Final Fantasy XVI is a massive game in scale and it offers a lot of additional content in terms of side quests. An Eye for an Eye in Final Fantasy 16 is a part of those additional quests that can be acquired and completed to earn some extra gil and experience points. This is a level 33 side quest so we recommend preparing well for the challenge ahead and having the same character level for Clive as the mission requirement or more.
An Eye for an Eye side quest in FF16 can be obtained by talking to Goetz inside your new Hideaway, unlocked after completing Cid the Outlaw.
This side quest can be obtained as soon as you start Things Fallen Apart main story quest in FFXVI but we don’t recommend attempting this quest until later when you unlock fast travel during another main quest, Cloak and Dagger.
How to complete An Eye for an Eye side quest in Final Fantasy 16
An Eye for an Eye is marked on the players’ map and can be accessed by talking to Goetz inside the Hideaway in Final Fantasy 16. He is standing on the path to The Rear Stacks, behind the blacksmith. Goetz is worried about his nan, Charon, and the rumors spreading about her association with the bandits. He wants Clive to talk to Charon and sort out the matter.
Charon in FF16 is the main shopkeeper of Hideaway. Talking to her doesn’t yield any results. The quest wants Clive to return to Goetz and relay the information. Goetz then asks Clive to meet him near Dalimil Inn. Open the map and fast-travel to Dalmil Inn (its location on the map has a green marker for side quest so there is no need to worry at all).
Open the map to locate Goetz or use your animal instinct by holding R3. He is standing near The Lock of Toil. Talk to him and Jaro, the trader, to learn more about the rumor regarding Charon. Go to the storehouse Jaro has mentioned. It is outside the town, to the right of the exit gate.
Jaro has apparently betrayed Clive in FFXVI and lured him to an ambush. There are 5 enemies in the first wave. 3 bandits and two dogs. This is a fairly easy fight if you have properly leveled up Clive and unlocked some good Eikons’ abilities like Pile Drive, Blind Justice and Judgment Bolt from Ramuh. With your party and Torgal, this fight will be over before you know it.
A new wave of 6 enemies will appear with two sorcerers this time. One of them is a healer and can heal the rest of the party members instantly. Focus on defeating the healer first and ignore the rest of the enemies. They don’t pose any threat whatsoever. All the bandits get staggered with each hit so this fight is basically a pushover for Clive.
An Eye for An Eye rewards in FFXVI
Defeating the bandit party will reward Clive with 575 exp points, 280 gil, and a lot of crafting resources.

Clive returns to Jaro in a cutscene and he spills who the real culprit behind the whole plot was. Go confront Bauguin and Charon will arrive to settle the score with him. This will be followed by another cutscene. Return to the Hideaway and talk to Charon again at her shop to complete an Eye for an Eye side quest in FF16.