How To Get Kamura Tickets In Monster Hunter Rise

In this guide, we will tell you exactly How to Get Kamura Tickets in Monster Hunter Rise and tell you what you can use Kamura Tickets for in MHR.

In this guide, we will tell you exactly How to Get Kamura Tickets in Monster Hunter Rise and tell you what you can use Kamura Tickets for in MHR.

Monster Hunter Rise Kamura Tickets

In Monster Hunter Rise, Kamura Tickets function as a crafting material or currency, and you’ll need them for a number of low and high-rank weapons and armor sets.

Channeler and Medium sets and a variety of weapons available in the Smithy, Felyne, Guild, and Kelbi trees can also be unlocked using Kamura Tickets.

Some really good armor sets can be made using the Kamura Tickets, along with some excellent skills. You cannot get these armor items or skills from monsters.

So, going forward, we will discuss how to get the tickets and then these special items by using Kamura Tickets.

How to get Kamura Tickets

Kamura Tickets are a type of reward in Monster Hunter Rise. They’re symbolized with a dark blue icon that looks like a sheet of paper.

Kamura tickets in MHR can be received from Fugen the Elder, an NPC located on the northern side of Kamura Village. If you hit him up after finishing a Village Quest or Rampage Quest, he may offer you a Kamura Ticket as a token of gratitude.

How to farm Kamura Tickets in MH Rise

Gales of Ibushi Blow Again Quest Reward

Gales of Ibushi Blow Again, a seven-star event quest available exclusively to Hunter Rank 8 and higher Hunters, ensures a drop for Kamura Tickets.

You’ll have to fight Wind Serpent Ibushi repeatedly. Even if you despise the fight, unfortunately, there is no other way around. Believe me, you won’t mind when Kamura Tickets start flowing your way.

Farming Roly-Poly Lanterns Quest Reward

If the hunter arrives prepared, the 1-star task “Roly-poly Lanterns” may be completed in slightly over 30 seconds every time. Players who complete this mission will be able to receive Kamura Tickets.

Play through this quest repeatedly to farm some good amount of Kamura Tickets.

How to Use Kamura Tickets

Kamura tickets can be used for a variety of purposes. For example, they may be used to forge weapons, upgrade weapons, or craft armors.

Weapon Forging

The following is a list of weapons that may be forged using Kamura Tickets, along with the number of tickets required for each weapon.

  • Brush Glaive I (2x Kamura Tickets)
  • Cornpopper I (2x Kamura Tickets)
  • Egg Hammer I (1x Kamura Ticket)
  • Grass Flute I (2x Kamura Tickets)
  • Kelbi Stingshot I (2x Kamura Tickets)
  • Ninja Parasol I (2x Kamura Tickets)
  • Origami Axe I (1x Kamura Ticket)
  • Ricebane I (1x Kamura Ticket)
  • Stealth Dango I (1x Kamura Ticket)
  • Teddybear I (1x Kamura Ticket)
  • Ricebane II (2x Kamura Tickets)
  • Watercolor Glaive (4x Kamura Tickets)

Upgrade Weapons

The following is a list of weapons that may be upgraded using Kamura Tickets, along with the number of tickets required for each weapon.

  • Brush Glaive II (3)
  • Catspaw II (1x Kamura Ticket)
  • Cornpopper II (2x Kamura Tickets)
  • Felyne Bow II (1x Kamura Ticket)
  • Kelbi Stingshot II (3x Kamura Tickets)
  • Kelbi Strongshot (4x Kamura Tickets)
  • Mighty Cornpopper (2x Kamura Tickets)
  • Origami Axe II (1x Kamura Ticket)
  • Petal Cloud (2x Kamura Tickets)
  • Pounder of Rice (3x Kamura Tickets)
  • Utsushi Braces (Visible or Hidden) + S variants (2x Kamura Tickets each)

Craft Armor

The following armors can be crafted in MHR using Kamura Tickets.

  • Channeler Hair-tie + S variant (2x Kamura Tickets each)
  • Channeler Hakama + S variant (2x Kamura Tickets each)
  • Channeler Hope + S variant (2x Kamura Tickets each)
  • Channeler Obi + S variant (2x Kamura Tickets each)
  • Channeler Robe + S variant (2x Kamura Tickets each)
  • Medium’s hair-tie + S variant (2x Kamura Tickets each)
  • Medium’s Hakama + S variant (2x Kamura Tickets each)
  • Medium’s Obi + S variant (2x Kamura Tickets each)
  • Medium’s Prayer + S variant (2x Kamura Tickets each)
  • Medium’s Robe + S variant (2x Kamura Tickets each)

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