There are 13 parachute missions locations in GTA 5, ranging from mountaintops, building rooftops, and helicopter jumps. The objective of the challenges is to make a successful parachuting jump and land at the designated target zone. Doing so will reward you with money for every challenge.
Some challenges will have floating checkpoints you must pass through, giving a bonus for every successful pass. To participate in Parachuting challenges, you must complete Dom’s first mission, “Risk Assessment”. All three characters can participate in parachuting challenges.
The following are the various parachuting challenges available in GTA 5:
1. Pacific Tour Parachute Mission

This challenge is located in La Puerta, southwest Los Santos. You will jump off a helicopter and attempt to land on a boat. The helicopter is parked in a parking lot between a hotel pool and harbor docks.
Once you jump off the chopper, the boat you need to land on will start moving immediately. Skydive to around 700 feet and then pull your chute, after which you should slowly navigate and align yourself to the boat.
Once done, activate precision landing at 400 feet by pressing RB and LB (on Xbox) or L2 and R2 (PlayStation). This will slow your descent and allow for precision control in the first of the parachute missions in GTA 5.
2. Aim for the Fairway Parachute Mission

This challenge is located in Rockford Hills, in north Los Santos. The parachute is on the sidewalk beside a vehicle barrier at a multi-story building. Once you start the mission, you must jump off the rooftop and land at the designated location.
The altitude is pretty low, and you will pull the chute quickly, so you should first identify the landing location. The target is a corner of the golf club. It’s pretty easy to navigate to it, but make sure you don’t end up in the nearby trees. Also, make sure you avoid the fence to the right. Use precision mode to get yourself some control, and make the landing.
3. Carving the Mountain Parachute Mission

This parachute challenge is located in Raton Canyon, Blaine County. The helicopter is on a hilltop. It is a checkpoint-based parachute challenge, meaning you must steer yourself while skydiving and parachuting to pass through floating rings.
The first one requires no steering, and you can pull the chute early to get some control. After the first checkpoint, the second one is located to the right. The third is to the right of the second checkpoint. You can lose altitude by dipping towards the ground. The rest of the checkpoints are also at different altitudes, and you can easily navigate through them.
The final three checkpoints are close to the mountainside, so it’s best to use precision mode here. The landing zone is on a dirt road, so maintain the precision mode to land on it. You will get a bonus of $100 for tagging all the checkpoints and can earn up to $510 from this challenge.
4. Falling Mouse Parachute Mission

This challenge is located in Blaine County, Raton Canyons, but you will jump off a cliff instead of a chopper. The starting point is on top of a mountain, and it can be identified by the stationed bike and parachute on the apex.
This challenge involves another checkpoint jump. The first one is dangerously close to the top of the mountain. First, identify the location of the first checkpoint and then perform a jump. Immediately pull the cord and go through the first checkpoint. The second checkpoint is located to the right.
The landing zone is in the middle of a dirt road. Use precision landing to get yourself right in the middle.
5. Razor Rock Dive Parachute Mission

This is the third parachute challenge in Blaine County, Raton Canyons. It is located on a lowly hanging mountaintop. Look off the edge to find the first checkpoint. Make a jump for it and immediately pull the cord before going through the first checkpoint. Then, pass through the second and third checkpoints to the left while in precision landing mode.
The landing zone is near the end of a small wooden bridge. This short challenge can earn you up to $390.
6. Runaway Train Parachute Mission

This challenge is located on Paleto Boulevard, Raton Canyon. You will be jumping from a helicopter in this one. Locate a chopper parked on a low mountain ledge. Enter the helicopter to start the challenge.
The helicopter will take you high above the canyon. You will be making a jump and landing on a mobile train that passes on the railway track bridge between the mountain tunnels. When you jump, you will already be aligned with the track bridge.
Once you jump, the train will take 10 seconds to arrive, so deploy your parachute three seconds after starting the skydive.
You must land on the third car (and open car) behind the engine. If you are overshooting, use precision landing to slow yourself, gain better control, and get out of it when you start undershooting.
7. The Decline Parachute Mission

