Divinity: Original Sin Side Quests Guide

Complete walkthrough of the Divinity: Original Sin Side Quests and how you can get the best rewards.

Divinity: Original Sin is a complicated RPG, with lots of NPCs and enigmatic areas that need to be explored and discovered. It’s never too linear in such classic turn-based RPGs, and one can easily get lost or stuck, particularly when indulging in extracurricular activities.

Divinity: Original Sin Side Quests

Side-quests in Divinity come in all kinds of shapes and forms – some will be demanding, asking for long travels and a mixture of main quest achievements and individual specifications, while others will be simple and linear.

Many of the side-quests are even interlinked. This makes it a bit daunting to go for quests that will not entirely benefit the progression of the story, though they do certainly add depth to it.

If you’re one who wishes to complete all the side-quests in the game, here’s a walkthrough guide for the optional quests in the game.


The Talking Statues
While on your way to Cyseal at the beginning of the game, you’ll come across a corpse with a journal. This journal will tell of how he was promised the ability to fly when encountering a set of statues, which turned out to be a lie.

For you to investigate this strange incident, you’ll need to first head to the city. Go north and you’ll find an entrance to the cave there, which is guarded by ten enemies.

Use your wizards wisely and take a few out, then head for the end of the area with them chasing. They will either give up midway if you are fast enough or will chase you all the way and you can easily dispose of them.

Inside you’ll also encounter a specific robot. Keep note of how to tackle this foe, as he’ll appear in another side quest. Once you’ve defeated the robot, head through the other exit-way and to the west. You’ll eventually reach the four statues.

You need to use the elemental spells of water, air, fire, and earth on the statues here. Each time you use one, an elemental demon of the same kind will appear.

It will be immune to spells of the same element, and weak to countering elements. Take them out one by one till all four are dead. This will open up a cave, inside which you can find an imprisoned wizard and end the side quest.

The Wishing Brother
In Cyseal, slightly to the southeast, you’ll find a well that you can speak to. He’ll tell you his name is Wally, and his brother William has been entrapped somewhere in another icy world by the Winter King.

He knows how to get there, and he’ll immediately transport you to the location if you wish.

You’ll be in some blizzard-hit area with William the Well right there. There are a couple of doors here to the south that cannot be unlocked, and one locked chest in the northwest corner that can be broken easily with a few hits.

Grab what you can from the chest and talk to William. He’ll tell you that in order to free him you need to find another way from the other end. Sadly, for now, that’s all you can do at the moment, and you’ll have to head back for Cyseal.

Later on during the game, you’ll acquire the “Find the Witch!” quest, where you will teleport to Hieberheim. Stick to the southern part of the map here till you encounter an area with falling icicles.

You need one of your party members to stand on a switch, while the rest of them go past. Once they are past the region, have that person standing on the switch teleport to you.

In this area, you should find a few spikes that mark the entrance to the wintery region that you need to get to for completing this sidequest. Move forward and turn to the right during the fork till you spot a Guardian.

After taking care of it, head up and you’ll notice a lava trap, with three panels behind it. There is one hidden panel on the right that needs to be dug up and unveiled.

Use barrels and other weights to press these floor panels, then move up ahead to spot the doors you could not open earlier during the sidequest (except you are on the other side).

Check the bush on the left of the door to find a hidden lever, which you can pull to open the doors. Now you have full access to this area of the map.

However, you still can’t free William because you haven’t slayed the Winter King yet, and you need a special scroll to do so. Fortunately, the Winter King’s location is told in the quest.

Once you have defeated him, head past the barrier blocking your way by answering the statue’s riddle – the correct answer is “Lurrean”. Head forward and you’ll eventually read a corridor with statues and falling rocks.

This place is a deadly trap, and you’ll need a party member with good stealth and sneaking skills to get through (an invisibility spell also works). Sneak past these statues and pull a chain on the wall at the end to deactivate the defense of the area.

Move ahead and you’ll find yourself in an area with lots of treasure. One of the items on the desk to the right is the “Well Teleportation Scroll.”

This is exactly what you need.

Grab it (and everything else you want) and head back to William’s location and use the scroll to transport him to Cyseal. Head back to Cyseal and talk to them to end this rather daunting side quest.

