Far Cry New Dawn MP3 Music Player Locations ’Audiophile Guide

Our Far Cry New Dawn MP3 Music Player Locations Guide will help you learn all about finding all 10 MP3 Music Players to earn Audiophile Trophy.

MP3 Players are one of the collectibles in Ubisoft’s Far Cry New Dawn. These collectibles are a part of a Side Mission and can be found during or after completing the story.

These collectibles add music to “Survivor Radio”. This station is unlocked by leveling up *Prosperity Homebase Facilities to Level 2*.

Far Cry New Dawn MP3 Player Locations

There is a total of 10 FCND MP3 Players and on collecting them all you will be rewarded with the “Audiophile” Achievement/Trophy.

You can buy the map for these collectibles from “Cartography Station” at Prosperity. For some of the collectibles, you will even be requiring *the Grapple Perk*.

These MP3 Players are very well hidden so below are the locations to find these MP3 Music Players.

MP3 Player #1
The first MP3 Player is in Bradbury Woods. You will see a wooden cabin in the corner. Break the wooden boards and behind you will find your player.

MP3 Player #2
The second MP3 Player is located at Big Mike’s Dale. Behind the house, there is a hatch to an underground shelter. Go down and you will find the Music Player.

MP3 Player #3
The third MP3 Player is situated at Fillmore’s Hovel. For this, you are supposed to open a hatch to go underground for the Music Player.

MP3 Player #4
The fourth MP3 Player is by the lake at The Chop Shop. Swim around the building, enter it through a window, and inside you will find your Music Player.

MP3 Player #5
The fifth MP3 Player can be found inside Frobisher’s Memory. You can find it by climbing to the above floor located on the table.

MP3 Player #6
The sixth MP3 Player is at Tombwater. You will find a house there. Shoot open the freezer in the house to reveal a key that will open a locked door in the house that has the Music Player inside.

MP3 Player #7
The seventh MP3 Player is at Forgotten Barracks to the west of the Empty Garden Outpost. You have to go inside the house where you will find a key under a table. Pick it and find the locked door. The Music Player is inside the room.

MP3 Player #8
The eighth MP3 Player is at Rotgut Pass. You have to enter a building where you will find a locked door. You will find a shelf near the door with a key situated on it. Pick it up and open the door where you will find another Music Player.

MP3 Player #9
The ninth MP3 Player will be found at Sein’s Sanctuary. Find the wooden boards it the garden with the player inside.

MP3 Player #10
For the last Music Player, you have to head to the south of Broken Tears. Inside Sergey’s house, you will find your player.

These are all the location for your MP3 Player. When you reach your player, you will start hearing music already. The Music Players do not have to be found in the above order. And with this, you have completed your “Audiophile” Side Mission.