This challenge is located in the Procopio Pier, Paleto Bay. The helicopter is parked at the corner of a large pier. Get into the chopper to start the mission. This is a checkpoint-based challenge.
The helicopter will travel to the top of Mount Chiliad and station you next to the ledge of a very tall mountain. Jump off this mountain and pull the cord immediately. The first checkpoint is very close to the side of the mountain and also very close to the jump area.
Pass through it while avoiding the mountain, and then exit precision mode to pass through the second checkpoint. The third checkpoint is located near the lower part of the mountain, while the fourth is over the nearby coastal town.
The landing zone is on the same pier you took off from. Use precision landing mode to drop in the middle of the target reticule.
8. The Fall of the Alamo Parachute Mission

This challenge is located in a construction site in Grapeseed, Blaine County. The helicopter will take you to a high altitude of 1.5 kilometers. The dive will consist of 9 checkpoints, making this a relatively long challenge that could last several minutes.
The first checkpoint is located dead ahead after the diving from the chopper. As fun as free diving is, you can’t reach this one if you don’t pull your chute. So, make an early deployment and align yourself north to get through the first four checkpoints.
After the fourth checkpoint, you must go south for the fifth checkpoint. The checkpoints afterward will slowly align you with the landing zone, which is located on a farm near Seaview Road. It’s a challenge that can get you $540 if you go through the checkpoints successfully. It’s a long challenge as well, but quite easy.
9. Turbine Terror Parachute Mission

This challenge is located in the Wind Farm in the Grand Senora Desert. There is a helicopter near the farm’s construction office. Jump into it to start the challenge.
This is also one of the checkpoint-based GTA 5 parachute missions. The helicopter will take you high above the wind farm. Pull the chute immediately after making the jump. Use precision mode to go through the first checkpoint, turn left, and continue descending through the second one.
The third is located at a sharp left from the second checkpoint. Go through it, then get out of precision mode and turn left to lose altitude quickly to reach the fourth checkpoint.
Avoid the wind turbine blades during this time. After the fourth checkpoint, veer left to find the landing zone on a dirt road.
10. Photo Finish Parachute Mission

The helicopter for this one of the GTA 5 parachute missions can be found on the Vinewood Racetrack in East Vinewood. The chopper is parked near the pond in the middle of the horse track. The helicopter will take you high above the race track. This is also a checkpoint-based challenge.
After making the jump, pull the cord immediately and fly through the straightforward first checkpoint. Go through the second checkpoint smoothly, then pass the third one directly above the racetrack.
The landing zone is located in the middle of the racetrack area. Use precision mode to avoid the trees and make a smooth landing.
11. Dammed if You Don’t Parachute Mission

This challenge is located east of the racetrack in East Vinewood, near Highway 18. A helicopter is parked there. It is also a lengthy checkpoint-based mission requiring you to go through 10 rings before landing in the landing zone.
Pull the cord immediately after jumping so you don’t miss the first checkpoint, which is dead ahead. The first five checkpoints are arranged in a counterclockwise spiral, and the last five are in a clockwise spiral.
The final two checkpoints are above the damn, and the landing zone of this challenge is on the small shore of the stream fork. The real challenge of this mission is the landing zone, which is on a narrow area surrounded by rocky terrain.
Use precision landing mode and steer carefully to avoid touching the rocks and obstacles.
12. Bank Bailout Parachute Mission

This challenge is located in Pillbox Hill, Downtown Los Santos. The chute is resting next to a tile planter in front of the Maze Bank building.
When you start the mission, you will be on a bike on the Maze Bank’s helipad. You can jump off with the parachute or drive off with the bike. Drive off and press Y to quickly ditch the bike. Pull the cord immediately afterward and guide yourself north towards the target landing zone. Use precision mode to get over the freeway and land on the target area in the park.
13. What Goes Up Parachute Mission

This GTA 5 parachute missions is also located in Pillbox Hill, but you must go to the construction site. Climb the crane and then the ladder to get to the top of the crane to find the parachute. Jump off the crane arm’s north part and immediately deploy your chute.
The target is a moving truck on which you must land. Use the precision landing mode to align yourself, and then exit it to approach the truck quickly. If you are overshooting, reenter precision mode to slow yourself down. Keep on doing this and smoothly land on top of the truck.