Star Wars Jedi Survivor is filled to the brim with collectibles that you can find in different areas of each region. Most of these collectibles are hidden away and need a keen eye and an inquisitive mind to get them. Unless you know where to look, you will likely miss them.
So, to help you out, we will be telling you all about these collectibles with their locations available on the Shattered Moon in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. All these collectible locations are written in a sequence so that you can easily follow them.
Before you go on to get the collectibles, it is recommended to complete the story first. You will then gain all the abilities that are necessary for exploring the area and acquiring all these collectibles.
- Cargo Loading Dock
- Automated Forge
- Superstructure Fabricators
- Array Channel
- Assembly Staging
- Republic Research Laboratory
Star Wars Jedi Survivor Shattered Moon Cargo Loading Deck collectibles
There is only one collectible on Cargo Loading Deck.
Treasure 1: Datadisk 4

Behind the Mantis’s landing spot is a power cable hub on the corner. There will be a datadisk there.
Jedi Survivor Shattered Moon Automated Forge collectibles
There are 15 collectibles available in the Automated Forge Region on Shattered Moon.
Databank 1: The Unconvinced

Once you get to the start of the Automated Forge, go to the left corner of the stairs to get the first databank.
Databank 2: In The Name Of Science

From the last position, use the zipline in front of you to get to the other side. Go straight and take the second left turn. Then go right and got to the corner of systems. Collect the databank from there.
Chest 1: Harmony Grip

Go back from where you collected Databank 1, and jump to the small platform. Jump on the little platform on the right and jump to a chamber. You will find a chest there.
Essence 1: Health

Go back from the chest’s location and jump to the main platform. Take the first right turn and then go left to a small corner. Climb the yellow pipe and turn left. Jump and wall-run to the small ledge with a health essence.
Databank 3: Droid Recharging Station

Again, jump onto the yellow pipe and land on another platform straight ahead. Climb the stairs and go through the conveyer pass. Approach the last droid pot on the left and let BD-1 scan it for you. This way you will collect the databank.
Treasure 1: Datadisk 5

From the last position, head into the big yellow door. On the platform, go to the right corner and get the treasure.
Chest 2: Unique Metal Weapon Material

From the last position, jump and wall run to reach the other portion. You will find a chest in front of you.
Chest 3: Emitter Harmony

Go back to the location of the treasure 1. Go through the big door and stop before the steam door. The chest will be on your left.
Databank 4: Monitoring Station

Go through the steam door and climb up to the platform using a vertical zipline. On the left is another steam door on the other side. Jump there and let BD-1 scan a computer in the room. That is the databank.
Treasure 2: Datadisk 6

Just on the left of Databank 4, there is a small machine in the dark. Behind the machine is a treasure.
Force Tear 1: Fractured Endurance

On the right side of Databank 4, there is an aura rising from the floor. Interact with the aura to start the Force tear combat. After defeating all the droids. You will receive your force tear treasure.
Essence 2: Skill Point

Go through the steam door and jump to the next platform. There, use the zipline and jump on the ledge beneath the top platform. There, you will find the essence.
Treasure 3: Datadisk 7

Move up the platform using the perforated wall. Use the zipline and go down to the next side. Turn left and use another zipline that is going up between the arches. Jump before the finish of the zipline onto a reactor. In the left corner, you will find the treasure.
Treasure 4: Datadisk 8
Move a little bit on the left from the last location and you will find the next treasure.
Treasure 5: Datadisk 9
Again, move to the left and jump onto a small ledge of the rector with some plants. The treasure will be there.
Shattered Moon Superstructure Fabricators collectibles
There are 2 collectibles on the Superstructure Fabricators region on Shattered Moon in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Databank 1: Broken Droid

From the meditation point, go to the area of a dead droid and search for his body for the data bank.
Databank 2: Dagan’s Long Shot

Back on the meditation point, there is a white cylindrical pod that is open. Get there to collect the databank.
Jedi Survivor Shattered Moon Array Channel collectibles
There are 8 collectibles on Array Channels in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Databank 1: Wavelength Honing Control

At the start of the Moon Array area, there are some consoles behind you. Let BD-1 scan the consoles and acquire the databank.
Databank 2: One-Stop Shop

From the previous position, climb up the platform. Jump to the left while avowing the energy blast in the center. Now jump on the ledge and then to the hole of the energy blast. Jump to the next portion before the blast happens. On the left corner, there is some stuff covered with a cloth. Interact with it to get the data disk.
Chest 1: Duelist Jacket

Use the grappling hook to get to the perforated wall before the energy blast. From there, jump to the catwalk on the right.
Open the door on the left and jump to the dynamic ledge on the other side. Climb up to go outside. Jump and wall-run on the next section and go to the source of the energy blast. You can see a small platform at the top from there. Climb there and get the chest.
Databank 3: Walking Giants

Jump to the left area of the energy blast source into the control room and examine the aura to acquire the databank.
Treasure 1: Datadisk 10

Climb the wall and drop down from there. Fall down so you will be respawned on a platform with the treasure on a dead droid.
Databank 4: Ionizing Calibrators
On the same platform, scan the consoles to get the databank.
Databank 5: Prized Merchandise

From the platform, climb the perforated wall next to it and jump to the other ledge after the energy blast. Jump and keep the wall running on the curved walls around the energy blasts.
Carefully go into the narrow hole of the energy blast and go to the right room inside the hole. Scan the dead droid to acquire the databank.
Essence 1: Skill Point
Carefully go into the next right chamber on the energy blast hole and collect the essence there.
Jedi Survivor Shattered Moon Assembly Staging collectibles
There are 11 collectibles available on the Assembly Staging region of Shattered Moon in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Chest 1: Stim upgrade

