Since Far Cry 3 takes place on a tropical island, you are bound to find various animals you can hunt. Each area offers different kinds of animals that drop various items, including using their raw materials to craft upgrades.
You should use weapons that deal great damage, like shotguns, to damage dangerous predators. This guide will look at the animals you can hunt in Far Cry 3, including their locations.
Harmless Animals

These animals will not attack you; you can hunt them at your leisure.
1. Wild Boar
You can find this animal on the Northern Islands or the Southern Island. Taking the Wild Boar down is relatively easy.
They roam around the woodlands minding their own business. However, if you attack them, they will counterattack. Leopards find these fellows very delicious. So, use Wild Boars as a lure for leopards.
2. Buffalo
Buffalos can be found strolling around on the Northern or Southern Island. Hunting them down requires some skill, but not much. Most buffalos can be found near water.
If you agitate them, they prove to be a worthy adversary. You need a powerful gun to kill them off quickly as they can take some punishment. Dead buffalos are an excellent lure for tigers.
3. Cassowary
Cassowary can be found on the Northern or Southern Island. Killing them is quite easy. Bullets are more than enough.
4. Bird Of Paradise
This bird can be found on the Northern or Southern Island. Hunting these birds down is very easy.
5. Deer
This mammal can be found on the Northern or Southern Island. Killing them is simple enough. You just have to approach them very stealthily.
Utilize bow and arrow against these poor creatures. This way, you can avoid detection by the rest of the herd. Moreover, you can use the deer corpse as a lure for predator animals like bears.
6. Dog
Man’s best friend is skipping around Northern or Southern Island. Killing your friends is easy enough.
7. Galapagos Tortoise
The tortoise chills and relaxes on the Northern Islands or the South Island. Hunting them is easy as they can’t seem to outrun you. A simple arrow does not kill it because of the thick shell; therefore, it is obligatory to use a gun against it.
8. Goat
Goats can be found wandering around the Northern or Southern Island. Like in real life, goats are not hard to kill in Far Cry 3.
9. Macaque
These slippery customers can be found on the Northern or Southern Island. Hunting them down is easy enough. These monkeys mind their own business but can be kept as pets.
10. Pig
It can be found on the Northern or Southern Island. Killing them is very easy.
11. Tapir
They can be found on the Northern or Southern Island. They can be killed off easily.
12. Vulture
This scavenger bird can be found on either the Northern or Southern Island. These vultures are found in the air as well as on the ground.
They can be killed easily. First, you must lure them down with fresh meat—these guys are not picky about food. Then, use long-range weapons to kill them; getting too close to them will scare them away.
13. Black Eagle
These Black Eagles can be found on the Northern or Southern Island. Naturally, they are found in the air. They can be hunted down easily.
14. White Belly Tapir
They are used to craft the extended munitions pouch and are a rare prey animal.
15. Yellow Neck Cassowary
This unique animal is needed to craft an Extended Fuel Sling and needs to be killed with a sniper rifle
Predator Animals

These animals will attack you on sight, so be cautious when approaching them.
1. Black Bear
These bears can be found on the Northern or Southern Island. They are harder to kill, so come prepared. They can be found near cave entrances and rivers. A deer corpse is a good lure for them.
2. Black Panther
This speedy fellow can be found on the Northern or Southern Island. Hunting them down is extremely tricky.
3. Blood Komodo
This giant-ass lizard can be found on the Northern or Southern Island. It packs a huge punch so be very careful when up against it.
4. Crocodile
These reptiles are found on either the Northern Islands or the Southern Island. Funnily enough, they are on land rather than in water.
Killing them is a slight challenge but nothing too hard. Keep a lookout for them near lakes and rivers. Crocodiles lie in wait and try to ambush you at their first chance.
5. Dingo
Australian wild dogs and dingos, which can be found in either the Northern or the Southern Islands, also feature in Far Cry 3.
Killing them is easy but not to be taken lightly as they are agile and fast. It is best that you use an automatic weapon against them. They enjoy pigs, so they use carrion to lure them out.
6. Komodo Dragon
It can be found on the Northern Islands or the South Island. It is not that hard to kill. The dragon can be found both in plains and near water.
If you get too close to it, the dragon will become hostile; otherwise, it will remain passive. Dead goat meat is the best lure for the Komodo dragon.
7. Leopard
This octane-fueled, high-speed animal can be found on the Northern Islands or the South Island. It is extremely hard to kill. Leopards are like the animal ninjas in this game.
They hide in the woodlands and attack very quietly and quickly. Therefore, it is best to use an automatic machine against them. Remember that you can lure the leopards out of their cover by leaving deer corpses in the open.
8. Snake
This poisonous reptile is slithering around the Northern or Southern Island. It is easy enough to kill.
9. Tiger
This cat is found roaming around the Northern or Southern Island. It is easier to kill than a leopard or panther.
10. Rabid Dog
Rabid Dogs are sick and will attack anything that moves. They have a dying appearance, and they are extremely aggressive. They’re also swift and agile, so keeping your aim on a pack of these will be a challenge.
11. Sumatran Tiger
The name Tiger should scream danger in and of itself. They are highly aggressive and some animals you should approach more towards the end-game. You will have to get a powerful weapon to kill tigers and try buffalo corpses to lure them.
12. Golden Tiger
The Golden Tiger is needed to craft the extended ammo pouch. Its hide is valuable and extremely dangerous and hard to kill compared to other animals.
13. Undying Bear
The Undying Bear is a rumor (or is it?). You must kill this piece of monstrosity with a shotgun to craft the Extended Loot Rucksack. It can be found on the Rock Island.
14. One Horn Buffalo
The One Horn Buffalo is required to craft the extended wallet and needs to be killed with a shotgun. This is a strong animal and one of the tough ones, so make sure you’re packing some firepower before you face off against this guy.
15. Albino Crocodile
The Albino Crocodile isn’t exactly a pre-requisite for crafting anything, but it can be killed with a machete
Sea Animals

You can find these creatures only underwater.
1. Sea Turtle
This turtle can be found either on the Northern or the Southern Island. It is very easy to kill.
2. Maneater
This nasty piece of work can be found in Northern or Southern Island. It presents a bit of a challenge.
3. Manta Ray
This alien-looking sea creature can be found on the Northern or Southern Island. It is impossible to hunt the manta ray. Furthermore, it can only be found in the deep sea.
4. Moray Eel
This sea snake thingy is swimming around the Northern or Southern Islands. It is a bit tricky to kill but nothing too hard.
The Eel stays within the coral reef. Furthermore, it tries to drown its foe when it gets a hold of it rather than biting it. So if you spot an Eel, it is best that you shoot it first before jumping into the water.
5. Great White Shark
The greatest predator in the sea can be in the northern or southern island. It is a thoroughly nasty beast that is very hard to deal with.
6. Bull Shark
This shark is found near the Northern or Southern Island. More specifically, they are found in the coral reefs. There is no way you can kill a bull shark.
You can only escape from it. You can do that by diving into deeper waters. If you face numerous bull sharks at once, your death is certain.