Mizutsune is a large beast you’ll encounter during the Bewitching Menace quest in Monster Hunter Stories 2. With these tips and tricks, we’ll show you how to get Mizutsune Egg in Monster Hunter Stories 2 and defeat it in the boss fight.
You’ll encounter Mizutsune during the Bewitching Menace quest. Head over to the Hazepetal Garden, and you’ll find a giant fox to fight. Before starting the fight, get your Prayer Pot on and use Finding Charm and Finding Prayer to increase your chances of getting a good Mizutsune.
Mizutsune Boss Fight

The Mizutsune boss has one main attack to counter your attacks: the Bewitching bubbles. This attack can leave ailments to your character, taking your health down to 50% with a single strike. Therefore, you must have an effective counterattack as well.
Throughout the fight, you’ll be showered with the boss’s main attack, the Bewitching Bubbles. As mentioned, one hit with this attack, and you’re down to 50% health in no time. Apart from that, the boss uses Aqua shock in a head-to-head brawl.
Therefore, the best option is to keep refilling your health bar using the health regenerating potion each time, you get hit by an attack. You can head over to the skill list to find the potion.
With great power comes great weaknesses, and Mizutsune has many of them. Ranging from Body: Slashing/ Blunt and Legs: Slashing/ Blunt to Tail: Piercing. Focusing on these three can surely get you to victory.
As for your attacks, you’ll have to keep Ratha for head-to-head combat since it possesses a speed attack capable of overpowering Mizutsune. Also, following it up with Kyles Rapid Shot P can do wonders by lowering the boss’ health relatively faster than most attacks.
Next up is Riding Ratha which you can do with Leia by using the Sky-high Dive. Now follow it up with Kyle’s Meteor Shower, making it a deadly combo.
Where to Find Mizutsune Egg in MHS 2?

Once you’ve defeated Mizutsune in a boss fight, you’ll be able to find it wandering around near the Catavan Stand in Pomore’s Garden. When you get here, you can find Mizutsune to engage with. However, if you don’t see it here, simply return at a different time.
You’ll have to force Mizutsune to retreat to retrieve a Miztsune Egg in Monster Hunter Stories 2. An alternative that eliminates the need to even face off with Mizutsune would be to simply go out and search for Rare Dens. If you’re lucky, you’ll find Mizutsune Eggs without even fighting one.
Finding one through Rare Dens is a favorable option, considering how fighting Mizutsune can be a chore with the negative ailments it applies to your characters.