Modern Warfare 2 Backwards Compatibility Coming Soon According to Tech Support

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 backwards compatibility may be coming after a statement by Microsoft's tech support, plus a brief appearance once before.

We may get Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 backwards compatibility if a statement by a member of Xbox’s tech support is true. A Reddit user bought Modern Warfare 2 in the hope that it was backwards compatible, but when that wasn’t the case contacted tech support. They in turn said that the game was in high demand and that they believed that the console’s engineers were making it backwards-compatible as they spoke.

With Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare getting a remastered edition when Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare comes out, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 backwards compatibility could come in a similar manner to Gears of War. Gears of War Ultimate Edition came out last year, and soon after the other Gears of War games were also made backwards compatible.

Modern Warfare 2 has also shown up on Xbox One backwards compatibility once before, but it was quickly removed.

Plus, if Modern Warfare 2 backwards compatibility is a thing, Modern Warfare 3 may follow afterward in order to complete the trilogy. Considering that the entire Modern Warfare trilogy is basically what helped to move Call of Duty from another run-of-the-mill World War 2 shooter to one of the biggest multiplayer games of all time, the possibility of them being backwards compatible is pretty likely.

We won’t really be learning anything about what else is coming up on the Xbox One’s backwards compatibility service unless Major Nelson says so, however. As the Director of Programming for Microsoft, Major Nelson is the only one that can announce the various games that are going to be added to the hundreds of games that are backwards-compatible.

Major Nelson normally announces games that are going to the backwards compatibility service via his official Twitter, so if you’re wanting Modern Warfare 2 backwards compatibility in the near future you should keep an eye on his page to see what he announces. Who knows? You may actually see Modern Warfare 2 on it some day.

Hunter is senior news writer at He is a long time fan of strategy, RPG, and tabletop games. When he is not playing games, he likes to write about them.