On the starting point, head into the main arena and climb the platform on the right using a grappling hook. Then use the zipline to get to the other side. Move along the railing and get the chest available on the right side.
Databank 1: Ghosts in the Machine

From the chest’s location, drop down to the glowing glass floor. Go to the railing area and use the grappling hook to get to the zipline going up. Get to the other platform and move to the left using the perforated wall. Climb up the platform. There, examine the aura near the systems. That is the databank.
Treasure 1: Datadisk 14

Near the location of the databank, there are some machine crates placed on one another. Climb these to the top. There will be a treasure on the top.
Chest 2: Ground Pulse Music Track

From the last position where you found the data disk, move on to the catwalk and go right to the next area. There will be a big room which has a plasma entrance door.
Don’t go in there, instead, go to the right catwalk and jump around the machine crates to the small room at the end. There you will find a chest.
Treasure 2: 11 Data Disk

Go back from the chest’s location and go to the right side of the plasma room entrance. Drop down into a trash area and approach a step on the backside. There you will find a Data Disk on the corner of some trash.
Essence 1: Force

On the trash site, use the grappling hook on the drones and climb to the top of a small chamber room. There you will find an essence.
Treasure 3: Datadisk 12

From the location of the essence, jump toward the perforated wall on the other side and climb on the platform next to it. On the platform, you can get the treasure on the corner with some other stuff lying around.
Databank 2: Lifter Droid

On the right side of the location from where you got the treasure, approach the box on the side and let BD-1 scan them. This way, you will get the databank.
Treasure 4: Datadisk 13

Jump from the location of the databank to the other platform. Run around the catwalk and ride the zipline. Turn left and drop on the ground where two droids are guarding the area.
Kill the droids and jump across the platforms on the sides while avoiding the moving electrical lines. On the left side is a platform with a droid shooting at you. Climb there and collect the treasure.
Treasure 5: Datadisk 15

Jump from the previous location to the next platform while avoiding the electrical charges. Again jump toward the next platform with some droids. Kill the droids and approach the dead droid with an orange build called Scavenger Droid. Collect the treasure from him.
Databank 3: Destroyed Wall
Approach the broken pipe on the corner from where you collected the treasure from the droid’s body. Let BD-1 scan the pipe and you will obtain your databank.
Jedi Survivor Shattered Moon Republic Research Laboratory collectibles
There are 10 collectibles available in the Republic Research Laboratory region on Shattered Moon in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
Databank 1: Laboratory Thermoregulator

On the meditation point of the Republic Research Laboratory, there is a console in the room. Approach the console and let BD-1 scan the console to acquire the databank.
Databank 2: Disaster Strikes

From the location of the first databank, head to the left door. Along the left wall head into the room with a broken glass and inside there is a droid. After defeating the droids, head into the left room and go towards the end corner. There is an aura coming near some stuff. Examine the aura to collect the databank.
Databank 3: The Plan

Now leave the room and get back to the room with dead droids. Climb the platforms next to it and reach the end of the room with some consoles. Examine the aura near the consoles to get the databank.
Chest 1: Slice Droideka

Get down from the platform onto the main room with an orb coupler. Use BD-1’s Koboh Grinder and start aiming towards the laser spot to all the way towards the blocked door on the upper platform. When the laser will make contact with the Koboh Grinder resin, it will generate an energy pulse that will unlock the door on the upper platform.
Now, use the blocks to climb up and reach that platform. On the left side is a gate will a green transparent screen. Pass through that screen and head into the next room on the left side. There, you will find your chest.
Chest 2: RSKF-44 Body

Head back from the chest’s location and get out of the broken glass room. Climb on the platform on the left with the help of pots in mid-air. On the platform is a small room. Inside the room is a chest. But unfortunately, the chest will be locked.
To unlock the chest, turn back and search for a blue screen in the middle of two giant pillars. Using BD-1, aim and shoot an electric pulse at it. It will unlock the chest.
Treasure 1: Datadisk 16

From the same platform, jump towards the left side and using the pots and wall running on the curved walls, reach the last platform which has a vertical laser beam coming from its floor.
There on the corner, you can find the treasure.
Databank 4: Stabilizer Beam

Head down from that small platform to the bigger platform on the left. Using the pots, get to the other side and let BD-1 scan the laser source. You will obtain your databank.
Chest 3: Model 13 Body

From the databank’s location, turn right and get to the next platform. On that platform will be a chest. Acquire the chest item near the corner.
Databank 5: Inoperable Console

Drop down to the platform beneath, from the location of the chest. Now, proceed forward and jump towards the ledge of the main control room of that tower.
Run along the consoles on the left side and BD-1 will alert you when one needs to be scanned to obtain the databank.
Essence 1: Centered Perk

Head forward from your previous location and jump towards the pot in the air. From the pot, jump towards the left side and climb the perforated wall to get on the platform. Again jump on the pot and to the platform above it.
Then wall run on the right side and jump on the pots. Do this procedure until you reach the top platform on the central pillar. When you reach there, a massive door will open revealing the control room. In the center of the room is a crystal orb. Interact with the crystal orb to get the essence.
This is how you can get all the collectibles available in the different regions of the Shattered Moon in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.