Defense is a huge part of Madden NFL 23 and is based on adjusting the lineup and regaining control of the ball. All you need to do is go to the Formation Menu, pick a play, choose your coverage style, and intercept the ball whenever you get a chance.
Maintaining defense isn’t hard, you just need to understand and master defense control.
1. Selecting your Playbooks

Playbooks play a huge part in determining your offense and defense. The first part of your team building is selecting the appropriate playbook.
Playbooks have been updated in Madden NFL 23, and you need to have an in-depth understanding of them to make sure you pick the playbook that works with whatever boosts or abilities your team needs.
2. Interception
Interception is a big part of the NFL series. It helps you anticipate your opponent’s moves and get the ball. Formation is a major part of this, as it improves your ability to predict the opponent.
To intercept the ball, you need to select the targeted defender and press Triangle on PS4, Y on Xbox, and R on PC.
3. Selecting Formation

Your selected formation for the team plays a huge part in determining your team’s defensive capability. A balanced formation will allow you to take advantage of getting goals and keep the opponents from scoring a goal.
On the other hand, defensive formations are best for ending time and preventing the opposing team from scoring a goal.
Using a 3-4 formation lets you focus on linebackers to keep the opponents from rushing. Similarly, DB formation allows you to keep the opposing team from passing the ball around too much.
4. Utilizing the Coaching Adjustments
Some players are difficult to take down, which is where the Coaching Adjustment Screen comes in. This screen helps you modify your team formation in certain areas of the field.
A custom formation is always better than a pre-determined one, as you can control many variables and ensure your formation is properly designed for whatever situation you are facing.
5. Tackling

Your best way of keeping the ball away from your goal is to make sure that all the quarterbacks are out of action. The best way to do this is to tackle down the quarterbacks so they can neither make a pass nor catch one.
Madden NFL 23 has four types of defense tackles that you can use:
- Conservative Tackle: X on PlayStation, A button on Xbox
- Dive Tackle: Square on PlayStation, X button on Xbox
- Hit Stick: Flick Down on the Right Analog Stick on PlayStation and Xbox
- Cut Stick: Flick Down on the Right Analog Stick on PlayStation and Xbox
Using the different tackles will allow you to ensure that the opponent quarterbacks are completely incapacitated and unable to move against your team in any capacity.
6. Blitzing

When starting your coverage, Blitz your player during the pre-play. This lets your player cover areas with a small speed boost. This speed boost can set up your defense so that you blitz the selected player in the middle on the O-line. This allows you to perform much better, and the pressure on the opponents can arrive much earlier than usual.
Another strategy for Blitzing is using it outside of a contain. Using a blitz outside will confuse the O-line. You will raise the pressure, and your quarterbacks will also remain open.
7. D-Line

D-lines allow you to set up defenses, which should be properly used. A D-Line set up to counter the stronger side of the attackers will always keep your defense strong. These can be used to stop runs from your opponents, and you can open a gap that your users can easily seal off.
8. Adjusting to Situation
Adjustment is something that will help you a lot on the field. Even if you have all other essential skills but don’t know how to adjust in different situations, all these skills become irrelevant.
To adjust someone in the secondary, you must double-tap the Y or Triangle button. To adjust the linebacker, you have to double-tap right on the D-pad. Similarly, for defense, double-tapping left will work.
It will allow you to adjust many defenders simultaneously, and you don’t have to switch to each one. You can practice it to improve your speed further.
9. Reading the Coverages

Coverage is vital for defense in Madden 23, and once you master it, no one can defeat you. It is a system that will work in your mind and help you tackle the opponent team’s offense.
But just like you learn to break other teams’ defenses, you have to work on stopping the offense.