Final Fantasy 16 Make Do And Mend Walkthrough

The Make Do And Mend quest in Final Fantasy 16 has you help a carpenter gather some planks. He will be making repairs at the hideaway.

Make Do and Mend is a very small and easy side-quest in FF16. This side quest is offered to you by the Head Carpenter named Geoffroy at the Hideaway. You can play this when you have started the main quest Hide, Hideaway. 

When you approach him, he will be in need of some planks. Due to the unstable nature of his repairs, he cannot let them go unattended. When he sees you, he will ask you to get him some planks from the nearby woodworking shop.

Here is how you can start and complete the Make Do And Mend quest in Final Fantasy 16.

How to start Make Do And Mend in FF16

Head to the northern part of the Hideaway to find the Head Carpenter Geoffroy working on some repairs. You’ll need to have started the main quest Hide, Hideaway to access this one. Talk to him and he will tell you his woes. Agree to help him and you will get the quest.

How to complete Make Do And Mend in FF16

When you have spoken to the Head Carpenter, you will need planks. These can be found in the woodworking shop.

To reach this shop, you will need to turn around and head straight. After some steps, look to the left and enter the second doorway. You will be inside the woodworking shop. 

Get the planks

Here, you will need to speak to the man beside the logs. Tell him that the man working by the garden is in need of some planks.

Fortunately, the planks have already been made and piled up. He asks you to pick up as many as possible and take them back to Geoffroy.

Return to Geoffrey

Collect the planks and head back to the Head Carpenter. When you hand him the planks, the quest will be completed. 

Make Do And Mend rewards in Final Fantasy 16 

When Make do and Mend is completed you will be rewarded with the following items. 

  • 5 EXP 
  • 1x Meteorite 
  • 1x Gil Bug 
  • 1x Wood Planks 
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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...