Genshin Impact Yoimiya Character Guide

In this detailed Genshin Impact Yoimiya Character guide, we will discuss everything you’ll need to know about the newly added Yoimiya.

In this detailed Genshin Impact Yoimiya Character guide, we will discuss everything you’ll need to know about Yoimiya. We’ll go through all of Yoimiya’s abilities, passives, constellations and even ascension materials!

Genshin Impact Yoimiya

Yoimiya is a powerful character with a ton of potential to tear up the new regions in Genshin 2.0. She’s got several different builds up her sleeves. She even possesses a powerful F2P build that rivals even the strongest five-star weaponry.

Yoimiya is mainly a Pyro DPS character in Genshin Impact. She has a great ability to deal massive critical hits after surpassing level 40. Her critical hit rate can even go toe to toe with Diluc. Yoimiya is a powerful character even without elemental damage.

Attacks and Abilities

Melee: Firework Flare-up

  • Normal attack: Can do five consecutive bow shots in a row.
  • Charged attack: Precisely aimed shots with more damage. While aiming flames accumulate on the arrowhead before firing off as an attack. Different effects based on how long the energy has been charged – charge level 1 (fires off a flaming arrow that deals Pyro damage) charge level 2 (generates a maximum of three kindling arrows based on time spent charging, releasing them as an aimed shot, while kindling arrows deal Pyro damage to nearby enemies).
  • Plunging attack: Fires a lot of arrows in mid-air before falling and hitting the surface, dealing AoE damage on impact.

Elemental skill: Niwabi Fire-dance

Teika Enshou: When this happens, conventional attack arrows become blazing arrows, with increased damage which converts to Pyro damage. Charge level 2 does not generate kindling arrows and the effect deactivates when she leaves the field.

Elemental burst: Ryukin Saxifrage

Aurous Blaze: All normal, charged, and plunging attacks, elemental skills, and elemental bursts by other party members marked by Aurous Blaze deal AoE Pyro damage.

When an enemy is defeated during the skill’s duration, the effect transfers to another nearby enemy. One explosion occurs every two seconds. If Yoimiya is down, the skill is deactivated.

Yoimiya Passive talents

  • Blazing match: When Yoimiya creates Decoration, Ornament, and Landscape-style furniture, she has a one-hundred percent chance of getting a refund on the portion of the materials she used.
  • Tricks of the troublemaker: During Teika Fire-Dance, Yoimiya’s standard attack increase her pyro effect by 2%. This impact lasts for three seconds and stacks up to ten times.
  • Summer Scorch: Using Ryukin Saxifrage increases nearby party members’ attack by 10% for 15 seconds, with an additional attack boost based on the amount of stacks from Tricks of the Trouble-Maker.


  • Agate Ryukin: The Aurous Blaze lasts four seconds longer. Yoimiya’s attack increases by 20% for 20 seconds after an enemy is defeated by Aurous Blaze.
  • A Procession of Bonfires: Yoimiya obtains a 25% damage bonus for Pyro damage over six seconds when her Pyro damage scores a critical hit. Even if Yoimiya isn’t active, it can be triggered.
  • Trickster’s Flare: Increase the Teika Fire-Dance level by 3, maximum update 15.
  • Pyrotechnic Professional: Teika Fire-Dance CD drops by 1% when Yoimiya’s Aurous Blaze explodes.
  • A Summer Festival’s Eve: Increases Ryukin Saxifrage’s level by three, with a maximum upgrade of 15.
  • Naganohara Meteor Swarm: During Teika Fire-Dance, Yoimiya’s normal attacks have a 40% change of firing an extra blazing arrow that deals 50% original damage, considered normal attack damage.

Ascension / Talent Ascension Materials

Ascension Materials

Phase 1 Level 20-40 1x Agnidus Agate Silver, 3x Naku Weed, 3x Diving Scroll, 20000 Mora
Phase 2 Level 40-50 3x Agnidus Agate Fragment, 2x Smoldering Pearl, 10x Naku weed, 15x Divining Scroll, 40000 Mora
Phase 3 Level 50-60 6x Agnidus Agate Fragment, 4x Smoldering Pearl, 20x Naku Weed, 12x Sealed Scroll, 60000 Mora
Phase 4 Level 60-70 3x Agnidus Agate chunk, 8x Smoldering Pearl, 30x Naku Weed, 18x Sealed Scroll, 80000 Mora
Phase 5 Level 70-80 6x Agnidus Agate Chunk, 12x Smoldering Pearl, 45x Naku Weed, 12x Forbidden Curse Scroll Scroll, 100000 Mora
Phase 6 Level 80-90 6x Agnidus Agate Gemstone, 20x Smoldering Pearl, 60x Naku Weed, 24x Forbidden Curse Scroll, 120000 Mora

Talent Level-Up Materials

Here are the talent-level up materials required for leveling Yoimiya’s talent to the max

Teachings of Transience X 9
Guide to Transience X 63
Philosophies of Transience X 114
Dragon Lord’s Crown X 18
Divining Scroll X 18
Sealed Scroll X 66
Forbidden Curse Scroll X 93
Crown of Insight X 3

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