Metal Gear Solid is the long-running franchise in the game industry and this widely popular franchise has witnessed a great loss, as actor John Cygan known for voicing the villain “Solidus Snake” in Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty has passed away.
Michael Chiklis confirmed by posting on his Twitter account that John Cygan is no more with us. Aside from Cygan voicing the Solidus Snake he also voiced the Canderous Ordo in Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic. Chiklis posted a photo of him and John Cygan and shared his thoughts on the loss of his beloved friend.
The reason for his death has not been revealed but John Cygan was actively working on various projects for past few months. He also did some voice work in recent games such as Mafia 3 and Final Fantasy XV.
The latest Metal Gear game to release was Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom pain and this year Konami will launch Metal Gear Solid Survive which is a co-op survival action game and it will be available for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC sometime in 2017.
Aside from this spinoff game, a Metal Gear Solid movie is also in the works. According to the director, Jordan Vogt-Roberts, Metal Gear solid is the most important franchise for him on the planet and praised the work of Hideo Kojima. He added that he recently has been meeting with Kojima himself and that’s been “like a dream”.
That is a property that I will fight tooth and nail to make sure is done properly because it’s so easy to screw it up and so easy for a studio to try and make it into G.I. Joe or try and make it into Mission: Impossible or try and make it into something that it’s not. Metal Gear Solid needs to be exactly what it needs to be, which is Metal Gear Solid.
We extend our deepest condolences to friend and family of John Cygan.
Source: Twitter