Ark Genesis Space Whale/Astrocetus Taming Guide

This comprehensive guide will give you all details about finding and taming Space Whale / Astrocetus in Ark Genesis.

Space Whale / Astrocetus is a fantastic creature in Ark Genesis that has abilities like warping through hyperspace. It is considered a high-tier creature so taming it is not a bad choice. This comprehensive guide will give you all details about finding and taming Space Whale / Astrocetus in Ark Genesis.

Where is the Space Whale spawn location in Ark Genesis

You can find this creature throughout the Lunar Biome in Ark Genesis. The map below shows you all the spawn spots of this creature.

Ark Genesis Space Whale

We have mentioned below the coordinates of 3 spots, and if you start from any of these and move upwards towards the end of the map, it is guaranteed that you will find a Space Whale / Astrocetus in Ark Genesis.

  • 48 LAT and 16 LON
  • 44 LAT and 27 LON
  • 53 LAT and 34 LON

How to tame Astrocetus

To tame an Astrocetus in Ark Genesis, you must first find a Cannon Ball and a Tech Skiff. You can look for these items in the open space volumes – sometimes pretty high and sometimes low.

Having both Cannon Ball and Tech Skiff Cannon, you should teleport to the Lunar Biome, where you will find these creatures floating throughout space.

Knocking down a space whale is pretty easy if you have both of the prerequisites mentioned above. Depending upon their levels, you can knock one down in a single hit or even knock multiple of them down if they are low-level enough.

To tame it further, you need to provide it with proper food. The preferred food for the Space Whales is Exceptional Kibble. You can get it from any large-sized eggs.

These include the Basilisk Egg, Bronto Egg, Giganotosaurus Egg, Quetzal Egg, Rex Egg, Tek Quetzal Egg, Tek Rex Egg, or Therizino Egg. You can also feed it Raw Prime Meat or Raw Mutton as an alternative for the Exceptional Kibble.

You’ll need a saddle to ride it once it’s been tamed. With the Space Whales, you’ll also gain access to three-gun turrets and a bomber mode.

You can also build on its back, which is limited to 4-5 structures. Besides, the Space Whales can’t mate but can be cryo-posted. It was pretty much all about taming the space whales. If you know of any other methods, please let us know.

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Arslan Shah is junior editor at, a video games addict with more than a decade spent honing the craft. He is a roleplaying video games enthusiast and loves a good story driven RPG.