Every game has its own unique and mysterious weapons to conquer certain enemies and bosses, same is the case with Elden Ring and the Digger’s staff. It is one of the most powerful and useful weapons in the game. Digger staff is a Glintstone staff that can increase the power of stone digger sorceries.
It is a tool for mining in the game equipped with a beautiful stone. Its damage type is Strike. Today you learn where to find Digger’s Staff and how to upgrade its stats.
Digger’s Staff location in Elden Ring
Digger Staff can be found in two locations in the game. The first one is Sellia Crystal Tunnel, dropped by the enemy at that location. However, there is a catch you can’t leave that place if you enter it via a teleport trap in the Dragon-Burnt Ruins until finding your way back or through combat.
The second way to find Dagger Staff is quite simple as there is a chance that Digger Staff is dropped from Miners in Liurnia of the Lakes Region at Raya Lucaria Crystal Tunnel. You can simply farm the staff from these miners until you receive one.

Digger’s Staff upgrades and stats
PHYS ATK | 38 | PHYS DEF | 28.0 |
LGHT ATK | 0 | LGHT DEF | 17.0 |
HOLY ATK | 0 | HOLY DEF | 17.0 |
MAG ATK | 0 | MAG DEF | 17.0 |
CRIT ATK | 100 | GUARD BOOST | 17.0 |
FIRE ATK | 0 | FIRE DEF | 17.0 |
SORCERY SCALING | 141 | – | – |
Level | SEC. DMG | PHYS. DMG | INT | FAI | STR | ARC | DEX |
0 | 0 | 38 | C | – | D | – | – |
25 | 0 | 66 | S | – | C | – | – |