The Quest of Braccus Rex/The Undead Scourge
This is a challenging quest that you should only play once you have reached close to level 9. You will need to complete the main quest A Mysterious Murder in order to finish this sidequest.

After leaving the church, you can talk to the commander to obtain the quest about the mysterious undead plague.

You will also get the alternate quest for the resurrected Braccus Rex after slaying Evelyn during the first main quest – just make sure you take her amulet.

Once you have acquired the second quest, head to the church to find a few cultists. They’ll spot you, and the leader will head to the tombs below. Fight these easy foes off, and then proceed onwards.

You’ll need to find four paintings and press the buttons behind them to gain access to the lower levels. One of them is behind a locked gate – you can find the keys for it near the benches by the wall.

Once you have gained access, head to and go through the portal using Evelyn’s amulet that you acquired after slaying her.

After the scene, in the next passage, you will find King Braccus Rex. This is one tough fight, mainly because Braccus will summon additional foes to fight by his side. He’ll summon the lighthouse guardian, the undead knight baron, and the twin elementals. Not good.

You will really need the best out of your elemental wizard for this fight, out of which Fire and Ice elementals are the most important. Head back to the door you came from, place your characters behind it, and summon the elementals to absorb the incoming damage from Rex and the double elementals.

Rex and the elementals won’t be able to get past the door, and only Baron will come through. Attack immediately when he does, after which you should try and finish off the rest.

The guardian can actually be killed off quite easily by ranged spells, after which you can unleash ice spells on the twins from a distance to decimate them. Once done, only Braccus will be left.

Braccus has one deadly attack that can take out an entire party. Use any element other than Fire to attack him, and beware of his powerful spell. Whenever he gets close to you, use your water elements to teleport him back and take him out from a distance.

Once you’ve slayed him, return to the commander to receive your rewards.

A Source Hunter’s Journey
The Imp staying at the end of time will ask you to find a specific kind of stone, similar to the ones Evelyn had. Look through the telescope here, and the Imp will tell you how to gain access to the door in the main hall.

Once he’s done giving you the tour, talk to the woman standing next to the painting. Talk to the Imp afterward and he’ll give you a portable portal.

The first stone is found during the Mysterious Murder main quest when you come across a lady bathing in a tub. You’ll find it in Evelyn’s clinic or at the crime scene. This stone will unlock the Halls of Heroes.

Return to the city and use the pyramid to find the second stone. This one is found with the undead captain during the Crab vs. Skeletons sidequest and will unlock the Living Quarters.

The third stone is found east of Cyseal where you will fight several fire enemies. After fighting a large lava monster you should come across the stone on the road. This stone will unlock one of four rooms. Each room will have a specific element attached to it, and a vendor inside that will sell spell books of a given type.

The fourth stone can be found with Braccus Rex during the Mysterious Murder main quest. It is hidden in one of the chests in the chamber and will unlock Halls of Secrets.

The fifth stone can be found in The Initiation quest, after solving all the riddles. You’ll be able to acquire another element room of your choice.

The sixth stone is found after completing The Initiation quest, and the seventh one in the church after the quest, beneath a cover.

The sixth one will unlock the Hall of Darkness, where you can reset and reinvest your skills and change them. The seventh will unlock another element room of the remaining two.

Warming the Crowd
In Cyseal, head to the market to find Reginald entertaining a crowd of people with a talking head. Investigate the matter by talking to the guy cheering the crowd (Gallagher), and you’ll find out Reginald paid him to do the job.

Head to the other side of the square to find Cedric, who has little to no crowd at all. Talk to him and tell him that Reginald has paid for his crowds, and he’ll ask that you bribe Gallagher.

Head back to Gallagher and put your Charm and Charisma abilities to good use by convincing him to word for Cedric.

If you manage to convince him, Gallagher will start working for Cedric. Now go to Reginald and inform him that Gallagher is now working for Cerdic. He’ll be displeased with the news, and it’ll eventually end the quest.

The Scaredy Pact
If you encounter the Watch leader, he’ll tell you that the lighthouse is haunted. He sent a few men to clear it up, but they haven’t reported back yet. It’s time for you to check out what’s happening there.

Go to the higher western gate, and you’ll eventually be attacked by some undead. Dispose of them, then check the first house to find the corpse of a guard.

