How Affinities Work in Elden Ring

This guide will explain how the affinities work and how to change them in Elden Ring so you understand the weapon's strengths.

Affinities define the damage your weapon has, and a build cannot be complete without a proper affinity in Elden Ring. This guide will explain how the affinities work and how to change them in Elden Ring.

How Affinities Work in Elden Ring

One of the many ways of increasing a weapon’s damage is through affinities. There are different types of affinities available in the game, and they all have different effects on the weapon.

If you use the right weapons with the right class and add just the perfect affinity, you’ll have yourself a build that is unmatchable.

Weapon Affinities

There are twelve different affinities available in Elden Ring. The affinities and their effects are defined below.

Whether you pick up a weapon, craft it, or purchase it, they’ll all have affinities.

Standard Affinity

Standard affinity offers nothing. It’s basically a weapon without any affinity with its standard stat scaling.

Heavy Affinity

With this affinity, the strength scaling of the weapon is enhanced. However, all other attribute scaling is reduced.


With this affinity, the dexterity scaling of the weapon is enhanced. However, all other attribute scaling is reduced.


If you want both the dexterity and strength scaling of the weapon to be enhanced with a balance, then this affinity is for you. However, all other attribute scalings will be reduced.


You can opt for this affinity if you’re willing to enhance the intelligence scaling of your weapon at the expense of its default scaling. For example, the weapon’s damage type would divide between physical and magical damage.


Your weapon will be capable of doing both fire and physical damage. However, this would happen at the expense of weapon’s default scaling.


The dexterity scaling of your weapon will improve at the expense of its default scaling. Your weapon will now have physical as well as lightning damage.


Faith scaling is enhanced at the expense of weapon’s default scaling. In addition, the weapon will now have physical and holy damage.


This affinity allows you to attack the enemies with frostbite using your weapon. Other than that, the intelligence scaling of your weapon is enhanced at the expense of the weapon’s default scaling.


With this affinity, you’ll be able to make the bleed attack and enhance the Arcane scaling of your weapon.


This affinity is the same as Blood, only that it also prevents the dead from rising again.


Strength, Dexterity, and Arcane scaling of the weapon increases, and it becomes capable of making poison attacks.

How to Change Affinities in Elden Ring

Whetstones allow you to change your weapon’s Affinity by applying Ashes of War. There are four different kinds of Whetstones available, and you’ll unlock them as you progress through the game.

The very first Whetstone that you’ll unlock is Whetstone Knife.

Whetstone Knife

Found near Gatefront Ruins in Limgrave, Whetstone Knife allows you to upgrade your weapons. What upgrade is done to the weapon depends on the Ashes of War that you use.

Iron Whetblade

Found at Stormveil Castle in Limgrave, Iron Whetblade allows you to add Heavy, Keen, and Quality affinities to your weapon. The rest of the upgrades are dependent on what Ashes of War you use.

Glintstone Whetblade

Found near the Academy of Raya Lucaria in Liurnia, Glinststone Whetblade allows you to add Magic and Frost affinities to your weapon.

Black Whetblade

Found near Nokron, The Eternal City, Black Whetblade allows you to add Black, Occult, and Poison affinities to your weapon.

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