Fire Emblem: Three Houses Routes Guide

Learn about all the different story routes you can take in Fire Emblem: Three Houses based on your preferences and choices.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses gives players multiple routes to choose from. The choice can drastically affect the character’s storyline, and the events play out by the player’s alliance. There are a total of four routes that your character can follow. At the start of part 2 of FE: 3H, you can choose between three houses, Blue Lions, Golden Deer, and Black Eagles. Each takes you down a distinct storyline.

Blue Lions and Golden Deer houses don’t give you any further choices in their respective storyline, and the story plays out as is. However, choosing the Black Eagle house gives you another choice, leading to a unique fourth path in Fire Emblem: Three Houses.

4. Azure Moon (Dimitri’s Route)

This route can be taken by joining Dimitri’s Blue Lions house, which has a heavily character-driven story. This path focuses mainly on Dimitri, his character arc, and his pursuit of revenge against Edelgard, so this path feels the most like any other traditional Fire Emblem game.

As you go along the storyline, you learn about the Kingdom and The Tragedy of Duscur and better understand Dimitri’s character and actions. You will also explore some parts of Fodlan’s immediate history and politics.

The Blue Lions seem more like a family; every member has the same goal in mind. This path is carried by its interesting characters and their interactions, making the goal they are fighting for seem more personal. Azure Moon is the most difficult route to take.


Only the Azure Moon route allows you to acquire the relics for all twelve original heroes.

3. Silver Snow (Monastery Route)

The Silver Snow route is the Black Eagles House’s second and true route. This route can be taken by killing Edelgard when Rhea orders you to do so.

In this storyline, Byleth is mostly a spectator of the disputes between the houses as you dive into his background. You will also tackle the game’s main antagonists and reveal the church’s identity.

2. Crimson Flower (Edelgard’s Route)

The Crimson Flower is a hidden route in the game after making a crucial decision during a certain part of the story. This is the shortest route in the game, being only 18 chapters as opposed to the 21 or 22 chapters of other storylines.

It seems you fully comprehend and understand the princess of the Adrestian Empire, Edelgard, and the motivations behind her actions.


The best order to experience the story is to start with Crimson Flower then go to Azure Moon then Verdant Wind and then finally Silver Moon.

How to Unlock Crimson Flower (Edelgard’s Route)

To follow this route, you must complete a few prerequisites before you unlock the option.

First, you must join the Black Eagles House, with Edelgard being their house leader. Then you must reach C+ support with her; this can be done by fighting alongside her in different battles, presenting the gifts that she prefers, inviting her to tea, and siding with her in arguments.

Once you reach C+ support, you learn more about Edelgard’s past and the circumstances of her survival. She would then ask you to attend her Coronation Event, where you would see her become the emperor of the Adrestian Empire.

After which, you face her in a battle as the Flame Emperor, at the end of which Rhea commands you to kill her. Now, you must side with her and choose the option I must protect Edelgard.

Making this decision will lead you to join the side of the empire and fight alongside Edelgard, thus starting the Crimson Flower route. Note that every student recruited by Chapter 12 will be your ally.

1. Verdant Wind (Claude’s Route)

The Verdant Wind route can be picked by joining the Golden Deer house. This path sees Claude as the House leader and is the only route where he is given significant attention.

This route gives a third-person perspective on the war and is disconnected from the other routes.

Numerous mysteries regarding Fodlan and beyond are revealed while progressing the story, so this route helps provide lore and answer all the questions of Fire Emblem enthusiasts.

Overall, this 22-chapter route is carried by Claude’s charisma as the rest of the characters are relatively bland. However, it is quite interesting to see another perspective on the war.

Did You Know

All routes are mostly similar with the only difference coming in the map for Crimson Flower where it differs slightly from the other three. Additionally, each chapter has between three and five exclusive chapters

Ali Hasan is writer at with a deep love for immersive action role-playing games and well-crafted narratives. His weapons of choice include controllers and keyboards.