Microsoft is planning tons of Windows 10 games and we don’t even know about half of them. Recently, someone was able to dig through some Windows Store files thanks to the Gears of War Ultimate Edition listing, and ended up with an extensive list of games.
The list was found in a “Package.StoreAssociation.xml” file where only the Game IDs and/ or codenames were mentioned. There are some titles that have already been announced or listed, but it has more titles that we have never heard of before.
Other than that, the list in question has some really interesting games that most of us will love to have on Windows 10 for instance, it mentions the recently revealed Forza Motosport 6 Apex, Age of Empires Castle, four Press Play games and interestingly, a codename “Microsoft.OpusPG” that is being related to Forza Horizon 3.
Windows 10 Games Leaked List
- Microsoft.Gunpowder
- Microsoft.4Elements2
- Microsoft.AWorldOfKeflings
- Microsoft.Adera
- Microsoft.Adera-Lite
- Microsoft.AgeCastles (Age of Empires Castle)
- Microsoft.AgeofEmapiresCastleSiege (Age of Empires Castle)
- Microsoft.AlphaJax
- Microsoft.AoECastleBeta (Age of Empires Castle)
- Microsoft.ApexPG (Forza Motorsport 6: Apex)
- Microsoft.ArvadaBeta
- Microsoft.AtariGameOver
- Microsoft.Ausar
- Microsoft.BigBuckHunter
- Microsoft.Bingo-Beta
- Microsoft.BulldogThreshold
- Microsoft.BulldogThresholdClosedBeta
- Microsoft.ColdAlley
- Microsoft.CrashCourse2
- Microsoft.DisneyFairies
- Microsoft.DisneyFairiesHiddenTreasures-Lite
- Microsoft.DisneysLittleMermaid
- Microsoft.EdenFalls
- Microsoft.EdenFallsBeta
- Microsoft.EndlessSkater
- Microsoft.EveryStreetUnited
- Microsoft.FableLegends
- Microsoft.FieldStreamFishing
- Microsoft.Fishdom3SpecialEdition
- Microsoft.GalacticReign
- Microsoft.CollateralDamage
- Microsoft.GNS-TEST-APP
- Microsoft.GoCargoBeta
- Microsoft.GoCargoBeta2
- Microsoft.GunpowderLITE
- Microsoft.HaloChannel
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanAssault
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanAssault2
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanAssaultiOS
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanStrike-Beta
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanStrikeiOS
- Microsoft.HaloSpartanAssaultLite
- Microsoft.Hexic
- Microsoft.HoganThreshold
- Microsoft.HoganThresholdClosedBeta
- Microsoft.HoloStudio (HoloLens HDK)
- Microsoft.Ilomilo
- Microsoft.KillerInstinct-Win10
- Microsoft.KinectimalsUnleashed
- Microsoft.Kodu
- Microsoft.Lucille
- Microsoft.MaxTheCurseofBrotherhood
- Microsoft.Minecraft
- Microsoft.MicrosoftBingo
- Microsoft.MicrosoftJackpot
- Microsoft.MicrosoftJigsaw
- Microsoft.MicrosoftMahjong
- Microsoft.MicrosoftMinesweeper
- Microsoft.MicrosoftNumberPuzzle
- Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollection
- Microsoft.MicrosoftSolitaireCollectionPreview
- Microsoft.MicrosoftSudoku
- Microsoft.MicrosoftTreasureHunt
- Microsoft.Microsoft.ProjectDenver
- Microsoft.MinecraftUWP
- Microsoft.MonstersLoveCandy
- Microsoft.MSDonuts
- Microsoft.NFLonWindows10
- Microsoft.OpusPG
- Microsoft.OriandtheBlindForestDefinitiveEdition
- Microsoft.ProjectCastlesBeta (Age of Empires)
- Microsoft.ProjectFlair-Beta (Press Play Game)
- Microsoft.ProjectFortune (Press Play Game)
- Microsoft.ProjectKnoxville (Press Play Game)
- Microsoft.ProjectMercury (Press Play Game)
- Microsoft.Dakota
- Microsoft.ProjectSparkWebsite
- Microsoft.QuantumBreak
- Microsoft.Studios.RecklessRacingUltimate
- Microsoft.RecklessRacingUltimateLITE
- Microsoft.ReCore
- Microsoft.RocketRiot
- Microsoft.RosewoodFP
- Microsoft.RoyalEnvoyIISpecialEdition
- Microsoft.Scalebound
- Microsoft.SecretsTreasureTheLostCities
- Microsoft.SecretsTreasureTheLostCitiesBeta
- Microsoft.SesameStreetTouchandLearnTV
- Microsoft.ShadowPackPC
- Microsoft.ShuffleParty
- Microsoft.SkullsOfTheShogun
- Microsoft.Studios.HydroThunderHurricane
- Microsoft.Studios.PinballFx2
- Microsoft.Studios.TheWavyTubeManChronicles
- Microsoft.Studios.ToySoldiersColdWar
- Microsoft.Studios.Wordament
- Microsoft.StudiosRMTestApp
- Microsoft.Taptiles
- Microsoft.TeamCrossword
- Microsoft.Tentacles
- Microsoft.TentaclesII
- Microsoft.TentaclesEnterTheMind
- Microsoft.TheGunstringer
- Microsoft.TheHarvestHD
- Microsoft.ThisIsOnlyATest
- Microsoft.TJComboBoxingBeta
- Microsoft.TYtheTasmanianTiger
- Microsoft.UglyCastles
- Microsoft.VisitEdenFalls (Eden Falls Demo?)
- Microsoft.WordamentTapSnap
- Microsoft.WSOPFullHousePro
- Microsoft.XboxBriefingE32014
- Microsoft.XboxFitness
- Microsoft.XboxSport
- Microsoft.Zombies
- Microsoft.ZooTycoon3
- Microsoft.ZTFBeta (Zoo Tycoon Free?)
- Microsoft.zzzXLConfigTest
- Microsoft.14822C0D9D6C2
Which of these Windows 10 games excite you the most? Tell us in the comments section below.