Follow the western path, and take out the zombies with bombs on their backs from range to avoid any collateral damage to your party. You’ll pass a farm and a house till you encounter two surviving guards. Talk to them to find out that they’re too scared to enter the lighthouse itself.

You’ll have to do things by yourself it seems – follow the pathway till you arrive at the lighthouse. At its entrance, you’ll be met with a mini-boss, who will also have the company of his dogs and a set of archers.

The boss isn’t tough, but he’ll keep reviving his dogs, so make sure you commit two party members to kill the boss, while the remaining deal with the minions.

Once you enter the lighthouse, you’ll meet a ghost who will tell you his love story. Once he’s done, head back and talk to the guards. They’ll decide to take credit for what you’ve done, and go to the watch leader to tell him.

You can intervene and inform the watch leader that it’s a lie, or you could let them take the credit. Doing the latter actually gives twice the amount of experience.

Lost Love at the Lighthouse
After completing ‘The Scaredy Pact’ quest, you’ll be asked by Samson the ghost to find the woman he has loved. Exit the city through the southwestern area near the harbor.

You’ll notice some orcs and human corpses, with footprints leading to a big orc with guards. Take these guys out in whatever way possible, then enter the cave ahead.

Inside the cave will be a fight between orcs and skeletons. It’s best not to intervene and let them kill each other – take out the remaining ones and then head downstairs. You’ll come across a few remains of a dragon, and after walking a bit further be ambushed by a massive crab.

The crab has a powerful water AoE attack that can do a lot of damage – keep your party members away from each other to isolate the damage, and take out the crab with elements other than water.

The best way to get rid of it is to have your wizards constantly attacking with Fire and Lightning spells, while any warrior deals with the smaller crabs that it keeps on spawning.

Once it is defeated, move on ahead to find the ghost of the woman. Talk to it and tell her about Samson. Exit the area and head to the lighthouse, where you can choose to let them leave together or separately and end the quest.

Lost Archeologist
Talk to Aureus and he’ll ask you to find an archeologist he sent to the northwest region to investigate some underground ruins. Head to the northern exit of the city after talking to him, and go west. You can easily find Wulfram the archeologist hiding in one of the derelict houses there.

The archeologist will ask you to help escort him back to the city, after which he’ll start running and undead will begin to appear. They can be quite irritating as they’ll attack you and try to slow your progress to the city. Have some heavily armored warriors take care of them and push through.

If you succeed in saving him, you can find Wulfram in the tavern. If he dies, you’ll need to report to Aureus. He won’t be happy, but the quest will still finish.

Kitty Love
In order to take this sidequest, you’ll need to have the Pet Pal skill for one of your characters. Head to the King Crab tavern and talk to a cat there called Sam. He’ll ask you to find out why a female cat named Maxime is not interested in him.

Head to the library to find her, and she’ll tell you that because of Sam’s old age, she thinks they won’t be able to produce offspring. Go back to Sam and talk to him, and he’ll decide he’ll dress up to convince her, but for that, he needs a proper collar.

To get the collar, head to the western exit of the city and go towards the beach to find the Black Cove. There are orcs outside the cave. Head inside to find a few orcs and skeletons fighting – let them fight and move on.

After the battle, find the key, owned by the pirate captain in the Crabs versus Skeletons quest. There is a huge door on one of the walls. Gain access to it and head down.

You’ll be in the same region as you were during the Lost Love at the Lighthouse quest and will fight a giant crab who will drop the collar. Return the collar to Sam to complete the quest.

The Fabulous Five
Standing in front of the tavern is an NPC named Mendinus, who will ask you to join his guild once you speak to him. If you do, you’ll be granted a quest immediately to hunt down a robot in a cave located north of Cyseal.

Before actually setting off, head to Arhu and talk to him about the robot. He will give you a pilot that can help you fight it, and the manual for it can be found on one of the desks – just make sure you remember the codes if you wish to use the pilot.

Exit the city through the east and head north. You’ll eventually come across a cave that is being guarded by ten foes. Use your skills to make the boars explode here so that the fire and acid can spread to all the rest and you can take them out easily. If a few remain, just make them chase you and corner them.

Once you’re inside the cave, you’ll meet a soldier who will ask you for help in fighting the robot. There are two options here: you can either use the pilot codes to fight the robot, or you can do it in an old-fashioned way. If you use the pilot, you won’t get any experience or loot after destroying the bot.

