Top 6 FIFA 16 Tips For Career Mode

Whether you want to be a player or a coach, our FIFA 16 Career mode guide will help you get better.

FIFA 16 iterates on the game’s career mode in many ways, adding more authenticity and excitement to the fan-favorite mode. With everything this game mode offers as a player and a manager, it can often be hard to work everything out on your own.

In this guide, we’ll review the six best tips for the career mode in FIFA 16, including how to best use free agents, how to build your squad, the appropriate usage of scouts, and more.

6. Play the pre-season tournaments

fifa 16 tips

Once you’ve made initial decisions, such as choosing a club and difficulty level, you’ll be able to start the Career Mode. It is important that you do not skip the pre-season tournaments, as they will allow you to earn some extra cash on the side and try out some new players on the field.

Merely participating in the tournament will ensure you some rewards, but winning the entire thing will multiply it significantly. After finishing the tournaments, you should start looking for players. The game will allow you to set up a maximum of 6 scouts who will look for your choice of players.

5. Use Scouts to acquire young talent

In FIFA 16, there are a couple of ways to find young talent that you can choose and grow in the game. The first way is by using scouts. Although always getting your desired players is not 100% guaranteed, it’s still a good idea.

Scouts have two stats: Experience and Judgement. The former determines how many players the scout finds per report and whether these players match your playstyle, while the latter dictates the quality of players.

Naturally, the higher these ratings, the more expensive it will be to hire that scout. However, compared to the previous year, FIFA 16 has drastically reduced the prices of scouts, which means you can hire a five-star scout without breaking the bank.

4. Create a sizeable squad

fifa 16 tips

For the Career Mode, we recommend getting a squad of 22 active players and some young talent that you can loan to other clubs. By doing so, you will have more than enough players for each position, even in the case of an injury. In addition to this, you’ll also be able to get the players on loan and that is one of the best tips in FIFA 16.

Once again, Scouts are excellent for finding the players who will complement your unique playstyle in the game.

3. Don’t consider only the Overall rating of a player

fifa 16 tips

One important thing you need to remember while buying a player is never to decide based on a player’s overall rating and look for in-depth stats. The career mode in FIFA 16 is all about finding players with stats that complement the rest of your team, and the overall rating may not be the greatest indicator of this.

A player may lack an attribute or two that you don’t need, which may bring down their overall value, but they may excel in other values, making purchasing them worthwhile.

2. Train your players to better their skills

Another thing to consider is the game’s new training system, which allows you to train five players simultaneously and increase their attributes. You can train five players in 30 drills, including finishing, tackling, and passing. Keep in mind that drills are limited to five sessions per week.

Additionally, you should consider players’ age and shape of a player before putting them to training, or it’ll all be a lost cause. One more thing to remember is that the higher an attribute, the harder it will be to develop it. The best strategy here is to focus on your core 11 players, with your younger subs taking the backseat. This is one of the best tips you can get in FIFA 16.

1. Sign free agents regularly

fifa 16 tips

Free agents are players whose contracts have expired or are close to expiring. Players with less than a year left in their contracts can be purchased for free. In FIFA 16, you can sign free agents outside of the January transfer window, lending more flexibility in the process.

Take advantage of this change and pick as many free agents as possible, because you never know when you may find a gem in the rough.

Ali Hasan is writer at with a deep love for immersive action role-playing games and well-crafted narratives. His weapons of choice include controllers and keyboards.