How to Get Engravings in Lost Ark

This guide will help you to understand the Engraving System, How they work in Lost Ark and details of each engraving.

The Lost Ark Engraving System is an essential progression system in Lost Ark that nets your characters game-changing bonuses. This guide will help you to understand the Engraving System, how they work in Lost Ark and details of each engraving.

Lost Ark Engravings

Level 50 onwards in Lost Ark, you’ll be able to get Engravings with your Equipment and ability Stones. These Engravings have a direct impact on your class and bring a variety of enhancements that can lead to game-changing builds.

Types of engravings

Engravings in the Lost Ark are of two types.

  • Generic Engravings
  • Class Engravings

The generic engravings can be used by any class in the game while class engravings are specific to a certain class. Class engravings have a huge impact on character progression.

How Engravings in Lost Ark Work

Engraving in LA work on a level basis. The performance of the engraving is enhanced by its level. Damage engraving for instance, which increases flat damage, may give a damage boost of 5% at level 1 but the same engraving on level 2 will be more lethal, providing a damage boost of 10%.

How to Get Engravings in Lost Ark

There are several ways you can get engravings in the game. One of the most common sources of engravings in LA is game activities. You can be awarded engravings by completing your missions on the mission table, namely Estate Missions in your Stronghold.

Another way to get engravings is Dungeons. Almost all the dungeons have their recipe tables.

400 item level Dungeon unlocks for usually level 50 and drop a low tier engraving. 1300 item level Dungeons, which typically unlocks for levels in the 60s, are more likely to drop you an epic or legendary engraving recipe book.

These recipe books come with an option. You will be awarded a random engraving if you are in need of any. If not, they are tradable items and can be sold at auction houses.

You must get 15 of the same engraving to have it maxed out. Different qualities of engravings recipes offer extra nodes. 5 nodes take the engraving to level 1, 10 to level 2 and 15 finally to level 3.

List of All Engravings in Lost Ark

Here is a list of all engravings in Lost Ark with their Effects and Levels.


Increases the attack by six times for 6 seconds after using a skill. Reaching the max power gives a crit circle.

  • Level 1: 3% attack power per stack. 5% Crit rate
  • Level 2: 6% attack power per stack. 10% Crit rate
  • Level 3: 1% attack power per stack. 15% Crit rate

All-Out Attack

Hold and cast skill speed and increase damage.

  • Level 1: Skill Speed 5%. Damage 4%
  • Level 2: Skill Speed 10%. Damage 10%
  • Level 3: Skill Speed 20%. Damage 20%


Awakening Skill cooldown and maximum use increase.

  • Level 1: Cooldown decreased by 10%. +1 Maximum use
  • Level 2: Cooldown decreased by 25%. +2 Maximum use
  • Level 3: Cooldown decreased by 50%. +3 Maximum use


Damage the enemies while giving a shield.

  • Level 1: 3% increase
  • Level 2: 8% increase
  • Level 3: 16% increase

Broken Bone

Damage to staggered enemies.

  • Level 1: 5% increase
  • Level 2: 20% increase
  • Level 3: 40% increase


After slaying a foe, the attack power and duration of the buff both increase.

  • Level 1: 1% increase (5 stacks).15 seconds
  • Level 2: 5% increase (6 stacks).25 seconds
  • Level 3: 5% increase (7 stacks).40 seconds

Crisis Evasion

When you take Fatal Damage, you become indestructible, and your damage is reversed.

  • Level 1: Cooldown – 15m
  • Level 2: Cooldown – 12m
  • Level 3: Cooldown – 9m

Crushing Fist

Counterattacking successfully increases attack power and the target’s damage bonus.

  • Level 1: Attack power – 4%. Damage taken buff – 2%
  • Level 2: Attack power – 10%. Damage taken buff – 4%
  • Level 3: Attack power – 20%. Damage taken buff – 8%

Cursed Doll

Attack power is increased by 25%, and healing is reduced by 25%.

  • Level 1: Attack power – 3%
  • Level 2: Attack power – 8%
  • Level 3: Attack power – 16%


Damage to foes below 30%.

  • Level 1: 9%
  • Level 2: 22%
  • Level 3: 36%

Divine Protection

There’s a chance you’ll get a 60 percent damage reduction bonus.

  • Level 1: Cooldown – 60s
  • Level 2: Cooldown – 20s
  • Level 3: Cooldown – 10s

Drops of Ether

Ether-movement speed orbs have a chance to be created.

  • Level 1: Cooldown – 60s
  • Level 2: Cooldown – 30s
  • Level 3: Cooldown – 10s

Emergency Rescue

When your HP drops below 30%, you’ll get a shield equal to your maximum HP.

  • Level 1: Max HP Shield – 20% Cooldown – 300s
  • Level 2: Max HP Shield – 30% Cooldown – 240s
  • Level 3: Max HP Shield – 50% Cooldown – 180s

Enhanced Shield

All status effects are removed, however, the % shield HP value is reduced.

  • Level 1: – 90% HP shields
  • Level 2: – 75% HP shields
  • Level 3: – 50% HP shields

Ether Predator

Create Ether that only you have access to. Increases attack and defense power while stacking up to 30 times for 90 seconds.

