Force Tears in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor are the fabrics of the universe that transport Cal to another dimension, where he is presented with a particular challenge to overcome. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Force Tears appear a shining purple hue and their challenges can range from simple traversal to tackling multiple difficult foes.
There are 15 Force Tear Locations in total spread across the world of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Completing each one gives you a skill point, while completing all of them earns you the “Blood, Sweat, and Tears” trophy/achievement.
All Shattered Moon Force Tears
Force Tear #1 – Fractured Endurance

This Force Tear can be found in Automated Forge on Shattered Moon. It is present at the end of a hallway, and its exact location is marked on the map above.
The Fractured Endurance challenge requires Cal to defeat a horde of Battle Droids, almost 150 of them.
All Jedha Force Tears
Force Tear #2 – Fractured Determination

Force Tear number 2 is available in Desert Ridge on Planet Jedha. From the marked location on the map, go left and enter a Cave by crossing the green barrier to interact with the next Force Tear.
Fractured Determination challenges Cal to reach his destination using wall run ability while avoiding the red shields. Cal is only allowed to move through the green ones.
Force Tear #3 – Fractured Dexterity

The third Force Tear is hidden inside a Cave in Blustery Mesa on Planet Jedha. The exact location is marked on the map. A green shield marks this area.
Cal must defeat all the enemies using the Twin-Bladed stance to complete the Fractured Dexterity challenge presented by the third Force Tear.
Force Tear #4 – Fractured Cunning

Fractured Cunning is also found on Jedha, near the Timeworn Bridge Meditation Point. The exact location can be found on the map image above.
In this Tear, you have to defeat several waves of droids and bots using the Blaster Stance. The first wave features the greatest number of droids, and every subsequent wave, while difficult, has a lower number of enemies.
Force Tear #5 – Fractured Tradition

Fifth Force Tear can be found in the Monastery Walls on Planet Jedha. It is on a ledge containing a Treasure box, and its exact location is marked on the map.
Cal must defeat all the enemies using his single-bladed stance to finish the Fractured Tradition challenge. Once again, only attempt this challenge post-endgame as it is extremely difficult.
All Koboh Force Tears
Force Tear #6 – Fractured Resolve

The first Force Tear con Koboh can be found in Swindler’s Wash. Go straight from the position marked on the map, and you will come across a waterfall. Enter the cave behind the waterfall to interact with the first force Tear.
The challenge presented by the first Force Tear is called Fractured Resolve and it requires Cal to reach his destination using his platforming skills while avoiding the obstacles.
Force Tear #7 – Fractured Punishment

To find the seventh Force Tear, Cal needs to travel to the Devastated Settlement on Planet Koboh. Go straight from the marked position on the map and turn right to find the next glowing Force Tear sitting inside a destroyed structure.
Force Tear number 7 tasks Cal with Fractured Punishment challenge which requires him to defeat multiple animal creatures to emerge victorious.
Force Tear #8 – Fractured Burden

The eighth Force Tear is hidden in George Crash Site on Planet Koboh. From the meditation point marked on the map, go left and activate the lift. Drop from the lift and you will find a secret entrance on the ground. Enter this cave to find the next Force Tear.
Fractured Burden Challenge unleashes three big creatures on Cal. To survive this ordeal, Cal needs to defeat Bilemaw, Mogu, and Gorocco simultaneously.
Force Tear #9 – Fractured History

Travel to Doma’s Outpost Commodities in Rambler’s Reach Outpost on Planet Koboh. Interact with a statue there to unlock this Force Tear. For this event to trigger, Cal needs to defeat the Spawn of Oggdo.
The challenge presented here is Fractured History. Cal needs to defeat Oggdo Bogdo and the Spawn of Oggdo simultaneously.
Force Tear #10 – Fractured Duality

The tenth Force Tear lies atop the Pyloon’s Salon Tower in Rambler’s Reach on Planet Koboh. Cal needs to climb the vines to reach the top of the salon and interact with the Force Tear.
This Tear tasks Cal with defeating all the enemies using the Double-Bladed stance in a challenge named as Fractured Duality.
Force Tear #11 – Fractured Momentum

The next Force Tear is hidden in Smuggler’s tunnels on Planet Koboh. Walk run from the location marked on the map and cross a green barrier to enter a Cave. The next Force Tear lies right in front of you.
The Fractured Momentum challenge is another traversal challenge that requires Cal to use a zipline and go through green barriers to reach his destination. This is a particularly difficult one and requires a lot of trial and error.
Force Tear #12 – Fractured Agility

Travel to Derelict Dam in Dredger Gorge to find the next Force Tear in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. The exact location of the tear is marked on the map.
The Fractured Agility challenge requires Cal to use his wits and speed to reach the other end. This is a particularly difficult challenge as you need to arrange and jump on floating balloons while avoiding the red barriers in your path. Stepping on floating balloons is a timed sequence and you need to think fast about your next move.
Force Tear #13 – Fractured Power

The location of the next Force Tear is Marl Cavern. From the position marked on the map, look up to your left to find a blue switch. Use BD-1’s electric dart ability to lower the board (electric dart ability can only be obtained by finishing the main quest Rescuing Zee during chapter 5). Wall run three boards until you reach a platform using Cal’s rope pull ability. Turn to your right and you will notice a jumping platform. Use it to reach the next area containing the Force Tear.
Defeat all the enemies using the Crossguard Stance. Fractured Power is a particularly difficult challenge and will throw some of the toughest enemies at Cal in waves.
Force Tear #14 – Fractured Delusion

Cal must travel to Rambler’s Reach Outpost to access this Force Tear. Go behind Doma’s shop and climb the vines to come across jumping platforms (floating balloons). Use all 5 of them to reach a board Cal can run across. Enter the small cave and interact with the Force Tear.
Fractured delusion is a very difficult fight as it will throw waves of enemies at Cal and each wave will contain Soont Madas, a boss. Attempt this Force Tear post endgame only.
All Coruscant Force Tears
Force Tear #15 – Fractured Malice

Travel to the Rooftops of Coruscant Undercity. From the point marked on the map, go right to find a locked door in a hallway. Use the force to open the door and interact with the purple glow to unlock the final Force Tear.
Fractured Malice is the most difficult force tear challenge in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor. Cal needs to take on two Rancors simultaneously. If you are having trouble with this challenge, check out our boss guide on how to defeat a Rancor.