Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 5 Challenges Guide

The challenges for season 6 week 5 of Fortnite are here now and players are eager to find out every...

The challenges for season 6 week 5 of Fortnite are here now and players are eager to find out every bit of detail needed to ace these challenges to get Royal Battle Pass. This Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 5 Challenges Guide covers some details on what these challenges are about.

Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 5 Challenges

As always, there is also a new legendary quest to complete in FN Season 6 Week 5. Players need to collect 5000 bars and on every 1000 bars, you will gain a reward. It will require a bit of skill to reach 5000 bars but that is what’s required to ace the legendary quest in FN Chapter 2 Season 6 Week 5.

The rest of the challenges for week 5 of this season of Fortnite Chapter 2 are given below

  • Deal damage with SMG’s
  • Search ammo boxes
  • Use campfire
  • Modify vehicles with off-road tires
  • Drive from Sweaty Sands to Colossal Crops without leaving the vehicle
  • Maintain a speed of 65 for 4 seconds in a vehicle
  • Get 2 seconds of airtime in a vehicle.

Modify Vehicles with off-road Tires
You can find offroad tires in garages, stations and on floors. There is also a chance of acquiring offroad tires by break stacks of tires littered around the map. So basically any tires you see that can give you a jump boost can be used to modify a vehicle and allow it to traverse steep cliffs.

How To Maintain Speed Of 65 For 4 Seconds In A Vehicle
The only way to complete this Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 6 challenge is to get Whiplash vehicle that can maintain a speed of 65 for 4 seconds. To find Whiplash the best place is Sweaty Sands. At the back of gas station towards the west end of Sweaty Sands one can find Whiplash.

Players just need to get off from the Battle Bus and ride in the car. This is the most suitable and easier way to complete the challenge.

How To Drive From Sweaty Sands To Colossal Crops
Reach the gas station in Sweaty Sands. There you will get a car and some tires to help you in off-road journey on the way to colossal crop. With s fully fueled car and some off-road tires, you are good to go for completing the challenge.

How To Get Airtime In A Vehicle
This can be achieved by making a ramp made of mats and jump off it. Another way is to find any cliff and jump from it.

Use A Campfire
This is quite easier as campfires are available all around the island. Just get it and complete the challenge.

Search Ammo Boxes
This one also don’t demand any skill, just open any ammo box you see. They can be found everywhere.

Deal Damage With SMG’s
Team Rumble is the best mode to complete this challenge. Always reach as close to the enemy as possible as the range is limited.

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...