  • Level 1: Attack power stacks – 0.2% Defence stack – 0.3%
  • Level 2: Attack power stacks – 0.3% Defence stack – 0.6%
  • Level 3: Attack power stacks – 0.5% Defence stack – 1%


Shield and Healing increase on party members.

  • Level 1: Value increase ­ 6% Party members below 50% HP. – +3%
  • Level 2: Value increase 14% Party members below 50% HP. – +7%
  • Level 3: Value increase 24% Party members below 50% HP. – +12%

Explosive Expert

Bomb and grenade carry limit.

  • Level 1: +1
  • Level 2: +2
  • Level 3: +3


Incoming damage decrease per HP lost.

  • Level 1: 5%
  • Level 2: 15%
  • Level 3: 30%


Damage to boss enemies is increased by a percentage. However, incoming Boss damage increased by 20% at each level.

  • Level 1: 4% damage to bosses
  • Level 2: 10% damage to bosses
  • Level 3: 20% damage to bosses

Heavy Armor

Increases defense that isn’t affected by armor decrease.

  • Level 1: +20%
  • Level 2: +50%
  • Level 3: +100%

Hit Master

Non-front, back, or Awakening abilities and attacks deal more damage.

  • Level 1: 3%
  • Level 2: 8%
  • Level 3: 16%

Increase Mass

Attack speed and attack damage increase.

  • Level 1: Speed – 10% Power – 4%
  • Level 2: Speed – 10% Power – 10%
  • Level 3: Speed – 10% Power – 18%

Keen Blunt Weapon

Increased crit damage vs a 20% risk of reduced damage.

  • Level 1: Crit damage +10%
  • Level 2: Crit damage +25%
  • Level 3: Crit damage +50%

Lightning Fury

Lightning Orbs can be generated by attacks. Five Orbs detonate and cause damage.

  • Level 1: Generate every 4 seconds
  • Level 2: Every two seconds
  • Level 3: Every second

MP efficiency

While below 50% mana, MP recovery and enemy damage are increased.

  • Level 1: MP Recovery bonus – 5% Damage bonus – 3%
  • Level 2: MP Recovery bonus – 15% Damage bonus – 6%
  • Level 3: MP Recovery bonus – 30% Damage bonus – 12%

Magic Stream

Mana recovery is stacked, and full-stack grants Cooldown reduction. When you’re hit, one of your stacks is depleted.

  • Level 1: MP – 5% CD – 3%
  • Level 2: MP – 10% CD – 6%
  • Level 3: MP – 15% CD – 10%

Master Brawler

Head attack damage bonus

  • Level 1: 5%
  • Level 2: 12%
  • Level 3: 25%

Master of Ambush

Damage bonus to successful back attacks.

  • Level 1: 5%
  • Level 2: 12%
  • Level 3: 25%

Master of Escape

Stand up action cooldown

  • Level 1: 4%
  • Level 2: 12%
  • Level 3: 25%

Master’s Tenacity

Damage increase while below 50%

  • Level 1: 3%
  • Level 2: 8%
  • Level 3: 16%

Max MP Increase

Increase maximum MP amount

  • Level 1: 5%
  • Level 2: 15%
  • Level 3: 30%


Attacks can call temporary soldiers who inflict harm on their opponents.

  • Level 1: Cooldown – 75 seconds
  • Level 2: Cooldown – 30 seconds
  • Level 3: Cooldown – 15 seconds

Precise Dagger

Crit rate increase but crit damage decrease.

  • Level 1: Rate – 4% Damage – -12%
  • Level 2: Rate – 10% Damage – -12%
  • Level 3: Rate – 20% Damage – -12%

Preemptive Strike

Land guaranteed crits with additional damage while attacking challenge or lower-level foes with full HP.

  • Level 1: Damage 30%
  • Level 2: Damage 80%
  • Level 3: Damage 100%


Gain additional damage for 5 seconds after using your mobility skill (space bar).

  • Level 1: 3%
  • Level 2: 8%
  • Level 3: 16%

Raid Captain

Outgoing damage increases as the percentage of movement speed onus increases.

  • Level 1: 10%
  • Level 2: 22%
  • Level 3: 45%

Shield Piercing

Damage to shielded enemies increased.

  • Level 1: 16%
  • Level 2: 50%
  • Level 3: 100%

Sight Focus

Gain a damage bonus with half of it applied to awakening skills when “!!!!!” is spoken in chat. There will be a 20-second cooldown.

  • Level 1: 8%
  • Level 2: 16%
  • Level 3: 22%

Spirit Absorption

Attack and movement speed bonuses.

  • Level 1: 3%
  • Level 2: 8%
  • Level 3: 15%

Stabilized Status

Damage increase when HP is above 80%

  • Level 1: 3%
  • Level 2: 8%
  • Level 3: 16%

Strong Will

Reduces damage taken while pushed

  • Level 1: 5%
  • Level 2: 15%
  • Level 3: 30%

Super Charge

Charge damage and charge speed both increase.

  • Level 1: Speed – 8% Damage – 4%
  • Level 2: Speed – 20% Damage – 10%
  • Level 3: Speed – 40% Damage – 20%

Vital Point Hit

Stagger effectiveness increases.

  • Level 1: 6%
  • Level 2: 18%
  • Level 3: 36%
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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...