However, you can try to deactivate its armor, which will make it weaker and easier to kill.

Once you do, use water-based attacks to take it out – the robot is weak to such attacks, and freezing it will slow it down and prevent it from being much of a threat. Rain also helps in preventing the burning attacks by the robot.

Once you’ve killed the boss, go to Cecil’s office located next to the tavern to complete the side quest.

Cecil’s Mighty Stuff
Cecil will ask you to find a powerful relic that was stolen from him, and he believes the clue might be at the docks where Conrads is. Head to the docks and talk to Conrad, who is standing on a large vessel with a crew member. He’ll tell you he doesn’t know anything about this relic, but perhaps someone in his crew can help.

Talk to Marv the sailor here, and he’ll tell you that during the attack, Captain Deimer escaped with something in his hand. Talk to Conrads again and he’ll tell you that Deimer is probably on one of the beaches.

Head to the same cave with the robot in The Fabulous Five quest (see above), and after defeating the robot move on ahead to the west and use the teleport.

You’ll find Captain Deimer and his men near the beach, and he will attack you as soon as you spot him.

Captain Deimer himself has the invisibility skill, so whenever he vanishes concentrate on taking out his crew instead. Once done, Deimer should pose little threat. Collect the artifact and head back to Cecil.

You can choose to reveal the artifact to him or keep it to yourself. Either way, the quest will be completed once you have spoken to him.

Crabs vs. Skeletons
Head to the beach west of the city. There are orcs and corpses of orcs laying over there, the same area where you went to find the cave with a giant orc in front of the entrance. Head inside and deactivate the electrical field by putting some weight on the circular panel in the middle.

Head further up and you’ll encounter more enemies, including undead orcs. Once you have defeated them, climb down through the smoke and reach the boss here.

The boss here needs to be dealt with by lightning attacks, and you should avoid cramping up together as some of his water abilities deal a lot of area damage. Setting him on fire also works quite well.

Once you have defeated this boss, enter the room behind him. Here, search for a painting on the table, and expose it. Pull the lever next to you, and then press the revealed button. A hatch will open up in the corner of the room, from where you can go deeper.

The lower levels are filled with traps and crabs, and any path you take will eventually lead you to a room in the middle with levers. You need to find the correct lever here to pull.

The correct lever is the one located next to the stairs on the right, at the outer parts of the room. Pulling this lever will unlock a passage ahead, and you’ll eventually encounter the boss here: the skeleton captain.

The Skeleton Captain will have its minions attacking you at all times, and he’ll revive any that you manage to bring down. Prioritize the main boss because of this and make sure the minions don’t get to those party members who are directly assaulting the boss. Once you have done so, the quest will be completed.

Minor Side Quests

Headless Nick
While completing the Crabs vs. Skeleton quest, in the central room search thoroughly for a key next to the table. This will open a door into a corridor, which will be full of traps and planks.

At the end of the corridor, you’ll spot a few undead on fire, appropriately standing in a puddle of oil. Cast rain and then throw something at them to make them explode.

Head forward and you will eventually encounter a headless ghost and his daughter. The girl will request that you search for his father’s head. Head back to the city, and if you haven’t already, complete the “Warming the Crowd” quest.

In order for the head to go with you after completing the quest, you’ll have to fight it. Once you do, return to the cave and talk to the daughter to complete the quest.

Elf-Orc Blood Feud
Head to the city graveyard and you’ll encounter n elf nearby called Eglandaer. He’ll ask you to meet him in the King Crab tavern. Head there and go upstairs, and through the room with the open door. It seems he wants you to kill Victoria, who is an orc that is located in the library.

There are multiple ways you can choose to complete this sidequest:

  1. Kill the elf and inform Victoria of what you’ve done
  2. Kill Victoria, grab the amulet, and return it to the elf
  3. Talk to Victoria, and try to convince her to give back the amulet, after which you can return it to the elf as false proof that she has been killed.
  4. Talk to Victoria, and tell her that you’ll try to have Eglandaer arrested. Pick-pocket her and steal her amulet, then take it to the Watch Commander. After that, had back to the elf and watch him get arrested. Head back to Victoria after this

Fire! Fire! Fire!
Head to the pier south of the Cyseal’s entrance game (where you originally entered the city from). There will be a burning ship here. This is a timed quest, so you’ll need to act fast. Have your wizard cast a Rain spell on the ship. Once you’ve put out the fire, people will start to thank you and the quest will be done.

