Far Cry 5 Only You, Casualties of War, Hope County Jail Walkthrough Guide

Our Far Cry 5 Only You, Casualties of War, Hope County Jail Walkthrough Guide will tell you all about the 3 aforementioned quests and how to get through them in a step-by-step manner.

The Far Cry 5 Only You, Casualties of War, Hope County Jail Walkthrough Guide below is regarding the main story missions: Only You, Casualties of War, and Hope County Jail. The missions take place in both Jacob’s and Faith’s regions.

Having a hard time going through the missions? Stuck at a point with no hope? Turning suicidal or having a mental breakdown? Well, worry not, this isn’t Dark Souls. We can surely help you overcome these missions so just follow the tips below to get them completed.

Far Cry 5 Only You, Casualties of War, Hope County Jail

Our Far Cry 5 Only You, Casualties of War, Hope County Jail Walkthrough Guide will tell you all about the 3 aforementioned quests and how to get through them in a step-by-step manner.

Only You

This mission starts once you acquire about 10,000 Resistance Points in Whitetail Mountains. Once you do, you will be poisoned unexpectedly and taken to Jacob.

He’ll play the familiar piece of music as he did in your previous encounters with him. This will send you to the same world inside your mind where you have to shoot cultists. This time around though, there’s a twist. You shoot a cultist not knowing it was actually your ally Eli. Head outside to find havoc all around you. Battle off wolves and cultists while you have to disable the six beacons marked as waypoints.

Once you’ve disabled the beacons, look for Jacob who’ll be with 10 cultists on top of a nearby mountain. Snipe him out or head all the way there. Either way mortally wounding him will result in a cutscene with the subsequent end of the mission.

Casualties of War

After taking care of Jacob, head to the northern part of the region to save your buddy, Deputy Pratt. Approach the bunker from the left to use the mounted gun and rain havoc. Once inside, take out guards silently preferably. Open the pressure gates and rescue Pratt. Fight against cultists together and escape the bunker. This is the very end of the storyline arch of Whitetail Mountains.

Hope County Jail

Heading to Hope County Jail in Faith’s region, you will need to clear the animals at the entrance of the jail.

After, you’ll have to defend the area. Be sure to grab the rocket launchers lying around to take out enemy vehicles. Clear enemies out quickly especially the speakers who will spawn ‘Bliss’ fueled enemies, ‘Angels’. Complete the mission to receive 900 resistance points and a new base of operation in Faith’s region, Henbane River.

This is all we have in our Far Cry 5 Only You, Casualties of War, Hope County Jail Walkthrough Guide. If there is anything else that you would like to add, let us know in the comments section below!

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Ali is a passionate RPG gamer. He believes that western RPGs still have a lot to learn from JRPGs. He is editor-in-chief at SegmentNext.com but that doesn't stop him from writing about his favorite video ...