Lost Ark Striker Abilites, Engravings, Builds and Tips

Lost Ark has several different classes that players can choose and play as. One of the classes is Striker, which...

Lost Ark has several different classes that players can choose and play as. One of the classes is Striker, which is a Martial Art subclass. This guide will explain everything about the Striker class in Lost Ark and list its pros and cons, strengths, weaknesses, and builds.

Lost Ark Striker Class

Striker is quite a popular PvP class that focuses on hand-to-hand combat and elemental orbs. Striker is the peer of Wardancer but has some distinguishable distances. In addition, the striker specializes in CC utility, which makes him useful in PvP combat.

The striker has a number of different melee attacks up his sleeve, and he will be really powerful when fighting against healer classes. In addition, Striker is a really agile character with high movement speed which can be a great counter against several other classes in Lost Ark.

Elemental Orb

When the Striker uses his attacks and abilities, the specialty gauge fills and generates Elemental Orbs. At a time, three Elemental orbs can be stored. This is increased to four when Deathbow class engraving is used.

The Elemental Orbs are required to utilize Striker’s Esoteric skills, which are highly damaging abilities. The best playstyle with Striker uses normal attacks to generate the Elemental orbs and then just use the Esoteric ultimate skills for real damage.

Striker Strengths and Weaknesses

Below we have listed both the positives and negatives of the Striker Class in Lost Ark.


As discussed above, Striker is a really useful class for PvP combat due to its CC utility and hand combat ability. Striker can deal high burst attack damage and has a lot of CC to back up these attacks. The striker also has a high movement speed, allowing it to perform kiting in PvP combat.

Another one of Striker’s strengths is that his combos are quite simple to perform as compared to some other character classes. It means that you will be able to master these combos relatively quicker, and it will be easier to do so as well.


Coming to the weaknesses, Striker class does not have good defensive stats, which makes it prone to dying quickly if hit by attacks consecutively. His normal attacks are also not that powerful, and it requires stacking orbs to perform powerful Esoteric skills.

This class is also quite poor in PvE as it has been designed to excel in PvP combat.

Best Striker Skills and Tripods

Below we have listed the best skills Strikers has and the tripods associated with them as well.

Storm Dragon Awakening

This attack damages the opponent twice and knocks them up into the air. This is a juggling ability that Striker has. Excellent Mobility, Easy Target, and Fallen Flower Gak are the best tripods for this skill. These tripods will allow extra movement with first kick and inflict extra damage to enemies that are pushed.

Berserk Circle

In this attack, Striker jumps and then strikes the ground, damaging nearby enemies who get launched into the air. With this Skill, Wide Strike, Upright, and Glacial Explosion Tripods work great as the Tripods.

Wide Strike tripod increases the radius of the attack. Upright causes extra explosion and instant attack, whereas the Glacial Expression tripod turns the strike into an ice explosion, freezing opponents in the AoE.

Lightning Whisper

With this skill, Striker can roll forward to perform a lighting attack that does damage and reduces resistance to taking critical damage. Elemental Extortion tripod works well with this skill, as it increases the elemental meter by 25% when you perform a hit.

Sleeping Ascent Celebration

This skill allows you to knock up enemies in any direction. You can change the direction in any direction as well. Wide Strike, Quick Preparation, and Leaf Sweep tripods suit this skill nicely as they increase the radius of the attack, decrease skill cooldown, and allow you to perform this as a combo attack.

Swift Wind Kick

This skill is a spinning kick that does damage while the enemy is in the air. Lighting Round Kick, Wide Strike and Furious Spin Axis are suitable tripods for this skill. They increase attack radius, change the element of the attack to lighting and increase damage.

Lightning Tiger Strike

This is an Esoteric Skill in which Striker knocks opponents high up in the air and then deals damage to them. Single Strike, Tenacity, and Consecutive Kick tripods work well with this skill. Single strike deals increased damage to a single enemy. Tenacity grants you immunity from being Pushed, and Consecutive Kick allows you to perform an extra attack and use the skill again immediately.