Shipless Sailors
After the orcs attack, there will be three sailors whose ships will be destroyed. They’ll ask you for some help. In order to help them, head to the market and talk to Captain Jack standing next to the fountain. Tell him about the fellows needing employment, and he’ll accept to recruit them.

Head back and tell them of the good news. Once you do this simple sidequest will be over.

The Fish Thief
Head to the market above the docks, and you’ll encounter a man who wants to “borrow” a fish while the merchant is absent. You can try and convince him not to take it, or let him steal it.

If he does steal it, a guard will come and inquire about what he did. You can either choose to lie about it or tell the truth, in which case the guy will go to prison and the quest will be complete.

The Apprentice of Stone
Head to Evelyn the healer at the clinic close to the markets and she’ll ask you to decide which one of the patients she should heal with her magic stone. You can either choose Steave – an old man with many grandchildren, or Boris – a young man with a knack for business.

Choose either one and you’ll earn a small reward.

Legionnaires at the Church
Speak to Aureus the watch commander and he’ll tell you of a unit of soldiers he sent to the church, who have not reported back. Leave the city through the eastern gate and follow the road to the ruins.

There are two undead here who are actually a part of the unit. Return back and inform Aureus about this to complete the quest.

Tom the Wannabe Adventurer
Talk to Charlene on the first floor of Cecil’s office to learn about her missing brother who wanted to be an adventurer. While doing The Fabulous Five quest, you can find Tom’s corpse in the same area where you fight the robot, in the northern part. Search his body for the journal, and return to Charlene.

You can either tell her the truth, which she will find hard to accept, or lie to her about it. Either way, the quest will be completed.

The Grieving Orc
Head to the eastern beach and you’ll find an orc who tells you about his deceased brother. He buried him along with his goods somewhere. If you wish, you can decide to become greedy and dig out the goods that were buried.

You’ll need a spade to dig the grave, but first, you’ll need to identify which one is the brother’s. You can persuade the orc to tell you. The grave is located on the puddle to the left of the orc, but you’ll need to be quite good at spotting it.

Once you start digging up the grave, the orc will attack you. You’ll have to kill him, after which you can loot the brother’s grave, and pat yourself on the back for your unethical behavior.

The Philosopher
Head to the graveyard in the northwestern part of the city, and dig up the grave of Nemris. A ghost will appear and will want to test you with the knowledge that he authored.

The correct answers are options: 2, 2, 1.

Giving the correct answers will give you experience and a chest.

Little Bo Berta Lost her Sheep
For this quest, you’ll need a spade, which can be found in the graveyard. Head to the market and talk to Berta, who will ask you to find her sheep.

Head to the northwestern graveyard in the city and dig the grave of Jake.

You’ll end up finding a coffin with the carcass of a sheep. Return to Berta, who will then inform the watch commander, completing this quest.

Charmed I’m Sure
From the main entrance of Cyseal, turn right and head to the warehouse. Inside you’ll encounter an orc and two soldiers. Apparently, this orc is under the effect of a love potion on one of the soldiers.

One of the soldiers wishes to dispose of her, while the other believes this is destiny. It’s up to you to decide what to do with the orc here.

The Preacher of Earthly Delights
Head to the graveyard north of Cyseal next to the church. You’ll meet a ghost here who is reluctant to go to the Halls of Echoes. He’ll also tell you about a cat called Oscar.

That cat is actually Sam, who you may have pulled favors for in the Kitty Love sidequest. Sam will inform you of the ghost’s problems once you visit him in the King Crab’s tavern (you’ll need the Pet Pal talent for this).

Head back to the ghost. You have a choice: you can either leave him alone or force him to go to the Halls of Echoes. If you choose the former, you’ll get lots of experience and a chest.

If you choose to force him, additional ghosts will try to attack you – you’ll get lesser experience from completing the quest, but ‘killing’ the ghosts will also give you XP.

The Legionnaire’s Will
There is a ghost in the mill near the church who asks you to travel and give his testimony to his wife. You have to travel to Silverglen in the north to get there, which involves going through a forest. You can return the testimony to his wife.

