Horizon Forbidden West The Music In Metal Walkthrough

"The Music in Metal" is an errand where Aloy must head out to Plainsong to check up on Korreh, the...

“The Music in Metal” is an errand where Aloy must head out to Plainsong to check up on Korreh, the brother of Sokorra. It turns out that Korreh does indeed need help to build a musicical instrument for his new song.

The following guide will explain how to unlock and complete the Music in Metal errand in Horizon Forbidden West.

How To Unlock The Music In Metal

The Music in Metal will become available once you have completed the A Tribe Apart side quest. This is because The Music in Metal serves as a follow-up but you should not immediately return to Sokorra in Scalding Spear for the errand.

Once you are done with the side quest, you will eventually hear a rumor, commonly from Rukka near the Base, about Sokorra needing some help. Hence, head to Scalding Spear to speak with Sokorra to begin the errand.

Another way of unlocking this errand is to directly meet up with Jaxx and Korreh in Plainsong. The recommended level for this errand is 20.

How To Complete The Music In Metal

Aloy travels to plainsong and finds Korreh depressed as he cannot leave to search for a specific component, Longleg, which he needs to build a specific instrument for a new song. With a heavy heart, he leaves Aloy and Jaxx to meet up with a metal worker.

Jaxx feels sorry for Korreh and wishes to help him. Aloy also agrees to help Jaxx in finding the Longleg so that Korreh can finally work on building his instrument for his song. You will have two options to choose from, whether to follow Jaxx or travel to the southwest of Plainsong yourself.

Upon reaching the southwest settlement, you will see that Jaxx is having some difficulty fighting the Apex Leaplashers so Aloy helps him in getting rid of the machines.

Following the considerably easy fight, a Longlegs’s call will hit their ears. Upon hearing the call, they decide to follow it through a path made of stones. Now keep climbing the mountains until you find the Longleg at the top.

You will find a Spikesnout accompanying the Longleg so Aloy and Jaxx will have to defeat them both. This fight will be comparatively difficult and once you are done with the machines, take the Longleg’s throat and travel back to Plainsong to surprise Korreh with the component he wanted so badly.

Korreh is delighted to finally have the missing part and, with the help of Aloy, he finally completes the Korreh’s Modified Instrument.

A beautiful melody captivates the audience as Korreh tries out his latest instrument. With this, the errand will be completed.

The Music In Metal Errand Rewards

The reward for completing this Errand Quest is 6250 XP and +3 Skill Points.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...