Greedfall Companions Locations Guide

There are multiple recruitable companions in Greedfall and our Companions Locations Guide will help you find them to add them to your party in Greenfall.

When playing Greedfall, you’ll come across many different factions and from them, you can recruit certain NPCs as companions to help you in your journey. Every Greedfall companion comes with unique skills, combat specializations, and attributes. This Greedfall Companions Locations Guide lists all the companions for you to find.

Greedfall Companions Locations

In Greedfall, you will encounter a total of six different companions. Each of these companions has different abilities and belongs to various factions.

You will meet these companions in role-playing story quests where you can form a partnership with them. You can even have affairs with some of your companions.

Therefore, maintaining positive relations with your companions is extremely important. Friendship levels for each companion can be increased by standing with their faction, speaking with them, and completing their Romance quests. This will help you in recruiting companions.

Companion Reputation

Companion Reputation can be affected in one of two ways. To earn a positive reputation, you will need to aid said companions positively no matter what.

This means that you need to make favorable decisions towards them and complete their respective quests received from their factions. Side-quests are a great way to earn a positive reputation.

As far as negative reputation is concerned, the possibility of reputation loss is tedious, and you might not notice, but any act of yours can possibly hurt your bond with another character.

You’ll see many quests have mutually exclusive choices. In situations like that, it’s important to pick only how it suits you and increase your bond with the character that YOU want.

Each member of your team has a different reputation with you. When you initially start off, there’s not much to go on, but as the game progresses, this bond can be affected one of two ways as mentioned above.

These companions play a crucial role in your experience when playing Greedfall. You bond with them, help them out with their needs, and fight side-by-side with them. Below is a list of all the companions you will meet in Greedfall and their locations:


Kurt is one of the members of the Coin Guard faction. He will be by your side since the start of the game and is known for his combat excellence. Kurt will prove most useful in mitigating damage from yourself due to his heavy armor. Hence, he is considered one of the best characters to have on your front lines during combat.

Note that Kurt has a lot more to offer than just his tanky side. You can use his crafting bonuses to craft better equipment for yourself and your companions. In addition, Kurt can make use of endurance potions to help in combat.


Vasco is one of the members of the Nauts faction and will serve as your ship’s captain during the first chapter of the game. He is another companion that you will encounter at the very start of your progression. He will be waiting for you when you arrive in New Serene.

Vasco has a knack for pistols and one-handed blades. Pistols do only so much damage, especially if you are playing at a higher difficulty. His mastery of one-handed blades, however, will prove most useful. Give him a good one-handed sword to have him perform a secret whirl technique to cut down enemies. You can poison his blade to increase that damage.

Befriending Vasco will boost your Intuition skills.


This Theleme missionary is great for close and distant combat due to this ability to wear different armor sets. Petrus is the only companion that you are not able to romance in the game.

You will find him on your journey during the Old Countries in a New World Quest. He yearns to become a Cardinal someday.

Petrus has known you since your childhood, although you have no memory of him. Petrus is a devotee of Theleme, an extremist religious movement trying to convert the Native tribes.

Petrus possesses the ability to use divine magic rings to fight from a far-off distance. In addition, Petrus’s ability to wear high armor enables him to attack his foes from close vicinity. His special attack, the Shadow Burst, shoots a large magic bolt from his hands with a chance to stagger his target.

His friendship talent Charisma, will give your party access to various dialogue options, which will convince people to do things according to your liking.


Constaintin is your cousin and plays a major role in the storyline of Greedfall. You will meet him in New Serene, or at least after you help rescue him from his kidnappers.


Aphria is the last companion that you will meet in GreedFall. You will discover her as you search for a missing Bridge alliance expedition during Scholars in the Expedition.

Aphra is a member of the Bridge Alliance who is great for long-range combat due to her expertise in firearms and explosives. You’ll meet her when you meet the faction.

Aphra can deal with a tremendous amount of damage from a distance. However, her arsenal consisting only of rifles leaves her vulnerable to melee attackers.

It is essential to protect her from rushing attackers to maximize her impact in the battle. She possesses the ability to launch elemental bombs that work like grenades and cause a great deal of damage.

Aphra’s friendship talent will give you access to science, allowing you to craft your potions in the workbench.


Siora is probably one of the best companions to have in the game. The reason for that is her ability to heal herself and her allies. That healing ability will come in handy throughout the game in every battle.

Siora can furthermore use one-handed blades just like Vasco, but you are recommended to keep her on the backlines for a continuous source of healing. Remember to give her a good healing talisman to boost her heals.

Befriending Siora will grant you additional health and mana.

Best Companion in Greedfall

Siora is the best companion to have with you on your adventures as she possesses the ability to heal you and your teammates. She can protect you from countless encounters along with her clan.

You can avoid many conflicts with the Native people of Teer Fradee just by having her by your side.

Essential Companion Tips

Remember that you can only travel with only two companions at once. You can choose who you want to take care of, but the game will force you to select a companion at times.

During the active pause, you can select the status of your hero and companions. The icons on the left side of the screen will help you out. In addition, you can check out the status of your companions during battles. This will help you in controlling your team.

Do remember that there are certain limits to how much you can influence your comrades, you can only choose their equipment but not their skills. You don’t have to change them rather, make them the best version of themselves.

Another essential tip is magic healing, this is one way to treat heroes which will help you regenerate your health as well as the health of your companions. This is the most effective and quickest way to restore companion health points.

You can also check your relationship status with your companions, all you need to do is enter the character tab. Then, on the left side of the screen, you will see the relationship between you and the other characters.