Take the road to the right from the wastelands up north. Head through the forest, and you’ll spot a sign – when you do, turn left. This will lead you to Silverglen village. Enter it, and find Marisa in the tavern and hand her the testimony.

However, you can show a lack of empathy and open the testimony (something the ghost asks you not to do), and alter it so you benefit from it.

Luculla Forest and Hiberhiem

Goblin Trouble
Lawrence of Silverglade has told you that goblins have managed to capture the mines in the north. Head west and then northeast to find the mines.

You’ll know you’re going on the right path if you manage to encounter goblins along the way – they’ll be drunk and sleeping, so you can choose to wake them up and fight the entire group, or you can simply sneak past them if possible.

The mine entrance will be guarded by cultists working with the goblins, and they’ll attack you as you approach. Defeat these foes and enter the mines. Once inside the mines, you’ll need to find Dereksis, who is being held in a holding cell. You need to kill the goblins here and take his head to Lawrence. Open the door with the lever close to the grates, and kill them and take his head.

The Troll’s Bounty
Brandon is staying at Silverglade near the tavern, and you can talk to him to initiate a quest in which you need to recover tenebrism, guarded in bulks by the Troll King.

For this quest, make sure you have the invisibility spell to make it a lot easier for you to acquire tenebrism. You should also be at a decent level of around 15 while attempting this quest.

Exit the area through the northern gate, and head northwards. Cross the bridge and you’ll eventually be in a desert. From here, head eastwards to find Maradino’s hideout.

It’s located near the Spider Queen, with the NPC Frederick standing next to it. It’s also covered in brush and has a tree near it, so make sure you’re looking for these signs.

Go to the lower areas until you reach a region where there are plenty of fruits. Here you need to start digging for the Study Key. Head back to the beginning of the area and open the study room.

There are two things here of importance: a book that opens a hidden passage to an area from where you can acquire a blood gem to heal Frederick (this will be needed for Frederick’s Blood Stone quest), and a book called Maradino’s Files.

Keep the blood gem safe for now if you actually do acquire it.

Leave the cave now and you’ll eventually be encountered by Maradino’s ghost and his companions. Have a couple of party members deal with the companions, while the remaining attack Maradino.

As with most bosses, he will revive those ghosts, so make sure you are chipping away at his health as well while attacking the ghosts. Maradino has a lot of health, and the best way to get him is by freezing him, knocking him down, and then setting him on fire.

Once he’s finished, return to the city, then go through the western exit, all the way to the bottom of the map.

You should actually manage to find a troll if you are going in the right path, who you can convince to tell you the location of the Troll King.

Afterward, you will also meet a couple of orcs – a male and a female.

The female here will summon additional powerful orcs, so before she does so make sure you disrupt her and take her out as quickly as possible. Knock her down and unleash everything you can on her, and once she’s dealt with for good, focus on the remaining foe.

Head across the bridge to the right after dealing with them, and use the book you found in the mushroom circles. Enter the cave after this, and you’ll eventually encounter the Troll King and his companions.

These guys are very tough, but you don’t actually have to fight them if you have invisibility or sneaking.

Cross the chambers with that person while sneaking or being invisible, and head to the spot where you have to mine tenembrium from. You’ll need to extract around 10 ingots and take them back to Brandon. Once you do, this quest will finally be over.

The Naked Truth
Immediately after finishing The Troll’s Bounty quest, Brandon will tell you about Lawrence’s poor decision to send the miners to the mines despite knowing about the risks.

You have a choice now to either go talk to Lawrence, or you can talk to Nadia, whose husband died in the mines incident.

If you go the Lawrence, he will attempt to bribe you, and if you don’t accept the bribe your reputation will go down. However, you can actually accept the bribe yet still go to Nadia and tell her what Lawrence did.

If you do so, she’ll demand proper hard proof to expose him.

The proof can be found during the main quest “Investigating the Mine”, in which you will find the Mining Officer’s Letter. If you managed to acquire that, hand it over to Nadia, who will then go and confront Lawrence.

Lawrence will now try to bribe her as well. You can either convince her to take the bribe or tell her to expose him to the public. If you do the latter, she will go outside and start shouting out, after which the public will gather up.

You can either let them kill him on the spot or let him go. If you do the latter, you will find his dead body in Cyseal, and justice will be served either way.

