A.I. in Halo 4 has been tweaked up a bit to provide fans a more challenging experience that you can alter even further with modifiers. These modifiers come in the form of skulls and we have prepared a complete Halo 4 Skulls guide to help you.
If you happen to be a hardcore fan and jump directly to the legendary difficulty considering the fact that any other difficulties won’t be challenging enough, then i would say that it’s a mistake, and you may end up dying a lot throughout the campaign.
However, if you still find the highest difficulty, no match for your shooting skills, there is something more 343 has to offer. The Skull modes (just like the previous Halo games) will let you tweak the gameplay and make it more challenging.
These skulls aren’t needed to be unlocked so you can use them right from the start. They will introduce the following changes on activation:
Halo 4 Skulls
Black Eye
You will have to melee enemies in order to recharge your shields.
It’s hardcore. You won’t have any HUD to see enemy locations and first person arms and weapon will stay hidden.
You will find enemies grenade happy.
You will feel like as if you are dumb as you won’t be able to sense any motion around with motion sensor being disabled.
The explosions will have positive acceleration effect on the enemies.
It can be a nightmare if you use Famine with Mythic. I found ammo to be scarce at some points in Halo 4 without any skull activated, and I find those scenarios horrifying if Famine is activated.
Grunt Birthday Party
Headshot a Grunt, HAPPY BOOM TIME!
If Iron is activated, you will return to the previous checkpoint on death, and if you are playing solo, it’s worse, you will have to play the mission from the start.
Tough Luck
If the Promethean Knights weren’t adamant enough, this skull will make them (and the other enemies) tougher and aggressive.
Rare combat dialogue becomes more common.
Enemies will have more health which means that you are going to need plenty of firepower if you want to use this skull.
Enemies are more resistant to certain types of damage plus weaknesses is increased.
It will upgrade the overall capabilities of enemies.