Lost Ark Striker Engravings

Each class character has its engravings in Lost Ark, which give you the ability to specialize in a certain aspect of your class. Below we have listed the engravings available for Striker.


This engraving increases your elemental orb by 1 at each level. Not only that, at level one of Deathblow engraving, 17% damage is increased after each orb is used. This increases to 26% and 35% for each orb used at level 2 and 3, respectively.

Esoteric Flurry

This engraving allows you to deal with Esoteric skills by utilizing only 1 Orb. However, at level 1, the damage you do gets decreased by 15% and by 8% at level 2. However, at level 3, there is no damage penalty, and you perform esoteric skills by just using a single orb.

Best Lost Ark Striker Builds

Striker Esoteric Flurry PvP Build

In this build, we will be utilizing the Esoteric Flurry engraving, which will allow you to deal constant damage instead of burst attacks. Additionally, in this build, we will be able to regularly use quite a few Esoteric skills, as Esoteric Flurry Engraving reduces the number of Elemental Orbs consumed by your Esoteric skills to just one.


Lightning Whisper: With this skill, Striker can roll forward to perform a lighting attack that does damage and reduces resistance to taking critical damage.

Lightning Tiger Strike: This is an Esoteric Skill in which Striker knocks opponents high up in the air and then damages them.

Moon Flash Kick: It’s a four-kick combination that you may activate by pressing the button three times. Enemies are knocked back with the last kick.

Tiger Emerges: Dash four meters ahead, knock foes off their feet and kick three times. An orb is spent when this skill is used.

Sky Shattering Blow: It is a Roundhouse kick that may be used several times to knock opponents into the air.

Sweeping Kick: It’s a Combo move that knocks opponents off their feet before dashing in a direction and delivering a spinning kick.


  • Lightning Whisper: Lightning’s Blessing, Quick-Prep, Fatal Lightning
  • Lightning Tiger Strike: Single Strike, Single Hit, Ascension
  • Moon Flash Kick: White Flame Kick, Single Hit, Full Moon Kick
  • Tiger Emerges: Quick Prep, Single Hit, Ascension
  • Sky Shattering Blow: Excellent Mobility, Wide Hit, Abundant Resources
  • Sweeping Kick: Weak Point, Light of Justice, Exaggerated Ability.

Deathblow Build

The Deathblow Build will use the Deathblow engraving with the normal skills. You will use the various normal attacks to generate elemental orbs to use all of them for different Esoteric attacks. This build is focused on doing bursts of high damage from Esoteric skills instead of constant damage like the build above.


Lightning Whisper: With this skill, Striker can roll forward to perform a lighting attack that does damage and reduces resistance to taking critical damage.

Lightning Tiger Strike: This is an Esoteric Skill in which Striker knocks opponents high up in the air and then deals damage to them.

Moon Flash Kick: It’s a four-kick combination that you may activate by pressing the button three times. Enemies are knocked back with the last kick.

Tiger Emerges: Dash four meters ahead, knock foes off their feet and kick three times. An orb is spent when this skill is used.

Sky Shattering Blow: It is a Roundhouse kick that may be used several times to knock opponents into the air.

Sweeping Kick: It’s a Combo move that knocks opponents off their feet before dashing in a direction and delivering a spinning kick.

Storm Dragon Awakening: This attack damages the opponent twice and knocks them up into the air. This is a juggling ability that Striker has.

Violent Tiger: This skill includes multiple kicks in several different styles.


  • Lightning Whisper: Lightning’s Blessing, Quick-Prep, Fatal Lightning
  • Lightning Tiger Strike: Single Strike, Single Hit, Ascension
  • Moon Flash Kick: White Flame Kick, Single Hit, Full Moon Kick
  • Tiger Emerges: Quick Prep, Single Hit, Ascension
  • Sky Shattering Blow: Excellent Mobility, Wide Hit, Abundant Resources
  • Sweeping Kick: Weak Point, Light of Justice, Exaggerated Ability.
  • Storm Dragon Awakening: Excellent Mobility, Enhanced Strike
  • Violent Tiger: Vital Point Hit

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