Fredrick’s Blood Stone / Slave and Master
During the Troll’s Bounty sidequest, you will come across Fredrick. He will tell you that he’d been pushed off the cliff by his own imp and that he needs to be healed.

You need to enter the cave here and find the blood gem to heal Fredrick.

Head into the cave (see the Troll’s Bounty quest) and you’ll eventually encounter the Imp. Talk to him and convince him to go to his master, and he’ll refuse. You need to create a potion of valor for the imp to force him to go to his master.

In order to do so, head further down the cave and you’ll come across an area with lots of fruits. You need to collect an apple and a pumpkin and mix them to form the potion required.

Check the content of the Troll’s Bounty quest above to find out how to acquire the Study Key and eventually to the study. You need to collect Maradino’s book which will grant you access to a hidden chamber, which contains the blood gem.

Once you are on your way back, you will encounter Maradino’s after you exit the cave. Refer to the Troll’s Bounty quest to find out how you should defeat him. After dealing with Maradino, give the blood gem to Fredrick and the potion of valor to the Imp.

Once you give Fredrick the gem, he will go ape-shit and attack you. Beat the hell out of him till he dies to complete the two related quests.

Minor Side Quests

An A-mount of Healing Magic
West of Silverglen is an NPC named Bjorn, and his poor horse is wounded badly. You can either help escort Bjorn, leaving the poor animal to die, or help it with some powerful healing magic. Of course, most of us will choose the latter.

Luckily, after you finish The Initiation main quest, you can find a blood gem in Loic’s study room that can be used to save the creature. However, you’ll lose one of your rooms at the home location by doing so.

Once you have healed the animal, you will have to escort them to the village. During the escort, there’s a chance that one of them will die. If the man dies, the woman becomes the smith in the village.

If the animal dies, the man will become the smith but he will not be happy. Try and keep them alive so they can be happy together.

Bicky the Bomber
Head to the tavern and go to the upper floor. You’ll notice that Bonnie has been trapped inside one of the rooms with a kamikaze skeleton.

During the conversation with him, you need to select the second option, which will allow you to teleport and take him to another chamber. If he does blow up and kill the girl, you won’t receive any kind of experience for this quest – consider it a failure.

The Captive in the Crystals
In east Hiberheim in the frozen regions, there is a frozen troll. You can unfreeze him by casting a spell over him, and you’ll eventually be attacked by two snowmen. After defeating the snowmen, the troll will ask you to bring a teleportation scroll.

You can either do that or just fight him. If you choose to bring him the scroll, he will join a cultist group that lurks around in this land.

There are additional frozen characters you can find here.

To the north is a frozen ice elemental, who will inform you about the secret ring of winter that you can acquire in Boreas’s treasure chamber during the quest for The Wishing Brother in Cyseal.

To the south is an earth elemental, which you can unfreeze. He won’t help you out much, but he’ll be quite pleased with the favor.

Beauty and the Beast
Under the exit from Silverglade, you’ll find a troll named Fumble. Apparently, he wants you to set him up with a girl in the village. Head back and find a woman named Ruby.

She’ll demand 2000 Gold for the “services”, and once you give that amount to her, you can meet them up back where Fumble was to finish the quest.

Roy’s Menagere’s
Head behind the goblin village in Luculla Forest to find a guy named Roy taking animals for slaughtering. Your goal is to stop him from doing so. You can either convince Roy of letting them go for free, buy them from him, or simply kill him.

Whichever way you choose, once the animals are at your disposal you need to decide whether to take them back to Cyseal or set them free. If you choose the latter, you’ll need to have the Pet Pal talent to talk to them.

Dark Forest

The King’s Dark Deal
After you have encountered and met Jahan, during the journeys he will tell you of a demon that he wishes to kill. The demon’s name is Balberith, and he is encountered in the Dark Forest.

You can only find Balberith while performing the “Follow the Wizard” main quest.

When you confront him, you are given three choices. The first choice is to hand over Jahan to the demon, in which case he’ll turn him into a Cyclops and use him for performing his deeds.

The second option is to kill another demon for him. If you choose this option, Jahan won’t be pleased with it, even though it will finish this quest. The final option is the most obvious one: to help Jahan slay the demon.

