Pan European Game Information has rated Final Fantasy VI for PC. According to PEGI, the PC RPG will release on November 26, 2015 which is today.
However, I don’t think the game is coming today nor any stealth release is planned for such a popular game. Best guess is that this refers to the date PEGI rated the game for PC.

It wouldn’t be surprising to see Final Fantasy VI releasing in a couple of months.
The original game was launched back in 1994 for SNES before being ported to PlayStation. It was release for Wii a few years ago as well and it’s nice to see it finally arrive on PC.
Previously, Square Enix brought Final Fantasy Type-0 HD on PC and we can’t help but speculate that the company may very well be preparing for Final Fantasy XV’s release on this platform. Quite possibly Square Enix is testing the waters before making a mainstream AAA Final Fantasy available on PC.
What do you think? Is Square Enix gearing up for Final Fantasy XV on PC?