Capital Punishment is a main quest in Final Fantasy 16 that is very exploration heavy. You can start this quest right after you fast-travel to Rosalith, after completing the After the Storm quest.
Clive will need to get to Tosalith for this quest which will be in a state of war. You will have come here to kill Hugo Kupka who is responsible for all of this.
When Kupka is killed and the quest will be completed, and the subsequent quest Bolts from the Blue quest will be playable.
How to complete Capital Punishment in Final Fantasy 16
When you arrive in Rosalith as above. Here you will find catapults and Kupka’s Men of the Rock around every corner. You will be accompanied by Jill, Torgal, and Gav.

You will need to make it to the castle where you will find Kupka waiting for you. The area will be crawling with enemies everywhere, so be prepared and have as many supplies as possible.
Make your way to the Castle
When you start, you will find a straight path with some objects in the way. These will be crushed under debris because of the boulder hitting the building next to it. The alternate route will be through the gate to the right.
Inside, you will be taught that enemies will cast shields that will protect them. You can bypass these shields by dealing magic attacks.
As soon as you start the fight, kill the mages to avoid the shields entirely. After killing the enemies, move up the ladder and onto the fort.
There will be a way through the back from where you can jump down and land on the ground. Here you will find a couple of enemies which will fight you after a cut scene.
Fight in the courtyard
Your next objective in the FFXVI Capital Punishment quest will be to defeat some enemies in Final Fantasy 16. Squeeze through to a courtyard where another fight will commence. There will be some wolves that will attack you from the front and back.
After they are defeated, move on by passing through a set of boxes. Here you will face the Stone Headsman which is an elite enemy. He will be accompanied by smaller enemies who will support him during battle.
The Stone Headsman will throw poison mist at you and send out a smoke screen. Avoid them both because he can catch you unguarded. He will back off from you but he is slow. Take advantage of this time to deal damage to him.
After the battle is over, move up the ladder which is to the far left, and onto the roof. From here move along the stairs and move through the gate.
Next, you will find some enemies in front of you. After killing them, climb up the ledge which is to the left of the gate, and up the stairs. Move along the stairs and you will find a few potions and a chest next to the stairs to the castle.
Enter the Rosalith Castle Gate
When you enter through the gate and into the Rosalith Castle in FFXVI, you will be ambushed by a few smaller enemies.
The only enemy to watch out for is the Stone Commandant. He will be the toughest of them all. Try to evade his attacks until the rest of the enemies are killed and then focus on him.
Fight against Coeurl
When the fight is over, Hugo’s men will unleash a panther-like beast known as Coeurl. It is an agile beast that sends out lightning bolts and deals lightning damage using its appendices.
It will also use electro charge and rain bolts of lightning in random places. Finally, it will plant lightning pillars and carve out an area to trap you. In the end, it will activate Wild Charge and start to attack more quickly.
Even though it has many moves and looks difficult, it can be easily staggered. Its attack pattern is slow and takes a lot of time to attack, giving you time to dodge.
Get rid of the Coeurl boss in FFXVI to advance further in Capital Punishment quest.
Save Jill and defeat the enemies
After Coeurl is defeated, a cutscene will play in which Hugo captures Jill and Clive. Clive will be thrown in the dungeon and he will be saved by Gav.
Clive will go after Jill and will find her about to be executed. But Torgal will come out from the back and save her. It will transform into a mystical beast while it saves Jill.
All four of you will be up against the Headsman and the other soldiers when she is saved. Your objective is to kill all enemies. The Executioner will be the strongest of them all. You will need to kill the smaller enemies first before coming to it. It has slower attacks and can easily be dodged but the attacks hit hard.
When the Headsman is dead, the Stones Headsman will come out from the castle. The Stone Headsman will be like the one you fought before. So just repeat what you did before.
Hugo Kupka’s boss fight
When you move into the castle, the boss fight against Hugo Kupka will start. There are two phases to this fight like all the bosses in the game.
The first phase will be in the main hall and here Hugo will be quite tame. He will send an uppercut with his modified arm or speed toward you with an arm shield. Finally, he will kick you or dash toward you.
When about one-third of his life is left, he will break the ground and start the fight in the basement. In this second phase, FFXVI Kupka boss will become more aggressive and deadly. The skills he will use are more dangerous, so try to hit him only when he is recovering.
Keep dodging his Torment and stay away from his Earthen Fury. Use timely accessories during combat as an aid and deal as much damage as possible during his staggered state.
After the fight, Kupka will be taken away by a mysterious man and the quest will be completed. You will fast-travel back to Hideaway and think about who was the mysterious man who took Kupka away.
Capital Punishment rewards in Final Fantasy 16
There are no official rewards for Capital Punishment in Final Fantasy 16. However, there is plenty of loot you can pick up from enemies along the way.