If you receive and accept the proposal of killing another demon for Balberith, you will have to go to the northern part of the map between the ruins.

You’ll encounter this fire demon, who will also have minions that will expose. Take care of them first, and utilize your hydrosophage spells to take care of the demon. Once it is dead, the quest will be completed.

If you choose to fight and slay Balberith, you’ll have to prepare for a grueling fight. The demon will summon four souls that give him a huge amount of resistance to almost all kinds of damage.

The demon will also heal himself during this process. In order to go forward with this battle, you’ll need to have a couple of party members dealing with Balberith, while the rest attempt to destroy the souls.

Balberith will also summon Cyclops to fight beside him, so make sure you take care of them as well.

Once the souls are destroyed, Balberith will become much more aggressive with his assault, but he’ll also lose all his resistance and take damage properly.

The pace of the battle will pick up from here, but you should still be wary of him and take necessary defensive measures.

Revenge of the Source Hunter
Madora the companion will tell you her story in which she was responsible for a village called Hunter’s Edge. Unfortunately, the orcs came and destroyed the village, and though Madora could do little to save the place, she has promised revenge for what happened and now asks for your aid.

You will need to go to the Hunter’s Edge and go into the tavern there. Head upstairs and you will find an orc called Norak who has massacred a number of people there. This is the time for Madora’s revenge, and you should help her.

The orc is freakishly strong with melee attacks, so the best way to deal with him is to slow him down and prevent him from getting close to you, especially if you have mages at your party. Freeze him or knock him down, and just unleash whatever you can. He doesn’t have that much health, so he should be easy to deal with as long as he doesn’t get within melee range.

Once the orc is dead, Madora will have her revenge and the quest will be completed.

Distill My Heart
Meet the bartender named Hershel in the tavern, and he’ll tell you that he plans to make a strong whiskey drink for the orcs to reduce their efficiency during fights.

He wants your help in the matter and will be delighted if you could make it for him. In order to start off with this side quest, you’ll need three things: a recipe, a bucket, and barley.

  • The recipe can be found in Glen’s house. Check the basement and you should be able to grab it easily.
  • You’ll find buckets all over the city, so that shouldn’t be anything difficult.
  • Barley can be found outside the city, just near the exit.

Once you have all three of these, you need to refine them. Find a well and use the bucket to acquire some water. One well is located near the entrance to the city. After that, head to the mill (located near the well) and grind the barley. Once you have ground it, merge it with the bucket of water to get wort.

You need to process this wort using a pot still, which can be found in Glen’s house. You’ll receive a barrel in the end, but you need to ferment it for a long time in order to make it strong.

For this, you’ll need to go to the End of Time and give the barrel to the imp there. He will change it to a thirteen-year-old whiskey, which should be strong enough for Hershel’s needs.

Head back to Hershel and give him the barrel, and the quest will end.

Minor Side Quests

For Whom the Troll Tolls
After entering the Dark Forest from the south, you’ll spot a troll on a bridge arguing with a slave commander. Head over there and investigate what’s happening. Getting close will actually leave you in a strange position – you have to either pay for everyone or fight them all.

Either way, you will acquire a medallion from the commander (he will give it to you if you pay, or you could just loot his corpse after you kill him). This medallion will come in handy when you have to enter the city.

Infiltrating Hunter’s Edge
Near the entrance of Hunter’s Edge, you’ll encounter an undead mage called Hortun. He’ll warn you that in order to enter the village, you need to win a game of rock, paper, scissors with the watch guard, or find a medallion to show to him.

If you did the previous side-quest “For Whom the Troll Tolls”, you’ll acquire the medallion from the slave commander. Show it to the watch guard and enter the city to end this rather simple quest.

The Armory Key
An orc named Gural will tell you that he has lost his keys to the armory, and asks for your help to find them.

The key itself is actually hidden in Hershel the bartender’s chest. The chest is located in the basement of the tavern and has his name engraved on it.

You need to either convince him to give you the give with strong charm and charisma abilities, or simply break the chest. Once you acquire the key, you can either give it to the orc or give it to her boss.

If you do the latter, she’ll be pleased, but she will kill the orc.

Haider is a freelance contributor, who loves video games, playing guitar, and aviation. He is a competitive FPS player and also enjoys exotic RPG games like Diablo and Xenogears (his favorite game of all time) ...