punch in NBA 2K24. This shooting badge increases your chances of receiving a jump shot at the right moment when defenders are struggling to save the ball.
9. Comeback Kid

Comeback Kid is one of the most useful shooting badges on this list. You can use it when you are trailing on the court. Use Comeback Kid to receive an increase in your mid-range and three-point skills in NBA 2K24.
8. Catch and Shoot

This badge can increase your chances of knocking down jump shots. After receiving the ball, you can use this badge, but you will only be given a few seconds to execute your move.
7. Claymore

Perhaps the best shooting badge for spotting up shooters. If you are performing spot-ups, you can use this badge to increase your chances of knocking down mid-range shots on the basketball court. This badge can easily net you a win.
6. Middy Magician

Middy Magician is one of the best NBA shooting badges for an attacker. You can use this badge to increase your chances of landing a clean spin shot in front of your opponent at mid-range.
Additionally, you can use it to increase the efficiency of your pull-ups as well.
5. Blinders

The Blinders is an NBA 2K24 shooting badge that is used as an escape from penalties. You can use it to your advantage when performing jump shots while the defender closes out. Thus giving you a lower penalty chance.
4. Space Creator

Space Creator is a combo NBA 2K24 shooting badge. Once you have created space from the defender, you can use it to receive a boot in your hit shots.
Furthermore, you can use it on step-back moves when you cross up a player on the court.
3. Corner Specialist

Arguably one of the best NBA 2K24 shooting badges for a long-range shooter. You can use Corner Specialist to perform long-ranged shots more precisely, regardless of whether you have taken them off a catch or dribble.
2. Deadeye

Deadeye is another Shooting Badge that lowers your chance of receiving a penalty.
You can simply use it to perform jump shots even if a defender is closing out, making it a top-level shooting Badge to acquire in NBA 2K24.
1. Agent 3

We have Agest 3 at the number one spot. This shooting badge is best used when performing pull-up shots at three-point range.
It increases the effectiveness and precision of your shots and can help you receive Gold at some time in your MyCAREER.