Lost Ark Platinum Fields Guide

Platinum Fields are island instances for the endgame portion of Lost Ark where players can practice their Trade Skills without...

Platinum Fields are island instances for the endgame portion of Lost Ark where players can practice their Trade Skills without losing any energy. The following guide will show you how to get to the Platinum Fields in Lost Ark and how to farm them.

Lost Ark Platinum Fields

To access a Platinum Field, all members of your group must have a Platinum Field entrance ticket. You will get the quest to unlock Platinum Fields after you obtain your first ticket.

The green bar above the Trade Skill option represents Trade Skill energy (use B to open it). The downsides are that you will not get any Trade Skill experience and that you will require a ticket each time you enter. You will only have 15 minutes once you are inside.

Having tools like the ones with Paralysis Immunity will help because mobs will not hit you while gathering materials from nodes.

Platinum Fields Instances

You will be able to queue for two Platinum Field instances after you get the ticket: Nahun’s Domain and the Old Yudian Canal.

Nahun’s Domain has nodes for foraging, logging, and mining. Old Yudian Canal offers Fishing, Hunting, and Excavating nodes. Both provide unique Trade Skill resources since they perform different tasks and need different Trade Skills.

Nahun’s Domain

The Platinum Field for Foraging, Logging, and Mining is Nahun’s Domain. To begin, split the map into as many parts as there are players. This is done to prevent players from harvesting the same resource nodes at the same time.

You will see several resource nodes with a wooden sign in front of them near the Platinum Field spawn. This is because harvesting particular nodes will result in the drop of a unique item.

You can return to the spawn with those things for special buffs. These buffs may be seen in the upper left corner of your screen. Each player can bring back a maximum of four things. As a result, it is best to go in a group of at least three players. Some of these buffs will unlock access to secret zones with purple resource nodes.

Old Yudian Canal

The Platinum Field for Fishing, Hunting, and Excavating is the Old Yudian Canal. The Old Yudian Canal is divided into two sections. The one on top is for hunting, while the one on the bottom is for excavating. Fishing spots may be found near the bottom.

You need to have at least level 30 of these Trade Skills to get the most out of this Platinum Field. You will locate special artifacts like Nahun’s Domain that you may distribute to get exceptional bonuses.

These buffs are not as valuable as the others, so you may choose whether to go solo or as a group. Buffs include access to chests with special gems which can be traded for rare materials at the Trade Skill Material Exchange NPC.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...